International Mobility Program PROF / PAS (Administrative and support staff)

What does the international mobility program consist of?

The International Mobility Program for Faculty/Staff is designed to provide faculty and administrative and service staff with an international experience. This experience provides the opportunity to collaborate with institutions abroad, broaden their professional experience, diversify the academic curriculum, internationalize research projects or share cases of best practices. At the same time, this mobility program offers participants an opportunity for personal enrichment and professional development.

What are the benefits of TEACHER / ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPPORT STAFF mobility?

For faculty/administrative staff:

  • Internationalization of their curriculum vitae
  • Research opportunities
  • Learn about best practices
  • Compare methodologies and evaluation systems
  • Personal and professional enrichment
  • Improve language skills

For home institutions:

  • International training of faculty/administrative staff
  • Professional development
  • Research opportunity for faculty
  • Diversification of academic curriculum

What types of mobility are there?

International mobility can be a short residency or long residency. It may involve physical mobility or be virtual.

Short Residency Mobility

The duration can be from a minimum of 2 days to a maximum of 5 days, excluding travel days. Mobility may be for teaching/training/research (PROF) or training (PROF/PAS). International mobility expressly excludes attendance at congresses, lectures or conferences as well as presentation of publications. The residency can be carried out until September 30, 2024.

  • The aim of a staff mobility from a higher education institution to a company is to enable participants to learn from the transfer of knowledge or competences and to acquire practical skills.
  • The aim of a staff mobility from a higher education institution to another higher education institution is to enable participants to learn from the experiences and good practices of the partner institution and to improve the skills required for their current job.

Job shadowing: observation period in a company/institution/university (PROF/PAS).

International Week: an opportunity to get in contact with staff and professors from various international universities. It allows you to get to know other work formats, attend specialized conferences, learn best practices, participate in specific workshops, put your theoretical and linguistic knowledge into practice, and, in short, discover new horizons both academically and professionally. Consult the training opions here (PROF/PAS).

Training courses: training offered by a company/institution/university. Courses (PROF/PAS).

Teaching mobility: teaching at a partner institution. Erasmus places (PROF) For teaching activities between higher education institutions in Erasmus program countries, both institutions must have signed an inter-institutional agreement. A minimum of 8 teaching hours will be taught during the stay. If the teaching mobility is requested outside the Erasmus program (UFV funds) it is not necessary to have a previous institutional agreement between both institutions and the minimum number of hours will be established by agreement of both parties.

Long Residency Mobility

The duration may be from a minimum of two weeks to a maximum of one academic term. It may be a research or teaching project.

Virtual Residency Mobility

The aim of this project is to contribute to the mobility and exchange of professors, in a virtual manner, so that, within the framework of Internationalization at Home, it has an impact on the development of skills derived from the international experience of both professors and students.

Virtual mobility can develop very simple and brief activities, such as a master class, and other more complex activities that can last up to a full semester. Through these collaborative activities, professors can build a network of contacts that can lead to the development of research projects and articles.

The universities with which we most frequently collaborate to develop virtual mobility are those that are part of our international networks (RIU- Regnum Christi International Universities and The Hague Network).

How do I start? Here are some notes on concepts, methodology and specific aims. Documentspresentation and video .

The different calls for applications are published in the section Opportunities

What are the requirements to participate in the mobility program?

  • There must be some kind of contractual relationship between the participant and the UFV.
  • Authorization from the Dean of the Faculty or Head of Department.
  • Proficiency in the language in which the classes/seminars/training/research will be given (normally English minimum level B1 in the case of training mobilities and a C1 level in the case of teaching activities).

For long residencies , each case will be examined individually by the Mobility Committee taking into consideration the project and the budget presented in the report.

For virtual mobility , the application will be governed by the requirements of each call.

Note: The “Call for Applications for Short-Residencies Teacher/PAS Mobility” for the Erasmus KA103 and KA107 projects of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria are co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria and neither the European Commission nor the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE) are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.