NO BOOKS Study Nature 212x300 Sustainable UFV Activities Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid


26 APRIL 2023

The professor María Ángeles Martín gave a lecture on awe and the beauty as the origin for the linkage and conservation of nature. She also shared her knowledge  on the pioneers in conservation and the origin of the environmental movements 

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April 12, 2023

Cristina Fernández-Durán Gortázar who works as Senior Advocacy Advisor European Union-Sahel and Migration and Asylum Specialist at Oxfam, impgave a lecture on the migratory consequences caused by the effects of climate change 

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February 1, 2023 

The Vice Rector for Research and Postgraduate, Alberto López Rosado, gave a lecture on the main sources of reliable information on climate change. He explained what the IPCC is and how it works 

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8 February 2023

Juan Cruz, Psychologist, used the environmental classroom of Pozuelo to introduce us to the interesting ways that exist to appreciate and connect with nature, and learn how to face different situations in life through the contemplation of nature. 

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18 February 2023

On Saturday, February 18, about 50 UFV students came together in the morning to remove Ailanthus trees in an area of Rivas Vaciamadrid. Ailanthus is an invasive species that deteriorates and damages our native flora and fauna. 

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February 22, 2023

Cristina Ruiz, professor of Education and Humanities at the University Francisco de Vitoria, developed the value of cultivating attitudes and actions in line with sustainability for humans  

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1 March 2023

Franco Llobera, a consultant in territorial and agri-food development,, introduced UFV students to the wonderful process of composting, also conducting an interactive workshop where the students themselves could participate in the creation of compost from organic waste provided by the university cafeteria 

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8 March 2023

In this talk Pablo Martinez explained the origin and evolution of tenderness in living beings throughout history up to the human being. The different forms of interaction and relationship between beings of opposite gender of different species were explored . 

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March 25, 2023

The biodiversity route through the Sierra Norte de Madridwas held at . In which the students of the UFV were able to connect with nature and learn more about its wisdom 

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On this occasion, our UFV students were able to resolve their doubts about sustainability from three different areas. SaraCorbeiro, responded from the area of health, Jaime Rodriguez reported from the area of religion, and Patti Maxwell from the social issue and commitment to others. All this in the incredible DOT space of the university . 

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JUNE 29-30

This summer comes one of the most interesting proposals from the sustainability department, spending a couple of days in a coastal city with the intention of collaborating with a company in the collection of garbage on beaches.

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20 October 2021

In this talk students were invited to engage in the face of the climate emergency, showed the excesses in this narrative and the confluence of efforts from the call of the Church and the international community, to raise awareness and commitment to the common home 

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26 October 2021

The Circular Economy project was presentedor . In order to visualize this economy as a possible and accessible reality 

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03 November 2021

During this conference how to mitigate the effects of climate change , how to adapt to this reality and the measures that should be taken for health care were discussed. 

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17 November 2021

In this conference, the climate impact of energy types on the common home. 

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24 November 2021

During this conference, the value of the education sustainable education in which nature plays a crucial role was made known

Ruta de Biodiversidad 212x300 Sustainable UFV Activities Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

November 13 2021

During this biodiversity route a guided tour with Óscar Domínguez Rojas, botanical biologist and specialist in the area, was held . Nearly 70 young people participated

El carbono y el cambio climatico 212x300 Sustainable UFV Activities Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

26 January 2022

Óscar Domínguez discussed carbon and its influence on climate. He also commented on the capture and the fixation of carbon. During the conference, shared some actions for carbon sequestration

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02 February 2022

In the reforestation project organized a visit to La Casa de Campo in Madrid in which 50 UFV students joined to plant 150 trees 

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February 16

The Student Alejandro Carballo told us about his commitment to sustainable wells in the arid areas of Ethiopia. In addition, Hana Alemu Newego, UFV student and Ethiopian citizen, shared her testimony 

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30 March

Ignacio Sierra Armas-corporate general manager of TEDAM and Fátima González Garcés, Head Designer at Pedro del Hierro Menswear gave a lecture on the impact of textile production on the environment and the ecological commitment from Pedro del Hierro.. 

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16 March

They will give a lecture on the need to change consumption habits due to the impact that plastics are having on the environment.

< /> Place: Agora 1 Learning Space