We seek the truth because we believe in it
The group MIRADA 21 is a school within a school. It is formed by a multimedia newspaper, Mirada21.es; a radio station, Onda Universitaria; a television station, Mirada 21 TV; the audiovisual production company, Logosfera; the advertising agency, Logosfera Advertising & Design and Corresponsales de paz, the Society of Media Professionals is an organization comprising alumni of the School of Communication. MIRADA 21 is a content creation and distribution company targeting young people via digital platforms. We produce video and audio streaming, podcasting, digital and photographic content. Each of the media outlets is led by an alumnus of the Faculty of Communication, a seasoned professional in the field, who provides mentorship and guidance as you embark on your career in communication.
Training at Mirada 21 will prepare you for a career as a communicator. You will develop the skills to pursue truth, gain a deep understanding of reality, distinguish between essential and superfluous elements, and identify key facts and events. Ultimately, you will gain the expertise to make a meaningful and impactful contribution to society. Mirada 21’s objectives are twofold: to provide students with intellectual reflection and communicative practice in its different aspects, and to facilitate their human and professional formation, as well as integration into university life.
Our Platforms

Our program offers the most advanced technical resources, internships in our own media from the first year of your degree, and the experience of integration into university life based on our ideology. These resources will help you understand what to transmit, how to live it, and how to tell it. Transparent communication is essential for disseminating accurate information. While it may be challenging to achieve, it is imperative for us to convey the importance of pursuing truth. Transmitting the truth offers a valuable service to society, as it fosters unity and freedom by providing an objective understanding of reality.

Memories MIRADA 21
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