portada master criminalistica ufv University Master’s Degree in Social Doctrine of the Church. Reflection and life Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid
portada master criminalistica ufv movil University Master’s Degree in Social Doctrine of the Church. Reflection and life Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

University Master’s Degree in Social Doctrine of the Church. Reflection and life

Online - in-person by videoconference (two Fridays and two Saturdays per month)

This Master’s Degree seeks to form Christian apostles for today’s world. It enables them to integrate faith and life in the various spheres of national and international society. The entire program is conceived as a dialogue between faith and reason with a view to the evangelization of temporal realities, that is, in the transformation of the spheres of social life in line with the requirements of the Gospel. A transformation that, moreover, today must be carried out in dialogue and cooperation among all, believers and non-believers.

These postgraduate studies rigorously presents the fundamental contents, as well as numerous practical applications of the Social Doctrine of the Church (DSI) in the various areas of social life, such as the family, the economy, politics and culture. The program aims to be rigorous, up-to-date, complete and with a strong practical orientation. The professors are doctors or specialists of up to ten nationalities from various private and public universities in different countries.

The program meets a need for solid formation in DSI, targeting Christians with family, social and professional responsibilities, with multiple forms of civil participation and leadership, who need to deepen their understanding of social issues (reflection) and their link to concrete realities (life), in order to acquire skills that will help them develop their functions and concrete tasks in accordance with the principles and criteria of DSI

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    Online – in-person by videoconference (two Fridays and two Saturdays per month
    September 6, 2024
    24 months
    UFV’s Own Degree
    Diploma from Universidad Anáuac (Mexico)
    University Master’s Degree from UFT (Chile)



    University professionals with a university degree in any area of knowledge:
    Businessmen, politicians, social leaders, educators, priests, consecrated persons, health professionals, parents, religious teachers and those interested in social problems.


    Any university graduate who feels challenged by social problems and seeks to respond to them from a Christian orientation. Among the recipients of the program:

    • Catholics interested in the evangelization of their environment and society
    • Pastoral agents
    • Businessmen, politicians, social and cultural agents and leaders, NGO leaders, public managers, communicators and artists
    • Doctors and other professionals in the life and health sciences or Teachers in schools and universities (civil and ecclesiastical)
    • Believers of other Christian confessions sensitive to social problems
    1. Because as aninter-university master’s degree, it allows you to come into contact with 50 professors from 12 centers and universities and 10 nationalities, and to create networks with students from different countries and backgrounds. In addition, you will obtain an official academic degree from the Universidad Finis Terrae, an own degree from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria and a diploma from the Universidad Anáhuac México.
    2. Because as a online – in-person by videoconference master’s degree you will have synchronous classes where you can formulate your concerns directly to the faculty and enrich yourself with the contributions of other classmates, in addition to the advantages of online work.
    3. Because the orientation of the master’s degree is eminently practical and allows you to put into practice, from very early on, the methodological principles studied; as well as to prepare an application project as a final project.
    4. Because this master’s degree is complete and allows you to learn about general topics and particular areas; but it also offers the opportunity to specialize in three optional training itineraries: Person and environment, Social role of private initiative and Public administration and international society

    Emilio Martínez Albesa

    PhD in Ecclesiastical History and American History. Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum

    Miguel Ayuso Torres

    PhD in Law. Universidad Pontificia de Comillas

    Javier De Cendra de Larragán

    PhD in International and European Climate Change Law. Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

    Ana María Yévenes Ramírez

    PhD in Social Sciences. Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome

    Agustín Herrera Fragoso

    PhD in Law. Unesco Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights, Rome

    Claudia Ruíz Sotomayor

    PhD in Bioethics. Loyola University Chicago

    Bernardo Rangel Sada

    PhD in Strategic Management and Development Policies. Universidad Anáhuac de Cancún

    Jorge Joaquín Reyes Iturbide

    University Master’s Degree in Economics and Business. Universidad Anáhuac México

    Pablo López Chaves

    PhD in History. Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.

    Luis Fernando Zayas Satrústegui

    University Degree in Economic Sciences. Universidad de Navarra

    Martha Tarasco Michel

    PhD in Bioethics. Universidad Anáhuac México

    José Carlos Abellán Salort

    PhD in Law. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

    Radoslaw Biernacki

    PhD in Economics. Universidad Finis Terra

    María Elizabeth De los Ríos Uriarte

    PhD in Philosophy. Universidad Anáhuac – Mexico

    Alberto García Gómez

    PhD in Law. Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum

    Alejandro Landero Gutiérrez

    PhD in Government and Public Administration. Anáhuac University Network

    Carlos Lepe Pineda

    University Master’s Degree in Humanities. Universidad Anáhuac México

    José Antonio Retamar Jiménez

    PhD in Law. Universidad de Navarra

    Juan José Pérez-Soba Diez del Corral

    PhD in Theology. John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Science (Rome)

    María Ángeles Martín Rodríguez Ovelleiro

    PhD in Biological Sciences. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

    Lilian Santos

    PhD in Bioethics. Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum.


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