The organization is comprised of students pursuing degrees in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Social Education, and Master’s Degree in Teaching. We are university students dedicated to the field of education because we believe that the future of society depends on it.
It is essential to instill in young people the understanding that they have a responsibility to respond to the need for an education that prioritizes the individual and their personal development, both within society and within the family unit.
The Universidad Francisco de Vitoria’s educational ideology emphasises the importance of fostering students who are capable of questioning the meaning of their lives. This encourages them to pursue knowledge and understanding in order to find truth..
Our students receive a comprehensive education that goes beyond technical and professional training. We also instill in them the values and skills needed to become responsible and productive members of society.
As educators, we bear a unique responsibility for the guidance and development of the young minds in our care. In summary, the potential for work in the development of future teachers and those currently practicing the profession is limitless.
Our objective is to establish this as a training meeting point for young people with educational concerns, particularly those aspiring to become teachers and professors.
- TIt is our mission to ensure that young people become witnesses and agents of change in their future family and professional lives as educators, drawing on the training received at Universidada Francisco de Vitoria.
- We want to create a group of young people with authentic concerns. That future teachers and professors, as well as those who are already in the practice of teaching, do not lose the spirit of seekers that they recognized in this university.
- To debate about the values of education and its current situation. In a world where universal values and truth are not accepted, good teachers are needed who do not reduce their work to a mere sentimental value but to something much deeper, leading children towards the Good.
- Create proposals to achieve an improvement in education: We want an open and dynamic Society of Teachers to be an authentic meeting place, where everyone can share their educational, human and pedagogical experiences.
- Create a place where the professional future is shared. Where everyone can generously offer their professional and social information, challenges, progress, programs, congresses, etc.
- Create working groups for research.
- The objective is to design formative cultural activities, including conferences and debates. The day of the patron saint, San José de Calasanz, will be celebrated for the Education Degrees and the Master’s Degree in Teaching.
- Make an annual cultural outing to a place known for its educational reference.
- Provide assistance to the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria in the areas of VAS, Navidarte, Welcome Day, and activities for delegates.
- Create a web page with all the virtual tools, blog, forum, where to collect: research, resources, testimonies, educational materials, etc.
- The objective is to collaborate with ALUMNI in order to disseminate information regarding the activities developed by the society as a department for former students of Infant and Primary Education at UFV.
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