The International Conference on Forgiveness and Reconciliation brings together professionals and academics from different parts of the world to reflect from an interdisciplinary and philosophically inspired perspective on the issues of forgiveness and reconciliation. The conference will take place from March 24 to 26, 2025, at Francisco de Vitoria University (Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid), and it will be developed in English and Spanish with simultaneous translation in both languages. The conference will be held in a hybrid format, both in-person and online (live streaming). In case of live streaming, you will receive the link upon registration.
If the twentieth century was marked by overwhelming violence, the new century—with its accelerated historical pace and societies increasingly interconnected both physically and technologically—has definitively brought to light new forms of barbarism that undermine coexistence. Terrorism, health and energy crises, the proliferation of isolating technologies, environmental challenges, gender-based violence, and various forms of abuse all contribute to an array of social and economic exclusions, pathologies, and disorders. From an interdisciplinary perspective, it is becoming increasingly evident that any reflection aimed at understanding and addressing these new forms of violence must also include an action-oriented and scholarly focus on the possibilities of forgiveness and reconciliation. These fundamental associative principles of society are essential to safeguarding it from disintegration.
Place of the conference: Salón de Grados Room. Central Building, Module 2. Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

The thematic focus of philosophy on forgiveness emerged in the second half of the twentieth century. Although the literature on the topic is not yet particularly extensive, contributions primarily stem from Anglo-Saxon thought and, occasionally, from phenomenology. This has led, in general terms, to the recognition of a “philosophy of forgiveness” (Lewis -ed.- The Philosophy of Forgiveness, ed. Lewis, 4 Vols., 2016, 2017). With a broader historical trajectory, forgiveness has long been a subject of theological study and has more recently attracted the interest of scientific psychology. Sociological reflections, particularly those aimed at understanding historical phenomena, are also becoming increasingly prominent in contemporary societies.
The Forgiveness and Reconciliation Conference aims to provide an interdisciplinary reflection on the meaning, conditions, and scope of forgiveness in human life across its cultural dimensions—socio-historical and concrete knowledge—with a view to fostering the emergence of the possibility of reconciliation
- Area 1: Agents of Forgiveness: The Question of Mediation. The Intersection of Philosophy and Theology of Forgiveness.
- Area 2: Forgiveness and Culture: The Influence of Historical and Social Conditions on Forgiveness and Reconciliation.
- Area 3: Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Cases of Sexual Violence Rooted in the Abuse of Power and Authority.
Appropriate methodologies: Theoretical reflection on the thematic areas, hermeneutic-textual analysis, and case analysis.
In this congress, only academic oral communication proposals will be accepted and those that do not comply with the deadlines or formal requirements established by the organizing committee will not be accepted.
The criteria of the scientific committee for the selection of the participants for the subsequent academic publication of the results of the congress will be:
- That the contribution fits the theme of the Congress and the thematic areas described above.
- The contribution should be of high academic quality and the foreseeable impact on the field should be high.
- The proposal must be novel.
Online public and presence without certificate (price: Free)
Public that does not participate with communication, but wants a certificate.
Doctors whose communication proposal has been approved by the scientific committee.
Graduate students whose communication proposal has been approved by the scientific committee.
Online public who do not participate with communication, but want a certificate
The scientific committee will receive the communication proposals and will evaluate if they meet the formal and thematic criteria of the congress. If not, the author of the proposal will be informed. In the affirmative case, a blind peer review process will be initiated, the result of which, accompanied by a report, will be communicated to the author within a maximum period of two weeks.
- 14 March 2025 – Deadline for communication proposals.
- 20 March 2025 – Deadline for conference registration.
- 24-26 March 2025 – Celebration of the International Congress on Forgiveness and Reconciliation.
Organizing Committee
- Francesco de Nigris (Chairman)
- Mariele Wulf (Co-presidente)
- Higinio Marín Cánovas
- Santiago Jared Delgado
- Ignacio Sánchez-Portillo
- Gabriel Rodríguez-Rey
- Joan Vianney Domingo
- Felipe Roca Wick
Scientific Committee
- Andrea Bellantone (Chairman)
- Piero Coda
- Carla Canullo
- Giulio Maspero
- John Milbank
- Mátyás Szalay
- Clara Molinero
- Saray Bonete
Monday 24 March 2025
- 2.00-4.00p.m. Reception of speakers and catering lunch in the Square.
- 4.00-4.15p.m Welcome – Prof. Clara Molinero (Director of the Forgiveness Institute), and Prof. Francesco de Nigris (Director of the Forgiveness and Reconciliation Conference)
- 4.15-5.00p.m. Opening keynote lecture: “Unforgivable Sacrifice”, Prof. Joseph Cohen
- 5.00-5.30p.m. Coffee Break
- 5.30-7.00p.m. Lectures:
− “From Justification to Forgiveness: with and eyond Jean Nabert”, Prof. Carla Canullo
−“Forgiving the Unforgivable”, Prof. Mátyás Szalay
Tuesday 25 March 2025
- 9.30-11.00a.m. Lectures:
− “Forgiveness, repentance, sociality” Prof. Mariano Crespo - 11.00-11.30a.m. Coffee Break
- 11.30a.m.-1.30p.m. Lectures. Moderator: Prof. María Rosario González Martín (Cátedra Pro+Tejer. Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
−“Eternity Descends into Time”, Prof. Miguel García-Baró
−“Forgiving – the Last Thing to Do…”, Prof. Mariele Wulf - 1.30p.m. Lunch
- 3.30-5.00p.m. Lectures:
− “Guilt and Forgiveness: A Thomistic Approach”, Prof. Eleonore Stump
−“The Urgency of Conversion and Penance in the Face of the Imminent Apocalypse”, Prof. Ángel Barahona - 5.00-5.30p.m. Coffee Break
- 5.30-5.45p.m. Templeton World Charity Foundation presentation of the “Discover Forgiveness” site
- 5.45-6:30p.m. Lecture:
−“Psalm 22: Lamentation, Poetic Imagination and Forgiveness”, Prof. René Dentz
Wednesday 26 March 2025
- 9:30-11:00a.m. Lectures:
− “ETA Victims and Their Social-historical Conditions for Forgiveness: the Case of ‘Patria’ (2016)”, Prof. Álvaro Abellán
− (Title to be confirmed) Prof. Paula Satne - 11.00-11.30a.m. Coffee Break
- 11.30a.m.-1.00p.m. Closing Lecture:
− “The Times of Forgiveness”, Prof. Andrea Bellantone - 1.00p.m. Lunch
- 3.00-4.30p.m. Communications Round Table
- 4.30-5.00p.m. Coffee Break
- 5:00-6.30p.m. Communications Round Table
- Prof. Carla Canullo (Università degli Studi di Macerata)
- Prof. Mátyás Szalay (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Saint John Paul II. Research Center)
- Prof. Mariano Crespo (Universidad de Navarra)
- Prof. Joseph Cohen (University College Dublin)
- Prof. María Rosario González Martín (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Cátedra Pro+Tejer)
- Prof. Paula Satne (University of Leeds)
- Prof. Andrea Bellantone (Institut Catholique de Toulouse, La Chaire Philosophie du Christianisme)
- Prof. Claudia Mariéle Wulf (Université Saint-Paul, The Centre for Safeguarding Minors and Vulnerable Persons)
- Prof. René Dentz (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais)
- Prof. Miguel García-Baró (Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences)
- Prof. Álvaro Abellán (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria)
- Prof. Ángel Barahona (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Cátedra de Teología Fundamental)
- Prof. Eleonore Stump (Robert J. Henle, SJ, Professor of Philosophy Saint Louis University)