The Chair of Immigration is a department with a research vocation that began its development at the Francisco de Vitoria Universidad in the academic year 2006/2007. As a result of the experience of participating in a European project “EQUAL Profís”, the need for research on the challenges and foundations of social integration of people of immigrant origin was identified.
During the first ten years of the Chair’s existence, research projects have been carried out on the reality of immigrants in Spain in terms of labor, family, media, anthropological and religious dimensions, social entrepreneurship, the reality of immigrant women, the training factor and, in recent years, there has been an in-depth reflection on the challenges faced by refugees.
This department has organized a master’s degree in Migration and Development, several international congresses, workshops with groups of experts, conferences, etc. In addition, it collaborates with various undergraduate and graduate training initiatives, both on and off campus. We attend international and national congresses, collaborate with the media and have published a trilingual glossary on integration, as well as books and scientific articles.
In the academic year 2020/21 the Chair obtained funding for the realization of a competitive project of the call for applications for grants for the promotion of scientific, technological and Innovation culture in the 2019 edition entitled “Construyendo una nueva narrativa migrante a golpe de tuit” (Constructing a new migrant narrative through tweets), with reference FCT-19-15454.
Currently, the Chair is organically dependent on the Vice-Chancellor’s Office for Research and Postgraduate Studies.
We are inspired by the thought and values of the humanist Francisco de Vitoria and the principles of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church, especially in:
- The defense of the dignity of every human being as the center of society
- The universality of human rights
We want the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria to be recognized for its commitment to immigrants through a research department that is rigorous in its approach and expert in the humanistic foundations that defend the equal dignity of all people and the need for social inclusion of every human being.
Our mission revolves around research on the migratory reality in Spain and on different aspects that favor bidirectional integration.
The general aim is to offer a space for research, training and dissemination to contribute to the social integration of immigrants in Spain. The specific aims of the Chair are the following:
- To research and rigorously analyze the fundamentals of the social integration of immigrants and other relevant aspects of the reality of migration and refugees in Spain.
- To train. To offer spaces and training itineraries to the agents who work with immigrants, giving courses, workshops, meetings and high level training (postgraduate, master’s, specializations…).
- To disseminate. To publish the most significant results of the research we carry out in national and international impact journals.
- To participate in conferences and other important national and international events on migration issues to renew knowledge and share experience.
The Chair’s research focuses on different aspects of the integration of immigrants. Our projects favor social integration between immigrants and natives. The research lines of the Chair revolve around 2 axes:
- Sustainability and social inclusion.
- Migratory narratives
This glossary is the result of a joint work of the components of the transnational E – Qual project Meeting Point: Profis (Spain), Geforme (France), Creuse ́ac (France – Creuse), Gente Acolhedora (Portugal) and NZTPD (Slovakia) under the direction of the Profis group (Project for Training and Social Integration). Some of the terms that are defined are: welcoming, adaptation, contribution to society, asylum, assimilation, citizen….

Technical data:
Edition Coordinators: Miguel Osorio García de Oteyza; Joaquín Saldaña Cebello; Profís/Fundación Social UFV.
D.L M27420 – 2007.
In the Community of Madrid, immigrants are integrating well, as evidenced by their high rate of employment and their high level of satisfaction.

Technical data:
Coordinated by: Cátedra de Inmigración. Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.
Subsidized by: Dirección General de Inmigración; Consejería de Inmigración y Cooperación Comunidad de Madrid.
In collaboration with: Proyecto eQual Profís, co-financed by the European Social Fund and the Consejería de Familia y Asuntos Sociales de la comunidad de Madrid.
D.L: M.6106 – 2008.
Conversations on Integration are meetings that bring together experts on this subject motivated by the social events that are taking place in Spain as a result of the massive arrival of immigrants. It aims to encourage the participation and research of proposals that help to share and harmoniously guide the thinking and coexistence of those who will form the history of our present and future society.
This book contains different papers, among them: José – Román Flecha Andrés (Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca), Rosalía Portela Rico (Cáritas Madrid), Luis González – Carvajal Santabárbara, SJ (Universidad Pontificia de Comillas),…

Technical data:
D.L: M.41838 – 2007
Immigrants are very religious people, but, in Spain, it is difficult for them to maintain their beliefs: 86% of immigrants residing in the Community of Madrid arrived in Spain with religious beliefs, and since they arrived in Spain to date, 69.4% maintain them and 15.8% have either lost them or are in the process of losing them.

Technical data:
D.L: M.8921 – 2010
The aim of this study is to obtain an adequate knowledge of the problems and points of view of the immigrant population of the Community of Madrid. Some of the results obtained in this study reflected the following:
- Economic motivations are fundamental.
- The choice of Spain as a destination is encompassed in: geographical proximity, contacts with relatives and/or friends, language, amenitiesand abundance of work.
- 11% of the immigrants went to another European country before arriving in Spain.
- 43.2% said they would stay in Spain for a while and then return to their country of origin.
- 51% think that their expectations have been fulfilled.
- 80.4% have improved their standard of living

Technical data:
D.L: M.6106-2008
This publication addresses the connection between globalization, corporate social responsibility and immigration in Spain. In the first part, a series of theoretical reflections by different researchers that frame the subject are presented, followed by the results of a study on the involvement of Spanish companies in the socioeconomic integration of immigrants prepared by the Immigration Chair of the Francisco de Vitoria University with the collaboration of the Applied Economics group of this university.

Technical Data:
D.L: M.18048-2009
The assessment made about the contribution of the three million foreign workers (14% of the total workers in Spain) to our economy was that this has been very positive in terms of stimulating consumption, for maintaining traditional trades and services which are no longer so attractive to the natives, the flexibilization of the labor market, the support for the reconciliation between work and family, the growth of the GDP,…But with the evidence of the negative effects of the economic crisis that Spain has been experiencing, especially since 2007, this group is suffering, in addition to an unemployment rate of 21%, a worse recognition and even rejection.

Technical data:
D.L: M-49726-2010
- Osorio, M., Jiménez, M. y Fuentes-Lara, C. (2021).Retos para la integración de las personas migrantes en las Smart Cities: El caso de Madrid. Cuadernos geográficos de la Universidad de Granada, vol. 60, nº. 1, pp. 244-262.
- Osorio, M., Jiménez, M., y Pérez, A. (2020).Entrepreneurship among female immigrants. A case study in Madrid. Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios de Desarrollo, vol. 9, nº. 2, pp. 30-53.
- Ortiz, I. (2020). La desigualdad de la ciudadanía. Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía, vol. 47, pp. 283-302.
- Osorio, M., Ayestarán, R., y Fuentes-Lara, C., (2020). Aprendizaje por descubrimiento de la crisis de refugiados y de los inmigrantes en el grado de Marketing de la Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.Formación Universitaria, v. 13(4), pp. 165-172.
- Ortiz, I. (2019).La teoría de la justicia: más allá de los límites nacionales. Bajo Palabra, nº. 22, pp. 81-94.
- Osorio, M. (2018).El factor religioso en la integración de los inmigrantes en España. Cauriensia: revita anual de Ciencias Eclesiásticas, nº. 13, pp. 605-617.
- Osorio, M. y Jiménez, M. (2018).La movilidad de los inmigrantes emprendedores con iniciativas culturales y creativas en la Comunidad de Madrid. Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios de Desarrollo, vol. 7, nº. 1, pp. 84-107.
- Osorio, M. y Rodríguez, R. (2016). Comunicación y hombre: revista interdisciplinar de ciencias de la comunicación y humanidades, nº. 12, pp. 135-151.
- Osorio, M., Urquiza, A. y Rodríguez, R. (2015).Value contribution of immigrants to society through entrepreneurship. Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers, Vol. 6(2), pp. 101–
- Osorio, M., (2008).Mujer inmigrante: perspectivas laborales y sociales. Revista del Instituto de Estudios Económicos, Nº 2-3, pp. 363-396.
- Osorio, M., (2007).La integración de la población inmigrante en la Comunidad de Madrid. Capital humano: revista para la integración y desarrollo de los recursos humanos, nº 20, pp. 36-41
- Osorio, M. (2013). “Inmigración latinoamericana e integración sociocultural en la Comunidad de Madrid. Claves para la comprensión de la inmigración latinoamericana en España”, pp. 449 – 477. Universidad Católica de Córdoba (Argentina). ISBN 978-987-626-211-8.
- Osorio, M. (2012). “Las diferencias entre acción social y responsabilidad social de la empresa. Reflexiones sobre la responsabilidad social corporativa en el siglo XXI”, cap. 4. pp. 89-105. Universidad de Salamanca (España). ISBN 978-84-9012-060-6.
Immigration Chair. Annual Report 2020
Immigration Chair. Annual Report 2015
Immigration Chair. Annual Report 2016
- New activities will be announced soon
- Participation in the 9th European Researchers’ Night with the organization of the workshop: science discovers the cultural identity of immigrants. What are young women and men of Latin American origin who live with us in Madrid like? (September 2018).
- Participation in different Science Weeks throughout these last years dealing with topics of immigration, dignity of the person, business creation in times of crisis, etc.
- Conference Protest on the Rise? Political Aftershocks of the Financial and the Migrant Crisis in Germany and Spain. UFV and Technische Universität Chemnitz, April 24-30, 2017.
- Organization of the round table: “Challenges of the integration of refugees in the EU: the Spanish case”, an activity within the program of activities organized by the Center for the Study of Democracy (April 2017)
- Celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Chair of Immigration: recording of the video A Diverse Family: a total of 16 interviews with students, staff and faculty of foreign nationality to raise awareness of the different cultures that make up the UFV family (June 2017)
- Participation in the 8th European Researchers’ Night with the organization of the Youth Contest of Solidarity Campaigns “Put science to help refugees” (September 2017)
- International Forum on Interculturality, Mediation and Arbitration organized by Asociación Pachamama, Federación Iberoamericana de Empresarios y Comerciantes (FIBECE), Sociedad Española de Formación e Investigación Intercultural (Sieter – Spain), in collaboration with UFV, Be Global Business, Secretaría General de Líderes Iberoamericanos and Consejería de Políticas Sociales y Familia de la Comunidad de Madrid. (May 2016)
- Roundtable on the refugee crisis “Feel yourself in their place”, organized by the Chair of Immigration in collaboration with Corresponsales de Paz. (November 2016)
- World Congress of Catholic Universities (12 – 14 August 2011, Avila).
- III Seminar of Conversations on Integration. Multicultural education in universities and schools ispañ Padre José Ramón Flecha (coord.) UFV (May 2010).
- Memorias sobre el I y el II Congreso Migraciones y Desarrollo
- Study on the integration of immigrants in companies españ Cátedra de Inmigración en colaboración con el Grupo de Economía Aplicada GEA – UFV. CEPI Hispanoamericano de Madrid (December 18, 2008)
- 9th Iberoamerican Meeting of Civil Society. Miguel Osorio, Migration and co-development strategies (November 25, 2008, Guayaquil).
- The work of universities in social responsibility. Organizers: SEUR Foundation, AECID and Madrid Chamber of Commerce (December 2008).
- Return and emigration Federation of regional houses in Spain (December 2008)
- Direction of a Master’s Degree in Immigration and International Cooperation
- Direction of a course on Immigration Regulations
- Collaborations in the subject of Social Responsibility, and in the Master’s Degree in Political Action, Institutional Strengthening and Citizen Participation in the Rule of Law
- Collaboration with different undergraduate and postgraduate training initiatives, within and outside the University
- Workshops with groups of experts, conferences and seminars
Each person is unique and unrepeatable. Recognizing that we are different makes us wonder and respect the diversity of each one of us who are part of the UFV family.
A diVerse Family is a reality that enriches us for all that each one can contribute with his or her talents and personality. A diVerse Family is also expressed in the different nationalities that live together on the UFV campus. In 2017 a total of 32 nations are living together among students, staff and faculty (Angola, Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, France, Germany, Guam, Guatemala, Honduras, Italy, Mexico, Nigeria, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, United States, Venezuela and Spain)
The mission aim of “Overcoming evil with good” is carried out by each of the 12,000 people who participate in this University, in a diverse way, each with a different commitment, different ways of seeing reality, different cultures and nations.
Within the framework of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Immigration Chair of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, we have conducted a total of 16 interviews with students, staff and professors of foreign nationality in order to produce a video called “A Diverse Family” to publicize the different cultures that make up the UFV Family, a big family where everyone brings their talent and experience to build a better society.
There is tension between border security policies ands messages in favor of integration.

There is tension between border security policies and pro-integration messages.

Article: “Una Unión Europea a la defensiva”. La Razón. International. April 25, 2015.
Article: “Los vídeos que explican la crisis siria en pocos minutos (y vean millones de personas)”. El País. Verne. October 12, 2015.
Article: “España se ha comprometido a acoger a 15.000 refugiados, pero se desconoce cuándo vendrán”. Religion Confidential. Solidarity. December 18, 2015.
Article: “Día internacional de las personas migrantes”. Diario de Pozuelo. December 18, 2015.
Radio COPE
Interview granted by Miguel Osorio to Cadena Cope where he talks about Spain as a country that shows a much higher level of acceptance of immigrants than other countries in the world.
Radio International
Interview granted by Miguel Osorio to the program Mundo Noticias of Radio International on December 18 at 21:15, on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Migrants.
Cadena Cope
Speech by Miguel Osorio in the program El Espejo on Cadena Cope, dedicated to deepen the Message of Pope Francis for the World Day of Peace: “Overcome indifference and conquer peace”, which was celebrated on January 1, 2016.
German television ZDF
The interview dealt with the social alarm derived from the attempt to cross the border of Ceuta by a large number of immigrants. According to the UFV immigration chair this situation is not a sign of an increase in migratory pressure given that, since 2011, the migratory balance has decreased in Spain from 5.7 million to 4.8 million resident foreigners. The drop in the presence of immigrants in the census is due to two reasons: the lack of employment and the consequent return of a good number of immigrants to their country and, the naturalization of foreigners who have been in our territory for a longer period of time. At the same time, many Spaniards are emigrating to other countries in search of employment. The drama experienced at the border these days is the result of the search for better opportunities by people from sub-Saharan Africa, which makes us see that, in other parts of the world, the situation is much worse than that of the Spanish people. The unfortunate loss of human lives in these situations is a wake-up call to the Spanish authorities and the European Union of the need to improve with more means and in a humanitarian way the surveillance of the borders while, at the same time, investing more in the collaboration for the development of the poorest countries and thus reduce inequality in the world.
German television ZDF
Miguel Osorio, director of the Chair of Immigration, explains on German television the crisis of the refugee boat recently accepted by Spain and the possible responses by the European Union and Spain.
TV -What would we do in the same situation?
Miguel Osorio – Always remember that refugees are people like us who are fleeing from wars and violation of human rights. Other times they are economic migrants looking for a future they do not see in their own countries. Are there solutions? On the one hand there is humanitarian emergency aid that must be given. On the other hand, the transit of these people must be organized so that it is safe and responds to each country’s ability to receive them, so that the host population understands the balance of justice and charity that this issue requires.
TV – What can Europe do?
Miguel Osorio – Europe must invest much more in helping the countries where migrants and refugees come from. The solution is right there, contributing to make them countries where human rights are respected and where there are opportunities for work and personal development that do not force them to leave the country. Europe has the obligation to protect its own citizens by ordering its borders and the very coexistence and integration of all residents in EU territory. Europe must better coordinate the arrival of asylum requests and fulfill its reception commitments. Europe must respond to the values it believes in.

Miguel Osorio García de Oteyza. Director of the Chair of Immigration. PhD in Humanities and Social Sciences (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria) and University Degree in Law (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). He has a six-year period of research and is accredited as a Associate Professor collaborating in teaching on issues of immigration and civil society. He has directed master’s degrees and courses, and has lectured at national and international forums and conferences