Michelle Bertorelli, currently in her fifth year of studies in law and international relations, participated in the Oxford International MUN (OXiMUN) 2022.
Michelle Bertorelli, a fifth-year student in the combined program of law and international relations, represented UFV at the Oxford International MUN (OXiMUN).
The organizing team of the 2022 OxiMUN extended an invitation to student Michelle Bertorelli to serve as moderator for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Committee at Oxford University. Upon completion of the event, Ms. Bertorelli provided the following remarks: “As moderator, I was responsible for preparing the study guide and ensuring that all aspects of the debate, including the rules of procedure and the topics proposed by the debaters, were conducted in accordance with the established guidelines. The exemplary standards of preparation demonstrated by both the delegates and the conference organizers set a new benchmark for future conferences. “I am continually impressed by the value that MUN brings to my professional development.”
This summer, our students Guillermo Rausell, Diego Sanz, and María José Gracia represented the society and UFV at the Tel Aviv University Model United Nations. They assumed the role of chairpersons in the Security Council Committees, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and UNESCO, respectively.
José Joaquín Casavilla participated in his capacity as a delegate representing Switzerland in the Committee of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.


The UFV MUN society was established by its founding members, students of this university, who were driven by a shared desire to cultivate their interests, expand their knowledge, identify opportunities, and serve the university and their fellow students.
The UFV MUN International Society provides a forum for students from all UFV degree programs with an international focus. In today’s interconnected world, it is crucial to recognize the limitations of operating in isolation. Spain’s membership in the European Union, participation in international organizations, and adherence to international conventions and treaties underscores the need for a comprehensive approach to addressing the diverse needs of its citizens, including economic, legal, health, technological, academic, and other aspects of life.
The objective is to provide UFV students with a deeper understanding of the current global landscape and the role of key actors in shaping it. By gaining insight into the official positions of different states on specific issues and how they affect their relations with other states and globally, students will be better equipped to navigate an increasingly interconnected world. In light of the current global landscape, there is a growing interest in the role of states and international organizations as well as the involvement of non-state actors, insurgencies and individuals in international relations.
Our aim is to carry out activities that can be grouped into two lines of work:
- Training activities which aim to study and deepen international knowledge through lectures, conferences, colloquiums attended by experts in different areas
- Project “Model United Nations (MUN)”, which pursues objectives such as working on public speaking, conflict resolution and diplomatic skills, as well as participating and organizing Model United Nations and other simulations of International Organizations, planned by other universities at national and international level.
Being an active member of the society will contribute to your personal and academic development by working on the following competencies:
- Specifics, academics and professional: public speaking skills through training, leadership, conflict resolution, knowledge of domestic and foreign policy of countries, drafting working papers, agendas, speeches and resolutions, strategizing, negotiating
- Transversal: active listening, discernment, diplomacy, mediation, communication and respect, service
In addition, our activities are recognized with ECTS credits.
- March 17 to 20, 2022.We participate in FMPTMUN (Model United Nations Club – Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie de Tanger).
- 7 to October 10, 2021. UFV MUN 2021 Conference.
- May 12, 2021. Seminar on the Western Sahara Conflict.
- December 2, 2020.“The Future of Venezuela”.
- November 11, 2020.Conference by Óscar El.
- November 18, 2020.“ETA: The Life of a Politician in the Years of Lead”.
- September 30 – October 3, 2020.UFV MUN 2020 Conference.
- May 21, 2020.“Refugee Conflict Europe – Turkey”.
- May 23, 2020.“Trump vs. Maduro”.
- April 2020.Creation of the UFVMUN web page.
- April 13, 2020.“Today’s leadership: will we recognize each other after this pandemic?”.
- April 16, 2020.“US 2020 Elections: Biden or Trump”.
- March 2-6, 2020.UC3MUN. We attended the Carlos III MUN, with a delegation of four people and won an award.
- March 4, 2020.Talk with Victor Cortizo on China and COVID-19.
- February 4-7, 2020.URJCMUN 2020. We attended the MUN at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, with a delegation of four people.
- February 6-9, 2020.JCUMUN 2020. We attended the John Cabot University Model of United Nations in Rome, with a delegation of two people
- November 27, 2019. We organized an Open Debate on Climate Change.
- November 14 to 17, 2019.COMPIMUN 2019. We sent a delegate to represent UFV at the Complutense University MUN.
- October 23 to 26, 2019. AUMUN 2019. We attended with a delegation of 10 UFV students to the Model United Nations at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. We obtained three awards.
- October 9, 2019.We joined the talk of Ana Botella from the Society for Political Studies.
- October 19, 2019.We organized a Mini Model United Nations at the university; the topic to be discussed was the Venezuelan Crisis.
- October 23, 2019.We had a talk on Hispanic Memory with Jorge Casesmeiro Roger, which took the form of an exhibition in the corridors of the Central Building.
- September 18, 2019.We participated in the talk by Sayyid Abulhasan Navab and Hassan Ghashghavi.
- November 14 to 18, 2019.We went to St. Gallen Model of United Nations (SGMUN 2019) in Switzerland, with a delegation of 4 students