The Doctoral programs of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria have a quality management model based on an evaluation system that covers all academic and organizational aspects of the activity, both initial, procedural and results. The evaluation is designed by choosing the actions that serve our knowledge interests, so that they are the best possible, in relation to the objectives sought. All the information on the Internal Quality Assurance System of the Doctoral School is available by clicking on the following link.
- Verification Process. Report:
Doctoral Program in Biotechnology, Medicine and Biosanitary Sciences by the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria - The renewal of the accreditation of official doctoral degrees is based on the following fundamental elements: Self-evaluation report and external visit. The renewal of the accreditation of the Doctoral Program in Biotechnology, Medicine and Biosanitary Sciences by the Francisco de Vitoria University will take place in the academic year 2018-2019. During the External Visit Phase all the parties involved in the degree are called to participate and provide their vision on the design, development and results of the degree. For this purpose, the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria provides the following link to the form.
- SGIC Results: indicators, rates and improvement plans
The provision of support staff, material means and services in accordance with the teaching objectives of the degrees is one of the priorities of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, and, therefore, of the Postgraduate and Consulting Area, which is responsible for the organization of the Master’s degrees. Currently, some of the agreements in force with other organizations or institutions are:
– FREMAP, Mutua de Accidentes de Trabajo y Enfermedades Profesionales de la Seguridad Social Nº61.
– Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
– Hospital Beata María.
– Hospital del Henares.
– Environmental and Technological Energy Research Center.
– Carlos III National Research Center Foundation.
Fundación Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas Carlos III (CNIO)
– Hospital Universitario de Torrejón for university teaching in medicine and health sciences.
– Sanitas S.A. de hospitales sociedad unipersonal for university teaching in medicine and health sciences.
– Fundación Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Aragón.
– Foundation for Biomedical Research of the Gregorio Marañón Hospital.
– Hospital Fundación Alcorcón
– Inova Diagnostic Inc.
– Foundation for Biomedical Research of the Hospital Universitario La Paz.
– MD Anderson International España S.A.
– Foundation for Biomedical Research of H.U Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda.
– University of Miami – Miller School of Medicine
For more information, download the complete PDF of Resources, materials and services of the Doctorate in Biotechnology, Medicine and Biosanitary Sciences
Once enrolled, a personalized activity document will be created for each doctoral student, describing all the activities of interest to the student, which will be reviewed regularly by the tutor, the thesis supervisor and the Academic Committee of the program.
Before the end of the first year, the doctoral student will write a “Research Plan”, endorsed by the tutor and the director, describing the methodology and aims of the thesis, as well as the time schedule to achieve them.
Annually, the Academic Committee of the program will evaluate the student’s Research Plan, together with the activities document and reports from the tutor and the thesis director. A positive evaluation will be required to continue the program. Otherwise, the PhD student will have a period of 6 months to write a new Research Plan and be re-evaluated. If there is a second negative evaluation, the student will be permanently withdrawn from the program.
The doctoral thesis will consist of an original research projecton a subject related to the scientific or technical field of the doctoral program carried out by the doctoral student. The thesis will be written and defended in Spanish or in another language of international scientific diffusion if accepted by the Academic Commission of the doctoral program. The thesis by compendium of publications may be presented by those who have a minimum of three published articles of the work done before the defense of the thesis, of which at least two must have been published after the date of first enrollment in the program and the other must have been published in the three years prior to the date of first enrollment in the program. The works must have been published in relevant scientific journals of the area of knowledge and indexed (JCR, SJR) or in published books of justified importance in which the doctoral student must appear in at least two of them as first or last author. The supervision and acceptance of these works will always be subject to the decision of the Doctoral Commission of the UFV.
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