Call for applications for the image design contest for international mobility programs for the academic year 2023/24
The Vice-Chancellor’s Office for Internationalization of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV) with the aim of giving visibility to international mobility and the internationalization of the university, agrees to publish, under the principles of objectivity, concurrence, competitive and advertising, the call for applications for a contest allows the creation of the image of all the pieces necessary to publicize the mobility of the 2023/24 course.
- Participants: students enrolled at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria and foreign students who are completed an international mobility residency at our University during the academic year 2023/24 in the degree programs of Fine Arts and/or Design may participate. Each participation is individual.
- Contents: the visual identity for the campaign will be presented in 4 formats:
- Presentation of proposal: PDF of RGB presentation in high resolution. And packaged .indd source file (containing fonts and images used)
- Banner in PNG format + Source file (.psd, .indd or .ai) packaged if applicable.
- Brochure cover PDF A5, 300dpi, CMYK + Source file (.psd, .indd or .ai) packaged if applicable.
- Poster A3 CMYK 300dpi. + Source file (.indd or .ai) of the packaged poster (containing fonts and images used) and general poster A3 format printed and mounted on 5 mm feather board for judging by the jury.
The originals must be executed with freedom of procedure, being made in such a way that it facilitates reproduction.
The image must be original and unpublished and shall not involve in whole or in part, copy or plagiarism of photographic scene, posters or drawings already published in any form, being the author the solely responsible for any incident that for these reasons could occur, and must hold harmless UFV from any claim that for this reason may be directed against the university.
- Delivery and formats: each contestant must register through the form available on the website subsequently submit, if he/she wishes to continue in the contest, all the requested contents in a digital file in .zip format. This will be sent to the email of the person in charge within the Vice-rectorate for Internationalization of the UFV: Isabel Serrano, via download link from a shared folder in OneDrive of UFV. This .zip file, when unzipped, must contain 4 folders with the four formats previously indicated in point 2.
The poster must also be presented in A3 format printed and mounted on cardboard, as specified in the previous section, and will be delivered to Ms. Isabel Serrano when she summons each of the candidates to do so.
- Theme of the work: international mobility (academic exchange, study abroad) and internationalization
- Deadline for entries: from the date of publication of this resolution until February 15,
- Jury: the Jury will be composed of the following persons from the Vice-rectorate:
– The Vice-rector for Internationalization.
– The Director of the International Relations Office.
And, by the following people from the Fine Arts and Design degrees of the Faculty of Communication:
– Roberto Campos Gómez(design projects coordinator)
– Eloy Segura Rosas(designer and typography teacher)
– Miguel Hernández Cañadas(designer and technologies coordinator)
– José Cruz Jiménez (designer and projects teacher)
Only the entries of those candidates who, after their registration in the present call, have delivered their works in due time and form, will be valued. The criteria to be taken into account by the jury when evaluating the works will be the following:
– Adeherence to the theme of the terms and conditions
– Originality of the work
– Professionalism of the prototypes and of the project as a whole
The decision will be made public on May 9, 2022 on the notice boards of the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization in the central building of the university and will include the name and surname of the winner and will be unappealable.
- Prize awarded: MAC BOOK AIR, valued at approximately 1000.00 euros. The winner will have to pick up the prize at the Vice-rectorate for Internationalization within 30 days after the publication of the jury’s decision.
The prize is subject to the taxes and withholdings in force at the time of its award. UFV will communicate the details of the award winners to the Tax Agency in accordance with the corresponding tax regulations.
- Funding: the amount of the prize will be applied to the budget line corresponding to the ERASMUS+ project, OS (Organizational Support) 2021-1-ES01-KA131-HED-000007835.
- Winning image: the author whose work is selected will retain the moral rights recognized by Article 14 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996 of April 12, 1996, which approves the revised text of the Intellectual Property Law, regularizing, clarifying and harmonizing the current legal provisions on the subject, and assigns to the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria the exploitation rights for a period of 5 years from the acceptance of these rules and universally and gives express consent for their works to be used in any medium and format. This assignment is exclusive and includes the following rights:
- The reproduction, distribution and public communication, by any means currently known, and distribution in printed format or through the Internet and other services of the information society.
- The transformation and edition of the work, either in its entirety or in fragments, etc.
The consideration for the winner consists, precisely, in the corresponding prize awarded by UFV. The university may create a repository to be published on its website with the images of the winning works in successive calls and the names and surnames of their authors. Once the copyright transfer period has expired, the university may maintain the publication in its repository as long as the authors do not withdraw their consent or request its deletion.
- Collection of works: the organization undertakes to take care of the works submitted, and is not responsible for any damage caused by the contest. Works that have not been awarded prizes must be withdrawn within one month from the date on which the decision is made public. Those works that are not withdrawn within this period may be destroyed by the university.
- Acceptance of the rules: participation in this competition implies acceptance of the established rules.
- Extended information regarding the protection of your personal data Who is the person responsible for processing your data? The data controller is the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV).
Contact details: Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. General Secretariat. Ctra. M-515 Pozuelo-Majadahonda Km. 1,800; 28223, Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid).
Contact details of the data protection officer:
For what purposes will we process your personal data?
At UFV we will process your personal data for the following purposes:
– The processing of your application to participate in the competition for the design of the image of the international mobility programs of the university for the academic year 2023/2024
– The publication on the bulletin board of the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization of the UFV of the name and surname of the winners
– If applicable, the management of the prizes awarded
– The publication in the UFV web repository of the winning works in successive calls, as well as the name and surnames of the authors
What is the legal basis for the processing of your data?
The legal basis for data processing is the consent of the interested party by ticking the corresponding box included in the basic information.
How long will we keep the personal data?
The data will be kept as long as it is necessary to manage the call and the winner’s data will be kept as long as the assignment of his/her copyright to the UFV subsists and, subsequently, as long as he/she does not withdraw his/her consent or request its deletion.
To which recipients will your data be communicated?
The Universidad Francisco de Vitoria has several application and computer support providers that may access personal data when executing such a contract. Universidad Francisco de Vitoria will always have a data access contract signed with them in accordance with the requirements of Article 28 of the General Data Protection Regulation, which will provide sufficient guarantees in the processing carried out by these providers. Some of the providers are located outside the territory of the European Union, so Universidad Francisco de Vitoria requests additional guarantees, according to the regime foreseen for international transfers in the General Data Protection Regulation.
On the other hand, the personal data of the candidates and their works will be provided to the members of the Jury (composed of the people from the Vice-rectorate for Internationalization and the Fine Arts and Design Degrees indicated in the terms and conditions of the call for appplications).
As for the data of the candidates to whom the prizes are awarded, they will be communicated to third parties:
– The winners’ data (name and surname) will be published on the notice board of the Vice-Chancellor’s Office for Internationalization of the UFV
– Tax Administration for the purposes of compliance with accounting, fiscal and tax regulations
– The works and the names and surnames of their authors will be published in the UFV web repository
What are your rights in relation to the processing of data?
Any person has the right to obtain information about the existence of a processing of their data, to access their personal data, to request the rectification of data that are inaccurate or, where appropriate, to request deletion, when among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or the data subject withdraws the consent given.
In certain cases, the data subject may request the limitation of the processing of his or her data, in which case we will only keep them in accordance with the regulations in force.
In certain cases, you may exercise your right to data portability, which will be provided in a structured, commonly used or machine-readable format to you or the new data controller you designate.
You have the right to revoke your consent at any time for any of the processing for which you have given it.
To exercise your rights, you must send an email to or in writing signed manually or electronically. If the university has doubts about your identity, you may be asked to provide a copy of your ID card. If you are acting through a representative, in addition to submitting a manually or electronically signed document, you must provide proof of such representation.
Writings must be submitted in person at the University Registry or sent by mail to the address listed in the “data officer” section.
You have the right to contact our data protection officer regarding all matters relating to the processing of your personal data and the exercise of your rights under these regulations, and to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority in the event that you consider that the exercise of your rights has not been adequately addressed.
The maximum term to resolve is one month from the receipt of the request, which may be extended for a further two months depending on the complexity of the request or the number of requests received.
In the event of any modification of your data, please inform us duly in writing in order to keep your data updated.