Institute of Guidance and Counselling
Mentoring 1
Individual Skills and Competencies
At the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria we put people at the heart of what we do, it’s not simply a slogan. The education we provide is based on this principle, which demands a different way of teaching, of presenting ourselves to students and of creating a program of subjects that truly reflects the importance every person at our university. This is why we have a series of subjects – our own – that delve deeper into each individual. One of these is the subject of Individual Skills and Competencies, which allows us to work with first year students so they can acquire the necessary skills to enable them to understand, accept and give himself/herself in the University first and then in the development of his/her vocation.
This subject is taught in two settings: the community, in the classroom, and the individual, in six meetings with a mentor assigned to each student. Six meetings are milestones on a path designed to accompany the university student towards personal maturity. In this way, the student discovers his own value and the greatness of directing his life to what he is called to do.
In this series of meetings, mentor and mentee address major themes (outlook on life, action, personal knowledge and the meaning of my existence in the world, where to go: the mission and vocation of man) and the mentee reflects and works on them and is evaluated for it. As these meetings are individual, the students find a confidential space in which they can share what they need to grow humanly, with confidence and sincere interest in growing.
A University that seeks the truth would not be very honest if it did not allow a space for this search to be focused on the student and, moreover, to be carried out in the first person. Mentoring is the space in which this can happen.

Address: Module 4 of the Central Building, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid, Spain
Opening hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.