How do I apply?

Short residency mobility

  • Application to the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization (VRI) through the online platform (link attached below), attaching a copy of the applicant’s DNI (Spanish National Identity Number)/NIE (Foreigners’ Identity Number), the teaching or training proposal, CV in English and letter of acceptance/invitation from the institution/s in which the participant will carry out the residency.
  • Residencies that are financed through the Erasmus program can only be carried out in Europe, in the universities and areas of the table published with the call. Other residencies financed with UFV funds have no destination restriction but the budget and the availability of resources will be studied at the time of the application.
  • The residency must be requested  at least 2 months  before the beginning of the stay in order to guarantee the completion of the necessary administrative procedures. This implies that at the time of application all the required documents must be submitted without exception. In case of failure to comply with any of the requirements the payment of the grant is NOT guaranteed before the beginning of the residency period.
  • More than two residencies per participant are NOT allowed in the same academic year

The call for applications will remain open from October 1, 2023 until the available places are occupied, which will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis. Only if there are cancellations or if not all the places are filled, may candidates apply for more than two residencies in the same academic year.

In all circumstances, it is the responsibility of the beneficiary to arrange transportation, accommodation, meals or any other necessary arrangements for the residency:  the academic departments and the Vice-rectorate for Internationalization are under no obligation to provide these aspects.

The beneficiary must communicate the dates of his/her residency sufficiently in advance to the Department of People Development through the Success Factors platform.

Priority will be given to applications that are first-time applicants for residencies over those candidates who have been assigned a grant in previous years.

Long-term residency

  • Send application form to VRI ( (link attached below) and the following documentation: report of the research or teaching project, aims and expected results, estimated budget (travel, accommodation, meals, medical insurance, etc.) and approximate start and end dates of the residency.
  • Letter of acceptance from the host institution including start and end dates and the purpose of the residency (in the case of teaching mobilities, a calendar of classes will be attached).
  • Letter of approval from the Dean of the faculty to which the applicant belongs.

The application should be submitted at least 2 months before the beginning of the residency in order to guarantee the completion of the necessary administrative procedures. This implies that at the time of application all required documents must be submitted without exception. In case of non-compliance with any of the requirements payment of the grant is NOT guaranteed before the beginning of the residency period. The grant is paid as travel/board/accommodation allowance on the payroll at the beginning of the residency.

The call will remain open from January 1, 2025 until the budget is exhausted.

In any case, it is the responsibility of the beneficiary to manage his/her transport, accommodation, meals or any other necessary procedures for the residency:  the academic departments and the Vice-rectorate for Internationalization are not responsible for these aspects of the residency.

The beneficiary must communicate the dates of his/her residency sufficiently in advance to the Department of People Development through the Success Factors platform.

Priority will be given to applications that are first-time applicants for residency over candidates who have been assigned a grant in previous years.

Virtual residency

The idea is to carry out an academic activity remotely with an international perspective, which responds to an comprehensive strategy, so that there is an impact/return for students and teachers. Activity will be framed withinan internationalization strategy -it must have visibility and impact- and will be measurable in a system of indicators managed from VRI.

You can consult the open calls for applications and processes in the section Opportunities

riu logos ufv REGISTRATION Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

What are the financing options for residencies?

Short Residency

For short residencies, financing is determined according to the number of days, distances and category of the countries of the host institution. All residencies will be governed by the following tables divided into two concepts: travel and meals.

Travel: Contribution to staff travel expenses based on the distance between their place of work and the place where the corresponding activity takes place, according to the attached table.

Distance in kilometers
Amount to be received
Between 10 and 99 km €20 per participant
Between 100 and 499 km €180 per participant
Between 500 and 1999 km €275 per participant per participant
Between 2000 and 2999 km €360 per participant
Between 3000 and 3999 km €530 per participant
Between 4000 and 7999 km €820 per participant
Between 8000 and 19999 km €1,500 per participant

To calculate the distance, the European Union has created an online calculator for this purpose:

Meals: The amounts will depend on the country of destination (the European Union has based this on the standard of living in each country) and with a maximum funding limit of 5 days.

Countries of destination
Daily amount to be received
Group A
Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, United Kingdom and Sweden
€120 /day
Group B
Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal
€105 /day
Group C
Group C North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey
€90 /day

Short residencies financed with UFV funds that take place outside the European Union will have a maximum funding of 1500 euros.

Long Residency

For long residencies, the financing of each residency will be studied individually by the Mobility Committee taking into consideration the project and the budget presented in the report. Funding will be awarded in line with the number of hours stipulated in the contract of the teaching/research staff. The grants for long residencies of  will be paid in the payroll as travel/boarding/accommodation allowance in the month of the beginning of the residency. The applicant must justify the stay with the reciepts of the chosen means of transport and the certificate of stay signed by the host institution at the end of the residency.


The existence of an Erasmus agreement signed between two partner universities does not imply the automatic acceptance of the residency applicant. Such an agreement does not guarantee that the exchange will take place. Many factors play a role: if the program presented by the candidate is not accepted by the host university or institution, if there is no consensus on the dates, etc.

The Vice-Rector’s Office for Internationalization offers participants contacts with partner institutions, but it is the applicant themselves who must take the necessary steps to successfully complete the international exchange program (to determine dates, study the academic options of the host university, look at subjects similar to those taught at UFV). In the case of non-teaching residencies, the participant may make use of their professional contacts or look for seminars/workshops/courses that will help their professional development