Cabecera Master en Business Analytics Inteligencia Artificial Machine Learning 1 University Master’s Degree in Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid
Cabecera movil Master en Business Analytics Inteligencia Artificial Machine Learning University Master’s Degree in Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

University Master's Degree in Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Powered by SAS

Edition 2025-26

Undoubtedly, data, artificial intelligence and machine learning are becoming increasingly relevant in all business environments, a scenario full of challenges and opportunities is being drawn. Companies are generating an increasing volume of data, capturing billions of bytes of information about their customers, suppliers and operations. Millions of networked sensors are being embedded in the physical world in devices such as cell phones, smart energy meters, automobiles and industrial machines that are ushering in the era of the “Internet of Things” (IoT).

The global economy is in a highly competitive and ever-changing environment that requires economic actors to be able to make informed decisions based on the enormous volume of data they generate and store.
Today’s world is already immersed, inescapably, in the era of Artificial Intelligence.

This implies a digital transformation, on the part of all economic agents, leading us towards the knowledge and information economy, in which the exploitation of large-scale data, the use of multivariate analytical techniques and the incorporation of the results of analysis into business strategy, are having a decisive influence on business decision-making. It is the fusion of several sciences: computer science, statistics and business administration and management. The use of generative AI, with the Chat-GPT use case adds new disruptive elements, surprisingly transforming industries and widely established models.

As a consequence of these changes, the WEF points out that there will be a transformation in the labor market in the coming years that will boost three sectors closely related to Business Analytics: business and financial operations, computer and mathematical and education and training.

The University Master’s Degree responds to the need to train professionals with the global knowledge and skills necessary to accompany the growth and development of organizations and their transformation into Data-Driven Organizations, while answering complex questions such as human-machine interaction, particularly in Artificial Intelligence, especially in terms of ethics and values. Is everything allowed, from a legal point of view? And further, even if it is allowed, is it ethical and responsible, does it maintain the dignity of the human being or does it clash with our fundamental values and principles?

More information

    Basic information regarding the protection of your personal data:
    The responsible for the processing of your data is the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV).
    The purpose of the processing is to respond to your request for information about the undergraduate and graduate programs organized by the UFV, to invite you to open days, information sessions and workshops that may help you make a decision about your studies, to keep you electronically informed about current and future programs that may be of interest to you, and to analyze and segment your educational preferences. The legitimacy of the treatment is the consent of the individual by checking the appropriate boxes. If you provide data of third parties through this form, we inform you that you are obliged to inform the interested party of the content of this clause. The applicant is informed that he/she cannot provide information that identifies third parties without their prior consent.
    You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, restriction of treatment and portability by writing to the General Secretariat of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Ctra. M-515 Pozuelo-Majadahonda Km. 1.800; 28223, Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid), or by sending an e-mail to
    For more information, please visit the website:

    I accept and authorize the processing of my data by the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria in order to receive information about current or future courses or programs, open days, orientation workshops and information sessions, as well as reminders of the same.

    I accept and authorize the processing of my data by the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria for analysis and segmentation in relation to educational preferences, as well as the communication to third parties for this purpose.

    SEPTEMBER 2025
    10 MONTHS
    60 ECTS
    BOOTCAMP:  September 8- 23, 2025 (crash course)
    HOURS: Monday to Thursday from 17 to 21 and  Friday from 16 to 20



    • Want to deepen their understanding of data and its contribution to decision making in an organization. 
    • Understand the value of Artificial Intelligence and the impact of Machine Learning algorithms, and are interested in understanding new trends. 
    • Want to access one of the most demanded professions in today’s market. 
    • Are able to translate large volumes of data into relevant information for business management, by acquiring specific mathematical, statistical and programming knowledge and communication skills,
    • Are aware that AI is the key to business transformation. 


    Applicant Profile

    University graduates from any area of knowledge, interested in developing and/or reorienting their professional career in the field of Business Analytics.

    We are looking for excellent students who, in addition to training and specializing in the field of Business Analytics, want to become people and professionals with international vision, talent, intellectual curiosity, vocation of service, responsibility, oriented to the achievement of the common good of the global society

    Admission Criteria

    Required documentation:

    • University Degree
    • Academic Transcript
    • Curriculum Vitae
    • English Level B2

    In addition, the following will be valued:

    • Other languages from a B2 level
    • Training internships in companies from 150 hours

    Admissions Process

    Start the admission process to the University Master’s Degree 100% online.

    Complete your data and provide the required documentation through our platform.
    To start the process it is not necessary to have completed your undergraduate studies.
    Once the documentation has been validated by the admissions committee, we will assign you an advisor to arrange a personal interview with the programme management.
    If you are admitted, you must pay the reservation fee within fifteen working days of notification of admission to the programme. The amount of the reservation fee will be deducted from the total price to be paid at the time of enrolment.
    The reservation fee will only be refunded in the event that the Master's program is suspended, or if the legal requirements for admission are not met. In the case of international students, when the student does not meet the legal criteria for obtaining a visa.
    In order to enroll in a UFV FDEG University Master's Degree program, the candidate must prove that he/she has completed his/her undergraduate studies 10 days before the start of classes.
    If the student has not completed his or her undergraduate studies by the first day of the month in which classes begin, the UFV will reimburse the amount paid to reserve a place in the University Master's Degree program (subject to official documentation).

    International students:

    Students with a foreign university degree must have their university degree approved at the time of admission. For this purpose, the requirements established by the legislation in force at the time the test is taken must be complied with.

    Universidad Francisco de Vitoria is the University focused on people. For this reason, we value the different circumstances, aptitudes, skills and values of the students who wish to be part of our Institution. 

    Therefore, to pursue your University Master’s Degree studies at the Faculty of Law, Business and Government of the UFV, we offer you a wide range of scholarships and grants that recognize the academic and personal merits of our students, ensuring that financial difficulties are not an obstacle to study with us. 


    We are looking for excellent university graduates with a vocation for service who want to be part of a community of professionals who contribute to and inspire change and the positive transformation of society in the areas of Law, Business and Government.

    If you are Administrative and Service Staff /Teaching Staff or UFV Collaborator. Submit a candidate to the 2024 Call for Applications for the Tomás Moro Scholarships.

    Becas TM 691x1024 University Master’s Degree in Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

    Career Opportunities

    • Data Scientist
    • Data Analyst
    • Business Intelligence Analyst
    • Market Intelligence and Data Visualization Analyst
    • Analytics Manager
    • Code Product Application Manager
    • Analytics Consultant
    • Business Intelligence Engineer
    • Head of Data and Analytics
    • Business Intelligence Partner
    • Corporate and International Development
    • Marketing Data Analyst
    • Operational Excellence Manager
    • Data Engineer Tech
    • Data Governance Specialist
    • Solutions Architect
    Profesor BusinessAnalytics 0011 AFlores 150x150 University Master’s Degree in Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

    Antonio Flores Galea

    CEO of the Global Institute of Advisors

    Profesor BusinessAnalytics 0002 Foto Eva Salas  150x150 University Master’s Degree in Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

    Eva Salas Hortelano

    Tech Manager Business Execution at BBVA

    Profesor BusinessAnalytics 0003 Fernando Garcia Yanez 150x150 University Master’s Degree in Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

    Fernando García-Yáñez

    EMEA Sales Director Telco&ISP @ McAfee

    Profesor BusinessAnalytics 0001 Foto Jose Alberto Rodriguez Portilla 150x150 University Master’s Degree in Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

    José Alberto Rodríguez Portillo

    Bankinter Banking Analytics Project Manager

    Profesor BusinessAnalytics 0008 Pepe Glz Pueyo 150x150 University Master’s Degree in Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

    José González Pueyo

    IT Consultant

    Profesor BusinessAnalytics 0010 Mar Navarro 150x150 University Master’s Degree in Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

    Mar Navarro Labrat

    Customer Value Lead at Eviden

    Profesor BusinessAnalytics 0000 Lola Arellano 150x150 University Master’s Degree in Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

    María Dolores Ortega

    Customer Value Strategy Lead
    at Celonis

    Profesor BusinessAnalytics 0009 Oscar Izquierdo 150x150 University Master’s Degree in Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

    Óscar Izquierdo Pérez

    Partner at RENOVATIO Way to go

    Profesor BusinessAnalytics 0007 Rafael G del Poyo 150x150 University Master’s Degree in Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

    Rafael Emiliano García del Poyo


    Profesor BusinessAnalytics 0006 Rafael Gomez Acebo 150x150 University Master’s Degree in Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

    Rafael Gómez-Acebo Temes

    Head of Technology & Information Systems at Bergé y Compañía

    Profesor BusinessAnalytics 0005 Raul Antolin 150x150 University Master’s Degree in Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

    Raúl Antolín Bravo

    Strategy & Consulting Senior Manager at Accenture

    Profesor BusinessAnalytics 0004 roberto canduela ufv 150x150 University Master’s Degree in Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

    Roberto Canduela Luengo

    Senior Data Scientist

    Javier profesor del Master en Business Analytics 150x150 University Master’s Degree in Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

    Francisco Javier Báñez Arés  

    Telecommunications Engineer and Big Data expert


    We create community from the very beginning, understanding that team involvement is essential to achieve positive results within the group itself.

    To achieve this, we propose an integrated itinerary parallel to the development of the course, in which you can go through different stages and enjoy activities that expand and complement your university Master’s Degree experience, with the aim of getting students to think beyond the simple day-to-day business, the here and now.

    In this journey, the main objective is a radical change of approach, proposing a different and meaningful professional performance.

    September 25-28, 2025

    As a first milestone, you will share with your classmates from your University Master’s Degree and other graduate programs of the Faculty of Law, Business and Government (FDEG) of the UFV several days of the Camino de Santiago, which will include two team coaching sessions


    In order to enhance and reinforce the students’ capacity for work, adaptation and integration, a cross-cutting program has been designed, common to all the on-site Master’s programs of the UFV Faculty of Law, Business and Government, in which, through the business case methodology, you will develop your executive and resolution skills from a multidisciplinary team perspective (collaborative attitude and aptitude). 

    This project will be tutored by professionals from the technology and business sectors, and will be developed throughout the academic year, ending with the integrated presentation of the result of the case before a tribunal formed by members of the faculty and the company or institution that raises it. 


    The student will have the opportunity to receive support sessions through individual and group coaching sessions and professional mentoring provided by professionals in the field of dialogic coaching.  



    We propose a training that, from a deep technical knowledge, addresses the problems and challenges of man, business, technology and the global world in which we live, from the Christian humanism. And for this

    It is the only University Master’s Degree in person that responds to the current need to train professionals with the knowledge and global skills necessary to accompany the growth and development of organizations and their transformation into data-driven companies (Data-Driven Organizations), as well as interested in the transformation that Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can incorporate. 


    Lead the decision making process using analytical tools, AI, and ML, in a rigorous, efficient and reliable way, increasing your value proposition. 

    • You will be able to design a complete solution to a problem, identifying the real need of the company up to the implementation of the final product. 
    • You will understand and apply the use of disruptive technologies to scale your company based on permanent innovation. 
    • You will analyze their social and economic impact. 


    The digital revolution has major players that offer a wide range of certifications. As an expert, we make it easy for you to obtain other certifications that will position you as a valuable asset in the sector: Google, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft…

    INTENSIVE BOOTCAMP (September 09-24, 2024)

    It is a necessary and intensive training that takes place in person at the UFV Campus during the two weeks prior to the start of the University Master’s Degree 

    Students, regardless of their initial university training will work on the basic concepts and fundamentals of the programming language as well as the fundamental tools to advance in data analysis such as Python, different libraries and Business Analytics tools that will allow you to improve data visualization and extraction of relevant information that allows the exposure of information using storytelling techniques so that students can successfully face the University Master’s Degree. 


    This is the only in-person University Master’s Degree from a University in Spain that allows you to specialize in Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning, in a Business Analytics context.

    You will discover, through case studies, how different sectors have successfully implemented new technologies: energy, “AgriTech”, logistics, “FinTech”, public administrations (Smart Cities), or in general the paradigm of Industry 4.0.


    The curriculum and structure of the University Master’s Degree have been designed by the UFV in collaboration with prestigious professionals working at technology companies, in the areas of Business Analytics, AI, and ML, as well as in the areas of business. To this end, the great dynamism of the sector has been taken into account, meeting the needs and requirements of today’s large companies. 

    The students will have everything necessary from the University for to carry out professional training practices in national and international companies of recognized prestige, in which they will apply the knowledge acquired and interact directly with professionals with experience in the sector. 

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