The call for grants, scholarships and discounts UFV 2024-2025 is now closed.

The 2025-2026 call will have the following application deadlines:

1st call for applications: from May 5 to June 30, 2025 or
2nd call: from July 10 to 25, 2025.

Some grants have special deadlines, you can check them here

Information about the Banco Santander Excellence 360 Scholarship here


Universidad Francisco de Vitoria offers these grants as a means of recognizing and rewarding students who have demonstrated academic excellence and a strong potential for success in higher education. These grants are awarded to students who have achieved exceptional results in their secondary school studies and are entering our university as first-year students.

Information for New Admission students from the 2025-2026 academic year for Undergraduate and Double Degrees (not including the Degree in Medicine and Dentistry).

  • Deadline: from June 20 to July 7, 2025
  • Channel: Candidate Portal
  • Mandatory documentation to be provided:
  • High School grades completed in 2025
  • EvAU grades passed in the ordinary call of 2025
  • Optional documentation (not mandatory):
  • IRPF 2024 statement of the computable members of the family unit, in case of economic need

To obtain the scholarship, the following two requirements must be met:

  1. The Bachillerato completed in 2025, and the average grade between the first and second baccalaureate years is required to be at least 8.50 points.
  2. The EvAU must have been taken and passed in the ordinary call of the year 2025 and the grade of the University Access Qualification (CAU) must be at least 8.5 points

This scholarship will not be granted if in one of these two grades a grade lower than 8.5 points is obtained.

The granting of the scholarship will be proportional to the grade obtained in CAU* and will be conditioned to the presentation of the required documentation in due time and form and to the economic fund destined for this purpose.

  • Between 8.50 and 8.99 in CAU – 40% scholarship
  • Between 9.00 and 10 in CAU – 60% scholarship

*CAU: Resulting grade determined by the weighted average of the baccalaureate and the grade of the general phase that appears in the EvAU card (approved in ordinary call 2025).

Students who are admitted through the Homologation of Baccalaureate or EU Credential pathways will be subject to the same criteria as other students and must provide the relevant documentation for their system of legal access to the university:

  • Access via EU Credential: UNED Credential Document.
  • Access via High School Homologation: Homologation document or, if applicable, technical study of predictive grade point average. (The consultant in charge of this study is Homologation Student Services, which can be contacted via email or visit the website for more information.

This documentation will result in a conditional resolution of the scholarship, if applicable. Once the final grades awarded by official bodies (Ministry of Education, UNED, etc.) have been obtained, they will be submitted to the Study Aid Service. Should the final grade not meet the minimum requirement for the grant, the student will be ineligible to apply (or will be denied) for subsequent courses.

The Scholarship Committee’s decision will be communicated to students via the channels established by the Study Aid Service.

The beneficiaries will receive a pre-award letter indicating the corresponding percentage. The final award is contingent upon the successful completion of the enrollment process.

In the event that a student does not complete their enrollment, the Student Aid Service reserves the right to cancel the pre-award of the scholarship and distribute it, if applicable, to other students who have not previously been awarded the scholarship, provided that they meet the academic requirements.

Renewal requirements

In order to renew these scholarships in the following years, it will be essential to apply in due time and form (according to the deadlines published on the website for students already enrolled in previous years), pass all the subjects enrolled in the previous year and obtain at least the following weighted average grades (including own degree, if applicable):

Dual Degrees, Degrees of the Faculty of Experimental Sciences and Degrees of the Higher Polytechnic School:

  • Between 7.5 and 8.49 – 40%
  • Between 8.5 and 10 – 60%

Rest of Degrees (not including Medicine):

  • Between 8 and 8.99 – 40%
  • Between 9 and 10 – 60%
  • Students who require financial assistance during the subsequent courses will submit the necessary documentation for the corresponding assessment as part of the renewal application.
  • In the event that an applicant is unable to renew their application due to unsatisfactory academic performance or failure to achieve the minimum required average grade, they may be eligible to apply again in the subsequent academic year, provided that the established criteria are met and that they are not in their final year of study (or double degree). Please note that this option is only available once during the duration of the degree.
  • Please note that these scholarships may be applied for in all courses except the final year of each degree program. With regard to the final courses, students may request an Honor Credit (in cases of economic necessity) or some of the discounts applicable to the final year.
  • This option is not available for students who were not beneficiaries in the first year of their degree program.
Information regarding the renewal of the bright file for beneficiary students as of 2023 – 2024

In order to renew these scholarships in the following years, it will be essential to apply in due time and form (according to the deadlines published on the website for students already enrolled in previous years), pass all the subjects enrolled in the previous year and obtain at least the following weighted average grades (including own degree, if applicable):

Dual Degrees, Degrees of the Faculty of Experimental Sciences and Degrees of the Higher Polytechnic School:

  • Between 7.5 and 8.49 – 40%
  • Between 8.5 and 10 – 60%

Rest of Degrees (not including Medicine):

  • Between 8 and 8.99 – 40%
  • Between 9 and 10 – 60%
  • Students who require financial assistance during the subsequent courses will submit the necessary documentation for the corresponding assessment as part of the renewal application.
  • In the event that an applicant is unable to renew their application due to unsatisfactory academic performance or failure to achieve the minimum required average grade, they may be eligible to apply again in the subsequent academic year, provided that the established criteria are met and that they are not in their final year of study (or double degree). Please note that this option is only available once during the duration of the degree.
  • Please note that these scholarships may be applied for in all courses except the final year of each degree program. With regard to the final courses, students may request an Honor Credit (in cases of economic necessity) or some of the discounts applicable to the final year.
  • This option is not available for students who were not beneficiaries in the first year of their degree program.
Information regarding the renewal of the bright file for students benefiting from courses prior to 2023 – 2024

(All degrees except the Degree in Medicine, for this see here)

  • Deadline: from May 5 to June 30, 2025 (1st call) or from July 10 to 25, 2025 (2nd call).
  • Channel: Portal Universitario.
  • Documentation to be provided: ocumentation is not required. The Study Aid Service will verify the applicant’s grades in an official capacity.

Students who were awarded the Brilliant Academic Record Scholarship prior to the 2023-2024 academic year may renew it, provided that they submit a written request in a timely manner, pass all subjects enrolled in the previous year with either an ordinary or extraordinary call, and maintain the following averages according to the type of degree (weighted average grade):

Type A Degrees: Dual degrees, Degrees of the Faculty of Experimental Sciences and Degrees of the Higher Polytechnic School:

  • Between 7.50 to 7.99: 40% scholarship
  • Between 8.00 and 8.49: 60% scholarship
  • Between 8.50 and 10: 80% scholarship

Type B Degrees: Rest of Degrees (except Medicine)

  • Between 8.00 and 8.49 – 40% scholarship
  • Between 8.50 and 8.99 – 60% scholarship
  • Between 9.00 and 10 – 80% scholarship

Degree in Medicine: Minimum average grade of 8.00. The scholarship percentage will be the one obtained in the first year.
All the subjects, including those of the Degree, if applicable, will be taken into account for the calculation of the average grade.

Scholarships for students with a Brilliant Academic Record may be applied for in all courses except the last year of each course. For this last course there is the possibility of requesting a “Honor Credit”, which will cover the need for financial aid in your case and, at the same time, involves the obligation of repayment by the student, in the terms established by both parties.

In the event of not being able to renew this scholarship due to failing grades or not achieving the required average grade, there is the possibility of recovering it in the following academic year if the established criteria are met and as long as it is not the last year of the Degree (or dual Degree). This option is available for only once during the duration of the Degree.

This scholarship cannot be applied for if it was not obtained in the first year of the degree.

Failure to apply for renewal within the established deadlines is understood as a waiver of the scholarship.

Main Building, Module 1, First Floor, Room 1.1

Opening hours: Monday to Thursday from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm and from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Friday from 9:30 to 13:30.

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Bachillerato scholarships: scholarships for academic excellence Bachillerato. Scholarships for good grades Bachillerato.

Bachillerato scholarships: scholarships for academic excellence Bachillerato 2023. Scholarships for good grades Bachillerato. Scholarships for good grades ESO. Baccalaureate excellence scholarships. Madrid Private University Scholarships. Scholarships for academic transcript Bachillerato.