Research Group on New Technologies Applied to New Media and New Languages in Information and Communication for a New World (NICOM)
The primary objective of this research group is to establish a collaborative environment that fosters research and reflection on issues related to communication and emerging technologies. The research group’s current areas of focus include: corporate communication and intangibles, mobile communication, educommunication, political communication in social networks, internal communication, the metaverse, avatars, and communication. The research employs exclusively quantitative methodologies and pursues a rigorous interdisciplinary approach to understanding the human experience, particularly in a world shaped by new technologies.
Main lines of research: Communication of Intangibles; Mobile Communication; EduCommunication; Internal Communication.
Daniela Musicco Nombela| Contact
Group members
Pilar Alarcón Urbistondo
José Ángel Agejas Esteban| Contact
Juan Miguel Aguado Terrón
Raquel Ayestarán Crespo| Contact
Alberto Andreu Pinillos
Jorge Ángel Barahona Plaza
Juan Benavides Delgado
Ignacio Berguillos García
Ana Casado Molina
Isidro Catela Marcos
José Díaz Cuesta
Mª Carmen De La Calle Maldonado De Guevara
Javier Fernández Del Moral
José Luis Fernández Fernández Fernández
Ruth Fernández Hernández
Jesús Miguel Flores Vivar
Mª José Gato Bermúdez
Marta Gotor Cuairán
Isidoro Jiménez Zamora
Humberto Martínez-Fresneda Osorio
Abel Monfort De Bedoya
Susana Miquel Segarra
Soraya Muñoz Pérez
Nada Pahor De Marchi
Álvaro Pérez Araujo
Marian Queiruga De Dios
Celia Rangel Pérez
Silvia Rincón Alonso
José Manuel Rosa Durán
Ángel Luis Rubio Moraga
Cristina Ruiz Alberdi
Íñigo Urquía Uriaguereca
Laura Zazo Correa
Follow us on our socials!
@mirada21es | @humanidades_UFV | @levelup_ufv | @corresponsalesdepaz
@Mirada21es | @ondauni_es | @levelup_ufv | @HumanidadesUfv | @C_dPaz |
Contact the Faculty of Communication
Program Contents
Importance of the development conversation
- – Meaning and Scope of the development conversation
- – Strategic importance of the development conversation
- – “Moment of Truth” for the company, manager and collaborator.
- – Development and Leadership Conversation
Attitudes and Key Competencies
- – Key attitudes for the manager and the employee
- – Generation of “encounter” and development of trust
- – The development conversation as a lever for employee motivation
- – Active listening in the conversation
- – Importance of the Feedback; towards the Feedforward
Preparation and development of the conversation
- – Guidelines for the preparation of the conversation by the person in charge and the collaborator
- – Duration and logistical aspects of the conversation
- – Structure of the conversation and time distribution
- – Strengths-based development model
- – Powerful questions for the development conversation
- – Guidelines for the preparation of the Individual Development Plan (IDP)
- – Follow-up actions of the IDP
Program Contents
Importance of the development conversation
- – Meaning and Scope of the development conversation
- – Strategic importance of the development conversation
- – “Moment of Truth” for the company, manager and collaborator.
- – Development and Leadership Conversation
Attitudes and Key Competencies
- – Key attitudes for the manager and the employee
- – Generation of “encounter” and development of trust
- – The development conversation as a lever for employee motivation
- – Active listening in the conversation
- – Importance of the Feedback; towards the Feedforward
Preparation and development of the conversation
- – Guidelines for the preparation of the conversation by the person in charge and the collaborator
- – Duration and logistical aspects of the conversation
- – Structure of the conversation and time distribution
- – Strengths-based development model
- – Powerful questions for the development conversation
- – Guidelines for the preparation of the Individual Development Plan (IDP)
- – Follow-up actions of the IDP