The mission of the Francisco de Vitoria Biosanitary Research Institute is to promote the formation of interdisciplinary research groups that develop innovative projects and highlight the values of the educational project and the ideology of the University in the area of health sciences.
The Institute brings together teachers, researchers and students for the development of competitive research projects in Biotechnology, Medicine, Biomedicine and Biosanitary Sciences in general. To this end, collaboration with national and international institutions and research centers is encouraged to allow the exchange of knowledge and human capital.

The objective is to generate scientific knowledge that positions this Institute in society and in the national and international scientific arena in order to disseminate all the knowledge generated and contribute this good to others. The Institute also carries out training activities by organizing specialized courses and seminars and is involved in postgraduate programs (masters and doctorate) of the UFV.
- Microbial Biotechnology Group
- Biological Chemistry Group
- Molecular Biophysics Group
- Botany and Applied Pharmacognosy Group (BFA)
- Computational Biophysics and Biological Data Analysis
- Sustainable Chemical Processes
- Microfluidics and Systems Biology
- Materials and Sensors for Application in Biomedical Engineering
Biosanitary Research Institute
Building E, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday to Friday