VICE-RECTORATE OF INTERNATIONALIZATIONINTERNATIONAL PROJECTS VOLVER RETURN TO HOME PAGEINTERNATIONALISATION STRATEGIESLIST OF SERVICES FROM THE INTERNATIONAL UNITS OF THE UFVNETWORKSPARTNER UNIVERSITIESINTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTSPROCEDURESCONTACTNEWSLETTERInternational ProjectsINTERNATIONAL ALUMNIUFV International Alumni is the network of foreign students who have carried out an academic mobility exchange, either bilateral or Erasmus +, with the UFV and who have returned to their countries. It is also aimed at Spanish UFV students and alumni who have participated in the Buddy Program, the Intercultural Program or the Acting Workshop throughout their time at our university.INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMThe UFV academic offer is expanded for our international students, offering a program with specially designed subjects with an international orientation. International students must apply for these subjects when applying online. This program is taught entirely in English by teachers with extensive international experience.ERASMUS +The Erasmus program, which currently runs until 2027, is not just for students. Seven previous programs have been merged into it and offers opportunities to a wide variety of people and organizations… ”.