Daniel Sada Castaño
Current position: Chancellor
Qualifications: PhD in Law from Universidad San Pablo CEU, with the thesis G.K. Chesterton and English Distributism in the first third of the 20th century. University Master’s Degree in Philosophy from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. University Degree in Economics and Business Administration from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Other educational and academic merits: Founder of the IUVE Association in 1987, and President of the same until 1995. In June 1995 he was appointed General Director of Volunteering and Development Cooperation of the Region of Madrid, a position he held until January 1998. From February 1998 to January 2001 he held the position of Advisor for Social Affairs in the Cabinet of the Presidency of the Government. In January 2001 he was appointed Director of the Carolina Foundation, under the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Lecturer in university undergraduate and master’s degree courses at various universities since 1995.
Year in office: 2003

Ensures academic excellence and the development and implementation of the UFV educational model and ideals; promotes the selection, support and personal and professional development of professors.
The following belong to the Vice-Chancellor’s Office:
Training, Expanded Reason Institute, Professor Support Service, Support Institute, Institute for Innovation in Learning, Department of Humanities and Online Unit.
María Lacalle Noriega
Current position:
Vice-Chancellor for Faculty and Training Model.
PhD in Law from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid, University Master’s Degree in Theology from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, University Degree in Law and Religious Sciences from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid. Year of office: 2014.
Other educational and academic merits:
Professor of Philosophy of Law. Corresponding member of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation. Accredited as a contracted doctoral candidate, with a six-year research period. Six doctoral theses supervised. Her lines of research focus on issues related to the person and the family and the teaching of law.

Promotes, coordinates and supervises research and doctoral activity, integrating it into the UFV’s mission to generate prestige and contribute value to society, being a benchmark in human-centered sciences.
The following belong to the Vice-Rector’s Office:
Library, Institutes/Chairs, Sustainable Development Objectives, OTRI, Strategic Projects Unit, Administration, Budget Control and Systems Unit, Doctoral School, UFV Editorial.
Alberto López Rosado
Current position:
Vice-Chancellor for Research.
Industrial Engineer and PhD in Industrial Engineering from the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Diploma in Senior Management of Universities. Year of office: 2018.
Other educational and academic merits:
Full Professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, area of Mechanical Engineering (on leave of absence). He has been Vice-Chancellor for Research and Academic Planning at the Universidad Nebrija, where he has also been Director of the Polytechnic School of Engineering.
His research areas are vehicle engineering and sustainability in which he has worked in about 30 research projects with more than 60 scientific publications.
He has done research stays at the BMW Advanced Development Center in Munich, Siemens Automotive in Toulouse and the Transportation Active Safety Institute of the Purdue School of Engineering. In Indiana (USA) where he has been a visiting scholar. Positive evaluation by ANECA in all categories.
He has been director of the Chair on Innovation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madrid and member of the Panel of Experts COTEC for Innovation and Technology.
UNESCO expert in R&D activities in several sub-disciplines in the field of Mechanical Engineering and Transport.
Member of the IEEE and SAE Engineering Societies, and member of the Board of Directors of ASEPA (Spanish Association of Automotive Professionals).

Drives, promotes and supervises the internationalization of the UFV in all its areas.
The following belong to the Vice-Chancellor’s Office:
Internationalization, International Relations Office, Internationalization Projects and Language Policy.
Juan Pérez-Miranda Castillo
Current position:
Vice-Chancellor for Internationalization.
PhD in Medicine and Surgery (Cum Laude). Faculty of Medicine. Universidad de Extremadura. PhD in Applied Economics. Certificate of Research Sufficiency: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. Universidad de Extremadura. University Master’s Degree in Economics and Business Administration (MBA). Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa (IESE). University Degree in Medicine and Surgery. Universidad de Extremadura. Higher Diploma in Hospital Management (Instituto de Empresa). Diploma in Senior Management in Health Institutions (IESE). Diploma in Senior Management of Universities. UNESCO Chair of University Management of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and the Universidad Nebrija. Year in office: 2012.
Other educational and academic merits:
Global Health Politics. BIARI Brown University. Watson Institute International & Public Affairs. USA.
Managing Director. Hospital Universitario “Infanta Cristina”, Badajoz.
General Director Assistant. Clinic of the Universidad de Navarra.
Marketing Director. Laboratorios Biogen Idec Iberia, S.A.
Medical Director. International Health Foundation.
Dean of the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences (Medicine, Pharmacy, Biotechnology and Dentistry). Universidad Europea de Madrid.

Yolanda Cerezo López
Integrates academic management from planning to program accreditation, quality policy and entrepreneurship of transformative projects in the university community, to generate the impact on society pursued by the UFV Mission.
The following belong to the Vice-Chancellor’s Office:
Quality and Institutional Assessment, Academic Planning and Organization, Entrepreneurship Center and Institute for Impact Measurement FPT.
Yolanda Cerezo López
Current position:
Vice-Chancellor for Academic Management, Quality and Entrepreneurship.
PhD in Computer Engineering from UNED, Postgraduate Degree in Industrial Control Engineering, University Degree in Mathematical Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Year in office: 2016.
Other educational and academic merits:
Dialogic and executive coach. International School of Dialogic Coaching (ACC by the ICF / International Coach Federation).
Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences. Academic Director of the University Degrees in Business Administration and Management and Marketing- UFV. Academic Director of UFV-ADEN International Business School. Director of Quality, Evaluation, Training and Teaching Innovation at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. Two six-year research periods. Associate Professor, accredited by ANECA for the positions of Associate Professor and Professor of Private University.
Member of the Spanish Quality Agency (AEC) and the Club de Excelencia de Gestión Empresarial.
Area of knowledge: Mathematics, Quality, Organizational Development, Computer Science and Applied Economics.
Author and co-author of several publications on topics related to Economic Analysis, Business Processes, Knowledge Management and Theory of Computation.

Responsible for the comprehensive education of the university community, promoting the development of all its bio-psycho-psycho-socio-cultural-spiritual dimensions and its integration into society.
The following belong to the Vice-Chancellor’s Office:
Becas Europa (Europe Scholarships) and University Leadership School, University Extension, John Henry Newman Institute, Institute of People and Development, Careers, Hall of Residence, Admissions Unit and Student Profile.
Fernando Viñado Oteo
Current position:
Vice-Chancellor for Comprehensive Training.
PhD in Education, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
DEA – PhD in Contemporary International Migration, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas de Madrid.
Specialization in Management of Non-Profit Organizations. Administration Sciences, Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Argentina.
University Degree in Pastoral Theology, Universidad Pontificia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
University Degree in Ecclesiastical Studies, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Spain. Year in office: 2016.
Other educational and academic merits:
Excellent rating in the last Docentia evaluation. Evaluated among the best professors of the School of Government of the Faculty of Legal and Business Sciences in the 2018-2019 academic year.
Lines of research: Anthropology, Social Responsibility and Educational Accompaniment.
Specialization: Benedict XVI.

Paula Puceiro Vioque
Paula Puceiro Vioque
Current position:
Director of the Faculty of Communication Sciences.
University Master’s Degree in Philosophy from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. University Degree in Information Sciences (Journalism) from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. Year in office: 1993.

Olga Peñalba Rodríguez
Olga Peñalba Rodríguez
Current position:
Director of the Higher Polytechnic School.
Director of the University Degree in Computer Engineering.
PhD in Computer Engineering from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. University Degree in Computer Engineering from the Universidad Complutense Madrid. Year in office: 2016.
Other educational and academic merits:
Associate Professor, accredited as Private University Professor by ACAP. Three positive sections of Docentia. Winner of the first prize for Teaching Innovation of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. Coordinator of I+DÍ at CEIEC (Research Institute in the field of computing and AI of the Francisco de Vitoria Universidad).
Complementary training in emotional intelligence, coaching, mentoring, organizational development, leadership and innovation in different institutions, including MIT.

Javier de Cendra de Larragán
Javier de Cendra de Larragán
Current position:
Dean of the Faculty of Law, Business and Government.
PhD in International and European Climate Change Law from the University of Maastricht (The Netherlands). University Master’s Degree in International, European and Comparative Environmental and Energy Law from the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium). University Dual Degree in Law and Economics from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Loughborough University (United Kingdom). Year in office: 2020.
Other educational and academic merits:
Professor and Dean of IE Law School and member of its Executive Committee and Steering Committee from February 2013 to April 2020. Positive evaluation by ACAP in all professorships.

Maite Iglesias Badiola
Maite Iglesias Badiola
Current position:
Dean of the Faculty of Experimental Sciences, Director of the University Degree in Biotechnology and the Expert’s Own Degree in Biotechnology Research Methodology. Director of the University Master’s Degree in Advanced Therapies in Biomedicine.
PhD in Sciences, Specialization in Biochemistry. Center for Molecular Biology-Severo Ochoa -Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. University Master’s Degree in Humanities. Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.
University Degree in Chemical Sciences. Specialization in Biochemistry. Universidad de Valladolid. Year in office: 2000.
Other educational and academic merits:
Full Professor of Experimental Methodology. Faculty of Experimental Sciences. Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. Principal Investigator of the Stem Cells and Cell Therapy Research Group. Institute of Biosanitary Research-UFV. ANECA accreditation, two six-year research periods and three DOCENTIA sections. Postdoctoral Researcher in the Cellular and Molecular Biology of Carcinogenesis Laboratory. Institute of Biomedical Research-Alberto Sols (CSIC). Postdoctoral Fellow (Fogarty) at the Biology Laboratory of the National Cancer Institute (NCI-NIH) USA.
25 scientific publications of which 20 are international publications, 11 of them in quartile 1, Q1 journals.

Jorge López González
Jorge López González
Current position:
Dean of the Faculty of Education and Psychology, Principal Investigator of the stable research group “education in leadership”, Researcher in education in virtues.
PhD in Business Administration from the Universidad Anahuac (Mexico), PhD in Educational Evaluation from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, University Master’s Degree in Business Administration, with specialization in senior management, from the Universidad Anahuac (Mexico), University Master’s Degree in Religious Sciences Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, University Degree in Economics and Business Administration from the UNED, Unviersity Degree in Religious Sciences from the Universidad Anahuac (Mexico). Year in office: 2020.
Other educational and academic merits:
Chancellor of the Universidad Anahuac del Sur (Mexico), Member of the General Council of Regnum Christi and General Director of the Consecrated Laity of Regnum Christi, Councilor of the Universidad Anahuac y Europea of Rome, Director of the Pedagogical Advisory Center of the Universidad Anahuac and delegate of the Legion of Christ for educational centers.
Director of Finance and Administration at Universidad Anáhuac del Sur, elementary school teacher and prefect of discipline at Colegio Everest and professor in Master’s and Doctorate programs at Universidad Anáhuac.

Fernando Caballero Martínez
Fernando Caballero Martínez
Current position:
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Director of the University Degree in Medicine.
PhD in Medicine from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, University Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Advanced Diploma in Clinical Research Methodology ISCIII – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Advanced Diploma in Senior Management of Health Institutions IESE (Madrid) Year in office: 2010.
Other educational and academic merits:
Director of Training and Research Area 6. Madrid Health Service, Accredited by ANECA. CNEAI six-year research period, Director of 6 doctoral theses. PI in 6 FIS projects, GEI Medical Education and Innovation.

Nuria Mendoza Laiz
Nuria Mendoza Laiz
Current position:
Dean of Health Sciences, Director of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and Director of Universidad Francisco de Vitoria Deporte.
PhD in Sports Science from the Universidad de León, University Degree in Sports Science and Physical Activity. INEF de León-Universidad de León and University Degree in Law in Toledo, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Year in office: 2017.
Other educational and academic merits:
Full Professor of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences at the Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, two six-year research and transfer periods. Her lines of research focus on issues related to rehabilitation, inclusion and prescription of physical exercise in people with pathologies and people with disabilities.

Manages the administrative and economic services of the University, as well as the management of all the spaces on our campus.
The following belong to Management:
Purchasing, Economic-Financial, Campus Management and General Services.
Jose Luis Machetti Honduvilla
Current position:
Manager of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.
University Master’s Degree in Humanities from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, University Degree in Economic and Business Sciences, Business Economics branch, specialization in Auditing from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Year in office: 2016.
Other educational and academic merits:
Audit Technician of the Spanish Court of Audit (On leave of absence).

Directs and coordinates UFV’s talent and its proposal as a different place to deploy a professional career. It is in charge of labor relations, as well as the management of the University as a safe and risk-free space.
The following belong to People Development:
Staff Administration and Labor Relations, Safety, Health and Welfare, Selection and Talent Management.
Pedro González Iglesias
Current position:
Director of People Development.
Executive MBA, Instituto Empresa, Madrid. Executive HR, C.E. Garrigues. University Master’s Degree in Tax Consulting, ICADE.
University Degree in Economics and Business Administration, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Year in office: 2001.
Other educational and academic merits:
Leadership in innovation. MIT. Coaching Certification Program. IDDI Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. Course on International Politics, St. Michaels School (Vermont). Human Resources Coordinator, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. Head of Promotion and Marketing, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. Assistant Administration Director. UNIFAMU, S.A. Tax advice to individuals. Grupo CEA, S.A. Management Assistant in Product Research and Development. SAMER, S.L.

Support service for the general governing and representative bodies of the University for the correct development of their competences. It provides attention and support to students, families and the rest of the UFV.
The following belong to the General Secretariat:
Legal Counsel, Registry / Archives, Students Secretariat and University Ombudsman.
José Antonio Verdejo Delgado
Current position:
Secretary General of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.
PhD in Journalism, Universidad San Pablo CEU, University Degree in Law. Universidad de Alcalá de Henares. Diploma in Corporate Legal Consultancy. School of Legal Practice, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Year in office: 2000.
Other educational and academic merits:
Professor of Information Law in the University Degree in Journalism. Director of the Debating Club of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. General Secretary of the Madrid Institute for Training (IMAF) of the Region of Madrid.

Attracts, supports and helps future students to discover their vocation; and starts with them the university stage from the path of reflection of who they are and who they want to become.
The following belong to DOIU:
Admissions, Study Grants Service, International, Marketing, Operations, Orientation and Promotion.
Jaime Martínez Cortázar
Current position:
Director General of Orientation and University Information.
International M.B.A. Instituto de Empresa, Madrid, University Degree in Business Sciences, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Digital Business Executive Program (DiBEx). ISDI. Madrid, Leadership Innovation. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Other educational and academic merits:
Ingenico Group. Marketing and Sales Director, Spain & Portugal. Caixabank Group. General Manager of Caixabank Electronic Money and Commercial Director of Yaap Digital Systems. American Express. Sales Director. Dow Jones Company. Marketing Director, Spain & Portugal.

Ensures that external representation is consistent with institutional values. It projects the public image, its reputation and ensures that the relationship between UFV members and their families endures after their formative stage.
The following belong to Institutional Relations:
Institutional Relations, Communication, External Relations, Extended Community, Chancellor’s Help Desk, Institutional Events and Ceremonies and Audiovisual Service.
María Pérez de Ayala Becerril
Current position:
Director General of Institutional Relations.
University Master’s Degree in Educational Accompaniment from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. University Degree in Business Administration from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Year in office: 2015.
Other educational and academic merits:
Accounts executive at El Grupo C-24. Planning, analysis and treasury of the Restaurants area (Pizza Hut and KFC Spain) in the Pepsico Group. Start-up of the internship and employment department, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, during these years she has set up the Alumni and Parents Department, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. She has led the implementation, start-up and opening of the Cordon Bleu Madrid Cooking School, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.

Improving the experience of different audiences through listening, and redesigning experiences (digital transformation, process redesign…) by offering services with an attractive value proposition.
They following belong to Development and Experience:
Experience, Institutional Development, OTD (Digital Transformation Unit), Corporate Services, Experience Unit, Listening and Quality of Services.
José Luis Guillén Pastor
Current position:
General Management of Development and Experience.
Exec. Master in Change, INSEAD, Singapore, GMP, Harvard Business School, Mass, USA, MBA, IESE (exchange, Fuqua Business School, Duke U.), Barcelona. University Degree in Economics, Universidad Autónoma, Madrid. Year in office: 2021.
Other educational and academic merits:
Ph.D. Candidate, UNAV, Navarra. He has taught Business Ethics at TEC de Monterrey (MBA), UNAV (MEGEC) and IESE (PDD), Corporate Vice President of Strategy, Transformation, Change and Generating Areas, ITESM (Tec. Monterrey), Executive President of Generating Areas and for the Technology Transfer Co. CEO of Grupo Educativo CEU, Founder of Start up educativa, Koen The School. Partner, CEO Consulting, Managing Partner and founder of the Strategy and Operations practice, Member of the Executive Committee, KPMG.
Business Development Director, Via Digital, Telefónica Media, Case Team Leader, Bain & Co. (Madrid, London, San Francisco, Paris).

Current position: Director of the Postgraduate School and Continuing Education. |
Qualifications: University Master’s Degree in Humanities from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. University Master’s Degree in Philosophy from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. University Degree in Information Sciences from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. |
Other educational and academic merits: General Management Program. IESE. |
Year in office: 2018 |
Eduardo Avello Martín

Cruz Santos Tejedor

Rosario Barrios Cobo

Carola Díaz de Lope-Díaz Molins

Miguel Ángel Domínguez

José Carlos Villamuelas

Date of conferral: May 24, 2003
Sponsor: Mr. Manuel Guerrero Pemán
Graduated in Law from the Universidad Católica del Sacro Cuore in Milan in 1942, he immediately became a magistrate. A vocational politician, from a young age he held positions of responsibility in the Democracia Cristiana (DC) party, until he became President of the Republic between 1992 and 1994.
A convinced Europeanist, he always defended that the construction of Europe is only possible through freedom and peace, commitments that, from the Presidency of the Government of his country, led him to take courageous measures against corruption, which gave way to a new way of doing politics in Italy.
He died on 29 January 2012.
Date of conferral: February 29, 2008
Sponsors: Rafael Rubio de Urquía and Ramón Hermosilla
Graduated and doctorate in Economic Sciences in Madrid in 1956, in 1951 he joined the National Labor Inspection Corps as number 1.
He has collaborated as a columnist in newspapers such as ABC, Expansión and El Economista. He has taught at the Universidad de Barcelona, the Universidad Complutense and the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, among others.
1992 Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences. Among others, he has held the positions of advisor to the Spanish Court of Audit and president of the Forum for Freedom and Quality in Education. He is currently a member of the FAES Foundation and Honorary President of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences.
He passed away on 3 February 2023
Date of conferral: 29 February 2008
Sponsors: Rafael Rubio de Urquía and Ramón Hermosilla
Professor of History of Law and Institutions at the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid since 1976. He was appointed Dean of the Faculty from 1976 to 1987 and was later appointed Chancellor of the Universidad Complutense, a position he held from 1987 to 1995.
Minister of Education, Culture and Sports of the Region of Madrid from 1995 to 2001.
He passed away on 15 June 2021
Date of conferral: 10 October 2008
Sponsor: Mr. Salvador Antuñano Alea
He studied Law, Philosophy and Journalism. He was director of the newspaper El Norte de Castilla. He also collaborated with the newspaper ABC.
Writer of novels such as Historia de un otoño, El sambenito and La salamandra, he also published several volumes of short stories, essays and poetry.
He was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Instituto Cervantes, the Residencia de Estudiantes and the Duques de Soria Foundation. He has received awards such as the Castilla y León de las Letras Prize and the Gold Medal for Merit in Fine Arts, and the Miguel de Cervantes Prize for his entire career in 2002.
He passed away on 9 March 2020.
Date of conferral: 19 February 2010
Sponsors: Ángel Sánchez-Palencia Martí and José Ángel Agejas Esteban
University professor and member of several academies, including the Royal Spanish Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, Alfonso López Quintás is co-founder of the “Seminario Xabier Zubiri” (Madrid), founder of the educational project Escuela de Pensamiento y Creatividad and honorary doctorate from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid). In order to disseminate his thought, the “López Quintás Chair on Creativity and Values” was created at the universidad Anáhuac Norte (Mexico City) and the “López Quintás Foundation for the promotion of creativity and values” (Madrid)
Date of conferral: 19 February 2010
Sponsors: Ángel Sánchez-Palencia Martí and José Ángel Agejas Esteban
Professor of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Bologna and Professor of International Political Economy at John Hopkins University (USA). He is also a consultant to the Pontifical Council Iustitia et Pax and has worked as an economic advisor to Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI. He has participated in various activities organized by our Institute of Economic and Social Studies.
Date of conferral: October 18, 2013
Sponsors: José Ángel Agejas Esteban.
Jesuit priest and Slovenian artist. In 1996 John Paul II commissioned him to renovate the Redemptoris Mater Chapel in the Vatican. The result was an artistic proposal that renewed the language of mosaic and the elaboration of icons. In addition to the creation of the Aletti Center and the renovation of the mosaics produced by his workshop, Father Rupnik’s work is also collected in several dozen books, many of them translated into Spanish. Some literary, others of prayer and reflection, others more academic.
Date of conferral: 4 March 2014
Sponsor: Valentín Cuervas-Mons Martínez, PhD in Medicine and Surgery and Head of Internal Medicine Service at Hospital Puerta de Hierro in Madrid
He studied and received his PhD at the University of Adelaide and worked as a pathologist at Perth Hospital where, with the collaboration of Barry Marshal, he identified a bacterium, ‘Helicobacter pylori”, as the causative agent for the development of ulcer disease, contrary to the current scientific paradigm that considered it as a disease of psychological origin.
He received the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology in 2005.
Date of investiture: 5 February 2020
Sponsors: Fernando Viñado (replacing Mr. Ángel Barahona Plaza) and Pablo López Raso
Director of the National Gallery until 2002. During his directorship he presented three BBC TV series on art: Painting the World in 1995, Making Masterpieces in 1997 and Seeing Salvation, on the representation of Jesus in Western art in 2000. He was appointed Director of the British Museum from 2002 to 2015.
Date of enrollment: 5 February 2020
Sponsors: Fernando Viñado (replacing Mr. Ángel Barahona Plaza) and Pablo López Raso
He began his career in 1992 as curator of Italian and Spanish painting at the National Gallery, a period in which he promoted important exhibitions of Spanish painting. In 2002 he moved to Madrid as Deputy Director of Conservation and Research at the Museo del Prado. Since 2015 he has been director of the National Gallery.
Date of conferral: 25 October 2021
Sponsor: Initiator of the Neocatechumenal Way in 1964, together with Carmen Hernandez and the Italian priest Mario Pezzi.
He was appointed consultor of the Pontifical Council for the Laity by John Paul II. The same decision was made by Popes Benedict XVI and Francis, the latter in 2014. In 2011 he was appointed by Benedict XVI as consultor to the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization and, subsequently, auditor of the XIII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops.
Date of conferral: 25 October 2021
Sponsor: Initiator of the Neocatechumenal Way in 1964, together with Carmen Hernandez and the Italian priest Mario Pezzi.
Former Chief Rabbi of Ireland, he is international director of interreligious affairs of the American Jewish Committee, and director of its Heilbrunn Institute for International Interreligious Understanding.
In November 2005, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him a Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great for his contribution to promoting reconciliation between Catholics and Jews; in 2010 he was made a Commander of the British Empire for his contributions to interfaith relations; and in 2016 he was awarded the Hubert Walter Award for reconciliation and interfaith cooperation.