We are part of the Europe Direct  network  of the European Commission. We are the largest information network in the EU alone with more than 400 centers.

Experts in European Union, we serve students and university professors, researchers and the general public. We encourage study and debate on European issues


  • Access to information on the European Union: official, from the European institutions, academic, institutional, etc…
  • We participate in the debate on the future of the EU, offer training and support in activities related to the EU integration process


  • Access to the catalog, through the library catalog  ,  with a collection of more than 5,500 documents
  • Access to specialized EU electronic resources
  • SEDAS: Spain-European Union Digital Archive
  • ESO: European Sources Online
  •  service access to publications and   interlibrary loan of European Institutions


  • You can follow our publications through the EDC blog


The European Documentation Center organizes and participates in activities related to the EU integration process, the debate on the future of Europe, as well as in the dissemination of European policies, campaigns, programs, etc.

The EDC is committed to:

  • Ensure equal access and attention
  • Personalized attention
  • Speed and agility in dealing with queries. The maximum response time for a requested search will be 24 hours, with the exception of:
    • Searches that require consultation with other EDCs, institutions or experts in the field
    • Searches that must be referred outside the EDC (the user will be given the details of the person or institution to be contacted)
    • Requests that do not come from projects assigned to the University and that have commercial purposes (cases that exceed 10 hours of total dedication tey will not be attended)

For operational reasons it will not be possible to prepare or review bibliographies, print documents of more than 20 pages or carry out research.


The annual quality evaluation report and the activities report will be made public once a year based on the following indicators:

  • Number of queries answered and academic profile of users, including data on the resolution period
  • Number of publications distributed from European institutions
  • Number of publications published and their distribution data
  • Number of dissemination or training actions carried out
  • Data on complaints, comments and suggestions


Any complaint or comment can be sent to the EDC email(cde@ufv.es). They will be forwarded to the Vice-rectorate for Academic Planning and Quality and will be answered within a maximum period of fifteen working days.



European Documentation Center

Building H, Library from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday

Follow us on social media!


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