I International Meeting

Society of 21st century is immersed in the effervescence of change. Although it seems that we are facing a new paradigm, change is inherent in our lives, teams, organizations and around the world. As Heraclitus said, “The only permanent thing is change”. Any change, permanent partner in our trip, needs to build transformer spaces to reach the desired destination. Spaces where active listening is present, learning is produced in a continuous deployment, decision making is conscient and, finally, people understand who they are and what they are called to be.

This meeting aims to show different transformer spaces, with active listening as common background. Active listening means the attitude of meeting the person, accepting him/her and internalizing what the person says (and does not say). It requires trust, humility, humanity, respect, full presence and silence inside us for being able to listen the other. By listening in active manner we are opening the door to a greater capacity to learn, to the making of effective decisions…ultimately to being.

We invite you to live an experience of meaningful discoveries and learnings, building together a common transformer space.

The goal of the Meeting is visualizing transformer spaces under different perspectives. These spaces develop active listening and full presence to expand learning aptitudes, to improve decision making and to enable the being at different levels: person, team, organization and (why not) society.

The meeting will be also a transforming place, where speakers and audience will cocreate their own space.

The Meeting is orientated to professionals, companies and professors.



Corine Jansen 1 121x161 1 TRANSFORMING SPACES Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid
Corine Jansen

Chief Listening Officer (CLO). Member of International Listening Association (ILA)

I am a listener and a listening advocate. I collect and use narratives as a quality instrument for strategic decision-making processes in (health) care. My company offers lectures, training, assessments and one-to-one coaching in Listening for corporate companies. In 2009 I became the first Chief Listening Officer in Europe at the Radboud University Medical Hospital in the Netherlands. I am the co-founder of the ‘Nederland-Luistert’ movement as a partner of the ListenFirst project.

Jorge Brandao TRANSFORMING SPACES Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid
Jorge Brandão

Vice-president of International Balint Federation.

Jorge Brandão, age 66. Family doctor in the Portuguese National Health Service between 1983 and 2018. Presently retired, only working in the private practice sector. Started as member of a Balint Group in Lisbon in 1984. Started as facilitator of Balint Groups for family doctors and nurses, mainly trainees, in 1994. Founder and member of the Board of the Portuguese Association of Balint Groups. Vice President of the Portuguese Association of General and Family Medicine. Vice President of the International Balint Federation.

Maria Lorente TRANSFORMING SPACES Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid
María Lorente

Co-founder of Mindful Leading Institute.

María develops her professional career as organizational consultant (transformation, change and leadership development) and integral executive coach, contributing her previous experience as a manager in Refining & Marketing of BP Oil and BP International. She is passionate about maximizing people and organizations development, creating learning spaces that allow teams to maintain the focus on achieving objectives. María has headed complex and multicultural environments, managing multi-stakeholder projects. Expert in facilitating interactions to improve performance, she provides systemic perspective, observation, reflection and creativity to redefine complexity.

Gabriela Infer TRANSFORMING SPACES Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid
Gabriela Infer

Manager of Transform Action.

Cultural Transformation Tools practitioner, CTT Global Trainer of Barrett Values Centre. Since 2007, member of Global CTT Community (presence in 70 countries). She has implemented Processes of Cultural Transformation in companies in Spain and Latin America. Education in Marketing and Business Management with high multicultural experience. Es Transpersonal Coach Facilitator by Human Excellence Institute and Blue Hat certificated by De Bono

Tirso Esteve TRANSFORMING SPACES Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid
Tirso Esteve

Independent Human Resources profesional. Accompanist in professional and personal development.

Tirso Esteve was born in Binéfar (Huesca, Spain). He studied agriculture and, after having different jobs, worked as director of communication. Since he was 20, Tirso has been trained in different methods of personal and spiritual growth in Spain, France and Latin America. Finally, he decided to leave the traditional company to dedicate himself to personal and business support and growth. His main goal is to make life something easy.

Xavier Jané TRANSFORMING SPACES Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid
Xavier Jané

Member of Coperfield for Social Good.

I love practising sports, sharing time and experiences with friends and, above all, learning. When I am not doing any of these things, I design, facilitate and accompany transformer/changing processes in organizations, especially in education. I have a past as economist, entrepreneur and multinational manager. I have lived in Great Britain, Amsterdam, and the USA. I have been trained in Coaching, PNL, Systemic Interventions and Facilitation.

Armin Kruger 145x161 1 TRANSFORMING SPACES Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid
Armin Kruger

Founder and main facilitator of Alto Rendimiento

He has turned his explorer curiosity, his urge to question the status quo and his need to materialize the collective consciousness into tangible results into his profession. Graduated in one of the first multi-country programs of European Business Sciences, he has worked in different executive positions, as he discovered the wide world of personal development, experiential training (outdoor) and graphic facilitation. In 1996, he created Alto Rendimiento company, focusing on teams development strategic visioning and organizational culture change programs. He has been putting his skill as a provocative, empathetic and pragmatic facilitator at the service of a hundred organizations in 4 continents and 5 languages for more than 20 years.

Natalia Marquez 2 TRANSFORMING SPACES Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid
Natalia Márquez Amilibia

IDDI Managing Director at Francisco de Vitoria University.

Natalia is Executive Coach, Supervisor and Trainer. Natalia has led the design of several programmes aiming at generating a new business vision from innovation, value creation for companies, cultural and organizational change, transformational leadership and coaching. She has been MD of European Business School, MD of EUROFORUM Escorial, and Director of “MIddle-size companies development project” in Latin America. She has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Universidad Autónoma Madrid and from the International Institute of Boston.

Agustina Jutard 121x161 1 TRANSFORMING SPACES Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid
Agustina Jutard

Manager of Habilidades y Competencias de la Persona (HCP)

Licentiate in Political Science and International Relations from Universidad Católica Argentina. Master’s degree in Political Action from Francisco de Vitoria University. Master’s degree in Humanities from Francisco de Vitoria University. Manager, lecturer and mentor of “Habilidades y Competencias de la Persona” (HCP) at Francisco de Vitoria University. Manager of Francisco de Vitoria Residential College. Certificate of Dialogic Coaching, by Instituto de Desarrollo Directivo Integral (IDDI).

Patricia Castaño 161x161 1 TRANSFORMING SPACES Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid
Patricia Castaño

Coordinator of Habilidades y Competencias de la Persona (HCP).

Patricia is licentiate in Psychology from Complutense University (Madrid). She has a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from Luria Group and a master’s degree in Humanities from Francisco de Vitoria University. She is founding partner of AVANCE centre, where she was manager of Infant-Young division. She coordinates the subjects “Habilidades y Competencias de la Persona” (HCP) and “Habilidades y Competencias para el Liderazgo” at Francisco de Vitoria University. She is certificated in Dialogic Coaching by Instituto de Desarrollo Directivo Integral (IDDI).


FOTO Stephanie Zweifel2 161x161 1 TRANSFORMING SPACES Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid
Stephanie Zweifel

Corporate Director Fundación máshumano

Background in a Double Major in Economics Business Administration and International Studies by St. Thomas University (Houston, Texas). Executive master’s in business administration by Instituto de Empresa in Madrid, Spain. Worked 7 years in DHL Worldwide Express as Operations Director for Latin America in Fort Lauderdale (Miami, USA). She worked also as Human Resources Director in DHL Worlwide Express and Grupo Vips in Madrid. She actually works in Fundación máshumano for 7 years as Corporate Director of national and international enterprises, whose mission is to humanize organizations in order to change their processes and put their people in the center of their strategy


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    21th NOVEMBER, 2018

    Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. Hall. Builiding H

    9:00-15:00 horas

    • Entrance fee: Free. Inscription will be available from 15th October
    • Capacity initially limited to first 220 participation requests.
    • Registration available until 19th November


    9:00-9:30Welcome and audience reception

    9:40-10:40Introduction and brief presentation of speaker’s labor and workshop.

    10:50-12:00Round-table discussion. Interaction of spaces with questions.


    12:50-14:00Experiental Pills: Each speaker will lead an experiential workshop

    14:10-14:40Putting in common learnings and meaningful discoveries



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