A unit under the General Directorate of People Development that contributes to the mission of the University by fostering a true preventive culture within the community that projects itself and contributes to the common good of society.
All the activities carried out by this Service are integrated into all the activities and decisions of the UFV and are aimed at promoting extraordinary work environments that guarantee the protection of people, integrating health as an essential value to promote well-being.

Ana Díaz de Bustamante Durbán
Technician of Safety, Health and Welfare service
The life, physical integrity and health of people are rights whose protection must be a constant in the daily work of any institution. The involvement and commitment of the people who work at UFV is vital for the satisfactory management of health and safety at work.
Part of this commitment is to encourage the participation of the entire university community in this management and to promote the interest of the interested parties in our performance
- If you are UFV staff, all the information and documentation that integrates the Occupational Health and Safety Management System is available at the Employee Portal.
- If you are not UFV staff, but you want to expand the scope, content and activities that are developed in occupational risk prevention at our University, you can contact our Safety, Health and Welfare Service
Safety, Health and Welfare Service
Central Module
Collaborative projects
CRUE-Sustainability: Health and Safety SDGs Project
A guide to align the activities of the prevention services of Spanish universities with the SDGs.
PRLInnovation: Sustainable SDG Line of Work
A work of identification, matching and development that arises from sharing experiences, ideas and needs, to promote the commitment of companies to the SDGs.
Project that develops a useful tool for the care of psychological/mental health in the company.