The call for grants, scholarships and discounts UFV 2024-2025 is now closed.

The 2025-2026 call will have the following application deadlines:

1st call for applications: from May 5 to June 30, 2025 or
2nd call: from July 10 to July 25, 2025.

Some grants have special deadlines, you can check them here

Information about the Banco Santander Excellence 360 Scholarship here


Scholarship aimed at candidates who wish to study the Degree in Architecture at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria of Madrid and who are entering the University for the first time through the Baccalaureate and the EvAU.

The candidate who demonstrates that they possess the ideal profile for developing their talent to the highest level in the Architecture Degree Program will be awarded.

Both new students and those already enrolled in previous years will be contacted twice to proceed with their request
  • 1st call: from May 5 to June 30, 2025 or
  • 2nd call: from July 10 to 25, 2025

To be considered for this scholarship, applicants are required to take the university admission test, be admitted to the Architecture degree program, pay the application fee, and submit their application within the established deadlines and through the Candidate Portal.

Documentation to be provided
  • Student’s academic record: grades of 1st and 2nd year of Bachillerato and final grade of EvAU (submit the grades obtained up to the date pending delivery of final grades).
  • Elaboration of a personal Curriculum Vitae, whose extension may not be longer than DIN A4, where the following sections must be included: a) internationality (trips made, interest and knowledge of other cultures, knowledge of languages), b) academic excellence (awards, scholarships obtained, attendance at relevant conferences or lectures, excellent scores), c) human training (extracurricular, relevant, non-compulsory) and d) employability (volunteering, internships, occupation of free time).
  • Description in DIN A4 explaining the reasons for applying for the Modulor Architecture Scholarship and What is it for me to be an architect?
  • Letter of recommendation from the school of origin or from a mentor or teacher of reference

A discount of up to 50% of the monthly fees may be obtained.

Please note that scholarships are granted for one academic year only, depending on the student’s grade. To be eligible for renewal, applications must be submitted in subsequent years. Please note that the granting of aid, scholarships, or discounts during one academic year does not guarantee that they will be awarded directly during the following academic years.

It may be applied for in all courses except in the last year of each course, for which there is the possibility of applying for a Honor Credit (in case of financial need) or some of our discounts (in case of meeting the requirements of these)

Award criteria

The evaluation will be based on the profile of the students with the suitability to the values and aptitudes of the Degree in Architecture:

  • Evaluation of the personal Curriculum of each candidate.
  • Evaluation of the rest of the documentation submitted, where the academic performance of the student and the individual motivation of the candidate will be evaluated globally

Please note that all grants, scholarships, and discounts are subject to the economic fund earmarked for this purpose.

Renewal requirements

Please be advised that the renewal of this scholarship is not automatic and must be requested through the University Portal (Scholarships and Grants section) within the established deadlines.

This scholarship cannot be requested if it was not obtained in the first year of the degree program.

Renewal requirements:

1. Pass all subjects enrolled in ordinary or extraordinary call.

2. Obtain a weighted average grade higher than 7.5 in the previous year.

3. To demonstrate a minimum attendance of at least 80% of all classes .

4. Attendance of at least one course trip (initiation / studies / workshop).

5. Active participation in the university extension events proposed by the course (accredit at least 4 of them).

6. Favorable report from the direction of the Degree.

Failure to comply with any of these conditions implies the total or partial loss of the scholarship.

Scholarship Amount

A discount of up to 50% of the monthly tuition can be obtained.

It can be requested for all courses except the last course of each career, for which there is the possibility of requesting a Honor Credit (in case of financial need) or some of our discounts (if you meet the requirements of these).

Please note that all grants, scholarships, and discounts are subject to the economic fund earmarked for this purpose.

Main Building, Module 1, First Floor, Room 1.1.

Opening hours: Monday to Thursday from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm and from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Friday from 9:30 to 13:30.

+34 91 324 80 64

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