cabecera web simufv 24 3 UFV IMAGE WEEK 2024 Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid
cabecera movil simufv 24 1 UFV IMAGE WEEK 2024 Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

The 6th International Conference SIMUFV: Image and Recognition is a congress that brings together professionals, academics and students around the world of contemporary image in dialogue with the humanities. It will take place from March 4 to 8, 2024 at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid).

The philosopher Julián Marías pointed out an idiomatic peculiarity around the notion of illusion. In Latin and Romance languages as a whole, and also in English, this word denounces something false, deceptive, fantastic and apparent. The Spanish, already in Romanticism, understand by illusion, in addition to what others understand, something new, different, positive and valuable, “that which has expressions such as “to have illusion” for something or someone; to do something “with illusion”; one thing is “to have illusions” and quite another “to be full of illusion”. Illusory” is not the same as “illusionary”; “being an illusionary” is not at all similar to “being illusionary” (Julián Marías, Brief Treatise on Illusion, 1984, p. 15).

In Spanish, illusion is presented as an essential ingredient in people’s lives and acquires an ambivalent meaning: it may or may not be deceptive, but it certainly provides a vital orientation and the inner strength to pursue it. As futuristic beings, we project ourselves into a tomorrow that must be imaginatively anticipated and presented to us as desirable. The imagined and desired future awakens in the human being the enthusiasm that moves to action, as well as a project to reach or maintain the object of our desires. Marías then defines illusion as “desire with argument” (1984: 62).

Poetic creation has always been under suspicion for presenting invented worlds, mirages that distance man from reality. Plato accused poets of lying or, at least, of constructing second-degree imitations: copies of copies of the truth (Republic, I and III). In Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury, 1953), books are burned under the pretext of their uselessness, since they present stories that never existed, and of their toxicity, for feeding dangerous ideas and desires. Aristotle extols the dignity of poets, explaining that their works are neither true nor false, but plausible and, because they are, they teach us something about human desires, our actions and their possible consequences for the achievement or failure of the person or the community. The dissident protagonist of Fahrenheit 451 finds in books that which can make his life intelligible and give meaning to it. In the Spanish literary tradition, Don Quixote has been interpreted in this double light: as a madman and as a genius, or as a genius madman. At the 5th Image and Recognition Congress (SIMUFV 2023), dedicated to Tolkien, we had the opportunity to reflect on the ambivalence of the visions provided by Galadriel’s mirror and, more generally, on the notion of “subcreation”, which suggests an analogy between the mythopoets and the Creator. Criticism of the plastic arts and literature has been extended and sharpened with the visual arts.

The accusation of illusionism extends to other professions, in principle far removed from fiction: journalism, political communication and advertising. The masters of the new journalism

helped us to see social reality as never before, but they were accused of producing reports that did not strictly adhere to the facts. Both the tyrant and the great statesman have, in illusion, a powerful ally, and all populisms live on illusions. Some of the illusions evoked by their speeches stimulate our desire and guide our lives towards dark or wrong places, towards initially attractive but ultimately unsatisfactory figures of life. But these discourses can also offer us possible worlds that awaken our aspirations for a successful personal and social life, they can be illusionary, since they provide us with the anticipated joy of what we long for. What does advertising sell: products or perhaps illusions, that is to say, arguments of a successful life?

The 6th International Congress SIMUFV: Image and Recognition, under the slogan“Desires with argument: illusion in contemporary visual culture” summons professionals and researchers to reflect together on the power of images and their ambivalence as illusion-generating devices. We give priority to papers inspired by the reflection of Julián Marías in his Brief Treatise on Illusion (1984), where he relates this faculty to the great themes of human life: imagination, the future, desire, vocation, friendship, family, the relationship between teachers and disciples, masculinity and femininity, beauty and falling in love, presence and absence, and the image of the ultimates, the last frontier of this life.

Our conference seeks to offer a humanistic look at the contemporary image (photography, graphics, audiovisual, transmedia, comics, video games, etc.), of any genre and format, which explores the expressive power of the image as a path to the recognition of the human.

Thematic areas and methodologies

Area 1: Illusion and its diegetic function in worlds constituted by diverse cultural devices (semantics of illusion)

Area 2: Cultural devices as generators of illusion (pragmatics of illusion)

Area 3: Illusion in public communication (rhetoric of illusion in journalistic, political, institutional or advertising discourses)

Area 4: Miscellaneous “image and recognition”, for papers on the permanent theme of the congress that do not fit the annual theme.

Priority will be given to research that seeks an interdisciplinary dialogue between the thematic areas and the humanities, especially insofar as the objects studied are presented to us as significant images in which to recognize our world and our way of inhabiting it.


Theoretical or conceptualization studies that facilitate the analysis of cultural devices
Hermeneutic, textual, aesthetic or close reading analysis of cultural devices
Case analysis

This conference accepts proposals for oral communications and video-essay proposals of an academic nature. Only proposals that meet the deadlines and formal requirements indicated in this call for papers will be accepted. Authors are encouraged to review in detail the section on REGISTRATION, PROCESSES AND SCHEDULE in this call and to confirm it on the website in case there are updates. The scientific committee, with a view to the subsequent publication of the results of the congress, will pay special attention to the following criteria:

The relevance of the contribution in relation to the theme of the congress, with special emphasis on one of the four thematic areas.

The scientific quality of the proposals and their possible impact on the training of communication professionals or on the professional flows of audiovisual production.

The originality and novelty of the proposal. At the end of the congress, the communicators will be eligible for the publication of their communication and the review of their video-essay in a monographic volume of the collection “Jano Comunicación y Humanidades” of Editorial Sindéresis, recognized with the SPI quality seal for specialized publications in Humanities and Social Sciences.

Authors are requested to send their oral communication proposals by means of a form on the congress website with the following data:

Name and SURNAME.
ORCID number (if available).
Affiliation (if any).
A postal address, in case it is necessary to send certificates or publications.
An abstract in Spanish, Portuguese or English of between 400-500 words, including: problem statement, purpose, methodology, results and expected conclusions.
A list (between three and five) of the sources to be used.
A resume or brief cv of 100-150 words. Authors are requested to send their video-essay proposals by means of a form on the conference website with the following data:

Name and SURNAME.
ORCID number (if available).
Affiliation (if any).
A mailing address, in case it is necessary to send certificates or publications.
A presentation of the video with a length between 400-500 words, in Spanish, Portuguese or English.
A brief list of sources used.
A resume or brief cv of 100-150 words.

Video-essays should fit into one of the following genres, to be specified in the proposal: supercut; scene, shot, or structural analysis; and thematic essays. In all cases, they must conform thematically to the areas proposed in the call for papers. They may be in any language, always with English subtitles. Their duration should be around 10 minutes. The video-essay must be hosted on the Vimeo platform, with private access. It must include, in the first images, the author’s name, the title of the video-essay, as well as the name, date and logo of the congress.

The reception of paper and video-essay proposals ends on January 19, 2024; the registration to the conference can be done once the paper or video-essay is accepted by the scientific committee and always before February 2, 2024. The deadline for sending the url with the final video-essay and the password to access it is February 16, 2024.

Registration entitles you to:

If applicable, to receive certificates of participation in the conference and of acceptance and presentation of the oral communication or video-essay, the result of a blind peer review carried out by the scientific committee of the congress.
If applicable, to submit a written communication or video-essay review for possible publication, after a new review and acceptance process by the scientific committee, in the book that will collect the results of the congress, published by Editorial Sindéresis in the collection “Jano Comunicación y Humanidades” (with SPI quality seal).

Payment can be made once the communication proposal or the presentation of the video-essay has been accepted by the scientific committee and always before February 2, 2024.

ANTES DEL 9.12.2024

DESDE EL 10.12.2024




Asistencia. Público que no participa con comunicación o vídeo-ensayo, pero desea certificado de asistencia.



Comunicadores. Doctores cuya propuesta de comunicación o presentación de vídeo-ensayo ha sido aprobada por el comité científico.



Estudiantes de grado o postgrado cuya propuesta de comunicación o presentación de vídeo-ensayo ha sido aprobada por el comité científico.

Sin coste, hasta completar aforo. Se requiere inscripción.

Sin coste, hasta completar aforo. Se requiere inscripción.

Público que desea asistir sin recibir certificado.

September 2023 – Publication of the call for papers / call for papers

The scientific committee will receive the communication proposals and video-essay presentations and will assess whether they meet the formal and thematic criteria of the congress. If they do not, the author of the proposal will be informed. In the affirmative case, a blind peer review process will be initiated, the result of which, accompanied by a report, will be communicated to the author within a maximum of two weeks.

January 19, 2024 – Deadline for submission of communication and video-essay proposals.

February 2, 2024 – Deadline for conference registration.

February 16, 2024 – Deadline for video-essay submissions.

March 4-8, 2024 – SIMUFV 2024. The academic congress is concentrated on March 7-8.

March 18, 2024 – Once the conference is over and the presentation of papers and video-essays has been evaluated, the scientific committee will invite or not each speaker to develop his or her intervention in the form of a scientific book chapter.

May 13, 2024 – Deadline for submission of the book chapter. The process of evaluation of the contributions by the scientific committee begins, as well as the edition of the publication.

July 1, 2024 – The project is handed over to the publisher to carry out the layout and evaluation process of the work as a whole.

October-November 2024 – Publication of the results.


Dr. Diego Botas Leal
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria 

Dr. Juan Gabriel García Huertas
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

Dr. Íñigo Urquía Uriaguereca
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria


Dr. Álvaro Abellán-García Barrio (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria) 

Dr. Íñigo Urquía Uriaguereca (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria) 


Dr. José Ángel Agejas Esteban (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria)

Dr. Natalia Abuin Vences (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Dr. Gema Bonales Daimiel (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Dr. Francesco de Nigris (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria) – Dr. Paloma Fernández Fernández (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria) – Francesco de Nigris (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria)

Dr. Paloma Fernández Fernández Fernández (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria)

Dr. Enrique Fuster Cancio (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce)

Dr. Nieves Gómez Álvarez (Universidad Villanueva)

Dra. Victoria Hernández Ruiz (Francisco de Vitoria University)

Dr. Víctor Manuel Navarro Remesal (Tecnocampus – Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Dr. Juan Serrano Vicente (Francisco de Vitoria University)

Dr. Sheila Liberal Ormaechea (Francisco de Vitoria University)

Dr. Antón Plannells de la Maza (Tecnocampus – Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Dr. Teresa Sorolla Romero (Universitat Jaume I)

Dr. Antonio Sánchez-Escalonilla García-Rico (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid)




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