DOCENTIA is an annual and certified program for the evaluation of teaching quality, which helps teachers to reflect on their teaching activity and to make decisions for its improvement, through the collection and analysis of data.
It is carried out every year, and consists of an evaluation procedure of the work of each professor in the last three academic years, through different variables: their own self-evaluation, the evaluation of the academic responsible, the evaluation of the students regarding their teaching, and other formal quantitative parameters.
At the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV) we understand the evaluation of the teaching work of the teaching staff to be part of a strategic process of continuous improvement and assessment and recognition of the teaching work of the teaching staff. The program is aimed at teaching excellence, understood as leadership in accompaniment, learning, existential mobilization, competencies and evaluation.
The model designed follows the requirements established by ANECA and the evaluation agencies of the autonomous communities in the DOCENTIA program, which have certified it.
This program is managed by the Vice-rectorate for Teaching Staff and Academic Planning.
The aims of the Docentia Program are:
- To promote the improvement of university quality
- To promote the pedagogical reflection in the teaching staff in order to improve their teaching activity, considering the methodological innovation and the research as points of reference..
- To implement programs of training and professional development that are adjusted to the real needs of the teaching staff.
- To encourage the improvement of the teaching activity recognizing the quality of the work developed.
- To complete the Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC) in the aspects referring to the quality of teaching with a global perspective of the professor’s activity.
- To ratify the commitment of the UFV for the development, implementation and continuity of a teaching evaluation system accredited by ANECA and Fundación Madri+d that guarantees society the quality of the degrees taught.
- To consolidate a university project focused on the quality, the excellence and the social responsibility
Consequences of Participation
The Docentia program is not an exam to which the teacher is submitted periodically, nor is it a competition, nor is it a tool designed to control teaching performance. It is an opportunity for the professor to reflect on his or her performance. The teaching evaluation provides essential information for several university processes:
- Selection and promotion of teaching staff. A favorable evaluation in the Docentia Program is considered an additional merit to be taken into account for internal promotion to the category of Professor and Senior Lecturer.
- Recognition of teaching excellence: The evaluation process proposed by the Docentia Program serves to accredit the performance of the teaching activity of UFV faculty according to national and international standards, thus providing professors with a certified system that allows them to accredit the quality of their teaching before the organizations and institutions that require it: ANECA, Madri+d, etc.
- Drive teaching innovation. Public recognition of good practices in teaching innovation implemented by professors who have introduced new strategies in their subjects and/or areas of relationship with students. A
- Certification of the Docentia Program for guideline 3.2 of the renewal of degree accreditation (SGIC).
- Economic recognition: Those who obtain a VERY GOOD and EXCELLENT rating will be entitled to an annual economic complement
Requirements to apply
The requirements to be eligible to apply for the Docentia Program are:
- To be a contracted professor with at least3 years of teaching at the UFV in the academic years to be evaluated in the current call.
- To have taught a teaching equivalent to at least 6 ECTS in each of the courses evaluated.
- Not to have the Docentia Program certificate in force.
- To have teaching evaluations in the three academic years to be evaluated
Evaluation Criteria
The Docentia Program considers four nuclear dimensions as the object of evaluation of the teaching activity. The four core dimensions are:
- Teaching planning- Planning
- Teaching implementation- Doing
- Teaching results- Checking
- Improvement and innovation- Implementationr
The Docentia Program of the Francisco de Vitoria University also contemplates a Transversal dimension or “0”. The purpose of this dimension is to reflect that, in the event that the professor does not fulfill a minimum of his/her obligations (class attendance, class recovery, fulfillment of assigned tutorials, delivery of minutes in due time and form, punctuality, etc.), the quality of the teaching activity would not be determined, and therefore a non-favorable rating is given
0. Dimensión Transversal | Cumplimiento de las obligaciones docentes: puntualidad, asistencia a clase, firma de actas… |
1. Planificación de la docencia | 1.1. Programación |
2. Desarrollo de la docencia | 2.1. Organización de la enseñanza |
3. Resultados de la docencia | 3.1. Satisfacción con los resultados |
4. Mejora e Innovación | 4.1. Formación y experiencia profesional |
Sources of Information
The sources of information used are:
1. Student satisfaction with the teaching work
2. Self-reflection of the professor
3.Rubric of the degree director
4. Academic information provided by the Vice-rectorate of Teaching Staff and Academic Planning
Evaluating Bodies
Peer evaluators
These are teachers who access the information provided by the teacher in the different sub-dimensions. They check the merits provided by the teacher and contrast them with the evidence (virtual classroom of the subject mainly).
They accept or reject the professor’s explanations, suggesting, if necessary, a change of score in the subdimensions checked.
Subcommittees for the evaluation of the teaching work:
There is a subcommittee for each Faculty or School. Its functions are:
To check the final evaluation of the merits.
To propose to the Evaluation Committee, if necessary, the modification of scores resulting from the above functions.
To make proposals for the improvement of the program.
Teaching Evaluation Committee
Its functions are:
To confirm the final assessment of merits proposed by the evaluation subcommittees.
To receive and evaluate the proposals for modification of scores from the evaluation subcommittees.
To provide the necessary information so that the faculties or degree directors can propose the necessary action strategies for the continuous improvement of the teaching staff.
If you are invited to Docentia this year, you will receive an email from the Vice-Rector’s Office for Faculty and Training Model with access to a digital form. This form is a guide to help you reflect and self-evaluate how your teaching has been in the last three years.
You can also access the form through the Docentia virtual classroom .
By submitting the form, the professor formally requests his/her evaluation and confirms the veracity of the data declared, assuming, otherwise, the responsibilities that may arise.
Quality Certificate
The University must respond to the principle of academic excellence, for which it has established a procedure that allows exhaustive knowledge of the impact of its activity. This evaluation process provides information about the correlation between the means used and the results obtained, and supports the decisions aimed at improving the critical aspects detected and promotes those whose evaluation has been positive. The influence of this evaluation process is decisive and undoubtedly has an impact on the expected and perceived quality of education.
The National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) has designed the Support Program for the Evaluation of Teaching Activities (Docentia) with the aim of meeting the demands of universities and the need of the educational system to have a model and procedures to guarantee the quality of university teaching staff and to promote their development and recognition.
The Docentia Program of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV) follows the design recommended by ANECA, and obtained a positive certification in 2013 being validated by the evaluation agencies, ANECA and ACAP (now Fundación para el Conocimiento MADRI+D). It renewed the certification of its model in 2018 (code DOC13UFV/05) and is valid for 5 years.
The process initiated in 2007 for the certification of the model led to its positive certification on December 2, 2013 being validated by the evaluation agencies, ANECA and ACAP (now Foundation for Knowledge MADRI+D). The certification obtained from the Docentia Program was renewed in January 2019 by the Foundation for Knowledge Madri+d (code DOC13UFV/05) and is valid for 5 years.
See also Docentia Program (ANECA).
- Docentia Program Guide 19-22 (pdf)
- Docentia Program Guide 18-21 (pdf)
- Report on results 18-21 (pdf)
- Docentia Program Guide 17-20 (pdf)
- Report on results 17-20 (pdf)
- Docentia Program Guide 16-19 (pdf)
- Report on results 16-19 (pdf)
- Docentia program guide 15-18 (pdf)
- Report on results 15-18 (pdf)
- Docentia program guide 14-17 (pdf)
- Report on results 14-17 (pdf)
- Docentia program guide 13-16 (pdf)
- Report on results 13-16 (pdf)
- Docentia Programme Guide 12-15 (pdf)
- Report on results 12-15 (pdf)
- Docentia program guide 11-14 (pdf)
- Report on results 11-14 (pdf)
- Docentia program guide 10-13 (pdf)
- Report on results 10-13 (pdf)
- Docentia program guide 09-12 (pdf)
- Docentia program guide 08-11 (pdf)
- Report on results 8-11 and 9-12 (pdf)
Contact the Vice President's Office for Academic Management, Quality and Entrepreneurship