The transformative meaning of listening in the canvases of future horizons: how can listening help us face new challenges?
Location: Campus UFV* and ONLINE
Date: 14 / 12 / 2022
Time: 11:30 – 18:30
*Fish tank of the H Building of the University Francisco de Vitoria (Road from Pozuelo to Majadahonda km. 1.800. Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid 28223). Other rooms in the same Building H will be used for the workshops.
People may think of themselves as good listeners without knowing whether they are really good listeners. Generally speaking, listening is an area of great relevance in personal relationships, leadership, coaching, and education, but we may not ask ourselves this question for a variety of reasons.
Listening and all that it entails may seem simple to approach, and not listening does not seem socially correct, but have we considered our conceptions of listening? What does listening mean? Is listening to the same as hearing? How do I listen? What noises may be blocking my listening? What factors facilitate it? How do I relate to silence? Why do I listen? How can listening help us to face new challenges that we cannot yet imagine will arise on the horizon?
The III International Listening Meeting is aimed at leaders, human resources and corporate culture professionals, educators, students, and health professionals, and for those for whom listening is part of their work methodology or who may be interested in improving this ability.
UFV experts and guest speakers will discuss trends and models from other leading countries in this practice. One of these trends is the figure of the CLO, or Chief Listening Officer, a role that is emerging as a new member of the different departments of the organization that helps to improve the functioning of companies.
In addition, international trends will be analyzed with leading experts in this field and the lessons learned from the pandemic period, after which a good scenario for the cultivation of listening emerged. The world came to a standstill, and the need to listen, together with the revision of the conceptions of listening, emerged as a demand. It seemed that humanity was listening to itself from another place and that lessons were being learned that would lead us to greater sustainability as a collective. Consuelo Valbuena, director of the Centre for Active Listening at the Francisco de Vitoria University states that “active listening is essential in various contexts of organizations, and the relationships between people and teams, and its power to influence human beings is recognized and widely applied”. This conference is a great opportunity to continue to deepen the value of listening to us, and to find the keys to the transforming meaning of listening in the canvases of future horizons”.
This meeting aims to advance in the approach of these and other keys about listening and its transformative power, as well as to deepen in resonant experiences that allow us to generate learning, discoveries, and actions that make it possible to deploy listening in our daily lives and allow us to build present for a resilient, sustainable, compassionate and hopeful future.
Participants will be able to learn to abandon old conceptions of listening with techniques to dare to think about listening from a different perspective, for the benefit of their leadership, relationships, or the accompaniment and education of others.
- 11:30-12:00 Welcome and Reception of attendees.
- 12:00-12:10 Opening of the Meeting.
- 12:10-13:20 Round table. Interaction of spaces with challenging questions.
- 13:30-14:45 Experiential workshops. Co-created experiences and experiences.
- 14:45-15:00 Farewell and Closing (Learnings, Discoveries, and Actions).
- 15:30-18:30 Feedforwad Workshop (Avi Kluger).

Corine Jansen
Chief Listening Officer (CLO)

Xavier Jané
Coach y Facilitador de procesos de transformación.

Prof. Avi Kluger
Hebrew University Business School.

Frank Nesi
Corine Jansen
Chief Listening Officer (CLO)
Corine (1968) believes that Narrative Listening allows us to slow down, deepen and pay critical attention to the stories people share. Corine prefers to listen WITH people and not TO people. That, to her, is an ethical choice: a way of listening that flattens hierarchy and transcends boundaries. She wants to create an environment that “only” includes our humanity. She is specialized in conversing with people in a non-directive way of speaking. For the past thirteen years, I have been trained to listen to both content and form, to be aware of genre, diction, metaphor, time and space, tone and mood to follow complex stories as they are told.”
Corine studied Communication and Technical Business and has been active nationally and internationally in the listening field since 2009. She started as Chief Listening Officer at an academic medical hospital in The Netherlands. Corine currently works, trains, and lectures for various organizations and institutes.
She did her training ‘What is your story?’ at Narativ Inc in London.
Xavier Jané
Coach y Facilitador de procesos de transformación.
In the first part of my life, I studied economics and as an entrepreneur I dedicated myself to creating and developing technology and marketing businesses in Europe and America, living in different countries such as Great Britain, Holland, and the United States. I love traveling and learning about different cultures and for 15 years that was a big part of my life.
From 2004 onwards, back home, I dedicated myself to discovering myself by studying Coaching and NLP, as well as Transactional Analysis, Constellations, and Systemic Interventions.
Today I collaborate as an associate professor in Leadership, Organisational Change, and Executive Coaching in different business schools (ESADE, EADA), as well as being the director of the consultancy Click to Be.
I believe in people and their capacity for change as the starting point for any social and organizational change.
Prof. Avi Kluger
Hebrew University Business School.
Avraham Natan (Avi) Kluger is the firstborn of parents who survived the Holocaust. He is a professor of Organizational Behavior at the Hebrew University Business School (HUBS), Jerusalem, Israel. In his research, Prof. Kluger has demonstrated that even positive feedback can be detrimental to performance. This research (with Angelo DeNisi) was recognized in 1996 as the Outstanding Paper in Organizational Behavior by the Academy of Management and received the first William A. Owens Scholarly Achievement Award for the best publication (1996) by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Further, his research on feedback sign (with Dina Van-Dijk) received the 2009 Award for Best Competitive Paper by the Organizational Behavior Division of the Academy of Management. Given the dangers of feedback, which he defines as telling others something about their performance or behavior, he became interested in what happens when people choose to listen to others instead. He has developed several listening tools, including the “Feedforward Interview” (with Dina Nir) as a substitute for performance appraisal. This approach was covered in the Chicago Tribute and the Financial Times. He now pursues questions about effective listening academically and as a trainer, teaching people from diverse cultures to listen to one another. His published research has shown that listening reduces attitude extremity (with Guy Itzchakov), but individual differences prevent some speakers from benefiting from listening (with Dotan Castro). He is planning to complete a meta-analytical review of the effects of listening on job outcomes in 2023. For details about this work, see his 2015 TEDx talk, a 2018 publication in the Harvard Business Review, and a 2022 review in the Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior.
Prof. Kluger has consulted on statistics, feedback, feedforward, and listening to a multitude of organizations, including USA companies: AT&T (1986-1991); Philips Lighting Company (1992); European companies: SHL (London, Rome, 2007-2010); Ericson (Rome, 2010); Previa (Stockholm, 2014); Achmea (Istanbul, Paris, 2017), Banca Farmafactoring (2020); and Israeli Organizations: The Israeli Police (1995), Israel Defense Forces (1994), Bank Leumi (1995), SodaStream (2009-2010), Lumus (2018-2019), Siemens (2021), and many more.
He finds his work on listening as a response to the atrocities his family experienced and a contribution to his healing process.
Frank Nesi
Cultivating relationships with others is something that makes me grow and live more fully. That is why I am passionate about my work. I facilitate transformational change and leadership processes. I am a co-active coach (Co-Active Training Institute), certified by the ICF, and a Theory U practitioner (Presencing Institute / MIT). With more than 20 years of experience within an FMCG multinational, I have managed organizational change and improvement projects in the UK, France, Belgium, Portugal, and Spain. I have also trained in business management (MBA) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and McGill University.
Time: 13:30 - 14:45 horas
Simultaneous and face to face
Avi Kluger
In this workshop, I invite you to taste the pleasure of being listened to and listening to others with games and exercises. You will be invited to a series of exercises in which you speak and listen in turns in a way that creates excellent (or sometimes poor) listening.
After learning to mirror the hand movement of another person without talking, you will share simple stories about your names and hobbies with different partners to practice using stories to create a listening atmosphere. Next, you will be invited to talk to a listener who cannot answer but only acknowledge listening nonverbally.
Then, I will challenge some of you to speak to a listener who asks irrelevant questions and some of you to listen to someone who is telling a boring story yet trying to ask questions that uncover its meaning. Last, all will be invited to reflect on what they learned using the methodology of Listening Circle (also known as the Council).
How do we listen when we say we listen?
Frank Nesi
We have probably already reflected on listening.
Listening is a cornerstone of how we relate and collaborate with others and the impact it has on how we think and act.
OK, let’s roll up our sleeves and look again.
Through experience.
How do we listen when we say we listen?
What are our blind spots, what are the things that make our listening to each other less than full and generous?
What happens to us when we feel listened to?
And what things vibrate in us when we manage to listen and even more so when we feel listened to?
We will have a little more than an hour to enter into an experience that will allow us to shed a little – if only a little – more light on these questions. In this way, we will be able to raise a concern that will lead us to refine the practice of active listening in our daily lives ….. and that will ultimately have an impact on how we relate, collaborate, think and act.
A culture of inclusion and diversity starts with Listening
Corine Jansen
Diversity means variety. It’s not about visible characteristics such as age, gender, skin color, disability, origin, or sexual orientation. Parts do not necessarily say anything about diversity. Diversity is the mentality and willingness to want to see and listen to each other. You are listening to what something means to someone else. If you wish to implement diversity in society, opening up to the other person is the key. It is a pitfall to limit diversity to boxes.
LISTENING and BELIEFS: we hear what we expect to hear.
Xavier Jané
How our belief system determines our interpretations.
We will explore what our listening limitations are.
Time: 15:30 - 18:30 horas
Face to face
Avi Kluger
I invited you to experience and learn to use the Feedforward Interview (FFI; Kluger & Nir, 2010). The FFI provides a means to openly discuss and analyze behavior and performance that led to flourishing and excellence in a collaborative and empowering rather than a hierarchical and judgmental manner. In learning the FFI, you will share a success story (about your studies, work, or relationships) and systematically discover the conditions that facilitated your peak performance. You will be challenged to recreate the just-discovered conditions enabling optimal performance.
Reflecting upon the conditions enabling optimal performance may benefit you while also addressing the needs of others. In parallel, the FFI will enhance your knowledge of the strengths and the conditions, enabling the top performance of others (Kluger & Nir, 2010). These conditions may give you additional clues about improving your contributions to optimal performance.
The FFI is versatile. It can be used as (a) an intervention preceding feedback to reduce the resistance to feedback, (b) a replacement for the feedback intervention, (c) a leadership coaching tool, (d) a means to gain insights about performance from customers, (e) a selection interview, (f) placement interview, (g) a career coaching, and (h) a general tool to enhance well-being. After experiencing several ways in which the FFI can be used, I will briefly review the evidence regarding FFI (Bouskila-Yam & Kluger, 2011; Budworth et al., 2015; Kluger & Van Dijk, 2010; McDowall et al., 2014; Rechter et al., 2022, under preparation). Then, and share ongoing FFI research. Finally, I will challenge you to consider the implications of this meeting for your personal development.
Face-to-face or online