The mission of the Social Action department is to be an agent of social change through our activities in order to achieve the transformation of society by generating experiences of encounter with others

How do we do it?
Since its foundation, UFV has been committed to the comprehensive training of its students. For this reason, in addition to the contents of the degree itself, all degrees include humanistic subjects, such as Social Responsibility, in which social internships are required. Every year more than 2,000 students dedicate their time and effort to help some 12,000 people in vulnerable situations through collaboration with 147 institutions and more than 779 programs.
How do we do it?
Our work with institutions goes beyond the internships of our students, we support, train and accompany them. Each year we organize intensive work days, general and specific training according to their needs, recreational activities, fundraising and awareness-raising on and off campus.
How do we do it?
The Volunteers for Social Action alumni society aims to achieve the transformation of society through volunteer activities focused on people in vulnerable situations and whose ultimate goal is the pursuit of the common good and truth.
How do we do it?
Support Service for People with Special Needs whose objective is to promote the presence and participation of students with special needs, hearing impairment, autism, asperger’s, visual impairment, motor disability, etc. on campus through the accompaniment of students, families, teachers and university administration staff, providing the necessary tools and support.
how do we do it?
As part of the department’s mission, we seek to promote and develop training activities aimed at improving employment and university inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities and/or autism spectrum through programs such as our own degree in “Management and administration in accessible digital environments” co-financed by the European Social Fund and the ONCE Foundation, approved for the first time in 2022.
How do we do it?
Inclusive camp for people with intellectual disabilities and autism, in collaboration with the Juan XXIII Foundation, co-financed by the ONCE Foundation and the European Social Fund. The aim is that these young people have the opportunity to develop inclusive experiences through cultural, leisure and sports activities in spaces of coexistence and training among peers.
How do we do it?
In order to promote the inclusion and training of students with intellectual disabilities in university life, PROMIVA (Colegio Virgen de Lourdes) develops adapted courses on the campus of the UFV, allowing students not only the use of the facilities, but also the participation in all activities of university life.
How do we do it?
Contest whose aim is to help recent graduates to implement and develop their final degree project, as long as it is of a social and humanitarian nature, giving the two winners an economic endowment so that they can carry it out, support and advice from the Entrepreneurship Center, in addition to a 100% scholarship to study a master’s degree from the graduate school and the Faculty of Law, Business and Government.
The Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV) has achieved the Newman accreditation of Socially Responsible University, reaching the highest score in all parameters evaluated. This accreditation has been obtained thanks to the work that the Social Action Department of the UFV has carried out in the area of Social Responsibility.