The Office for the Transfer of Research Results (OTRI) of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria is a technical-administrative service for the promotion of the transfer of scientific knowledge from our University to society as a whole.
The OTRI depends on the Vice-Chancellor’s Office for Research and Postgraduate Studies, and is integrated in the OTRI network of Spanish universities with which it has common objectives.
Where can you find us?
Central Building. Attic of module 5
Opening hours: Monday to Thursday from 09.30 am to 06.30 pm. Friday 09.30 am to 03.00 pm.
+34 91 709 14 00
Locate us on the map

To promote the patent culture as an important part of the research process and its transmission of research results to society

To inform and stimulate participation in the different regional, national and international R&D aid programs

To provide technical and administrative support in the presentation of applications for grants and subsidies to the different public and private entities that finance research

To manage and justify the funds from external research grants

To promote collaboration and knowledge exchange between UFV research staff and R&D departments of companies and public research centers

To carry out outreach activities and generate scientific culture for the university community and the general public
- Internal call for evaluation of six-year period of research and transfer. Contact: Félix Hap
- Monitoring of calls for external research grants and dissemination of these to the UFV research community. Contact: Sofía Medina and Azarías Pavía
- Technical-administrative advice and management for the presentation of projects to national and international calls for research grants. Contact: Félix Hap
- Management of external research grant funds and justification of these funds in compliance with the terms and conditions of each call. Contact: Lola García-Calvo and María Bartumeus
- Issuance of six-year period research certificates, authorizations for participation in external research projects and certificates of participation in scientific dissemination activities. Contact: Félix Hap
- Facilitate contact with the business sector to communicate UFV research projects in search of synergies that allow effective knowledge transfer to society. Contact: Miguel Corrochano
- Courses, advice and economic-technical support in patent applications. Contact: Miguel Corrochano
- Promotion of scientific dissemination and culture through activities such as MIND ON, Science Week and Researchers’ Night. Contact: Azarías Pavía
- Advice on outreach and scientific culture to the university community. Contact: Azarías Pavía
- Centralization of data requests for the rankings in which the UFV participates. Contact: Azarías Pavía
- For other proposals or queries you can write us via email.

Miguel Osorio García
Director of the Center for Social Impact and Transfer
Ext. 2175

Miguel Corrochano
Development Manager (Center for Social Impact and Transfer)
Ext. 2149