The Faculty of Education and Psychology was established at the end of the academic year 2018-2019. Its objective is to educate professionals in the field of education and psychology who are person-centered and inspired by the UFV mission, seeking to achieve the highest standards of excellence and integrity. Our faculty produces professionals who are qualified educators, teachers, and psychologists. They are trained to contribute to societal transformation by promoting human and community development. The Faculty of Education and Psychology is committed to pursuing its teaching, research, and knowledge transfer activities with an open mind and a dedication to truth and goodness.
The faculty currently offers three university degrees:

- Early Childhood Education
- Primary Education
- Social Education
- Social Work
- Psychology
- University Dual Degree Psychology and Criminology
Furthermore, the academic year 2020-2021 saw the introduction of the university dual degree in Psychology and Criminology. Furthermore, the academic year 2022-23 will see the launch of the university degree in Social Education.
The faculty also offers two university own experts degrees:
- Diploma in Person-Centered Attention to Diversity, designed for students and recent graduates with an education degree. UFV Education students have the option of pursuing this university expert degree concurrently with their undergraduate studies.
- Diploma in Methodology and Innovation in Research. The INICIA program is designed to provide training for young professionals interested in pursuing careers in scientific research. It offers an innovative and international educational approach that covers the philosophical, epistemological, methodological, and technical foundations of the scientific knowledge construction process.
The student body, faculty, administrative and service staff, and service personnel collectively comprise a community that embodies its professional calling as a means of service. Our objective is to create a team that is not only highly knowledgeable in its field but also committed to comprehensive personal development.
Our shared research goal is to enhance our understanding of the individual in all its dimensions from a variety of educational and psychological perspectives. In education, our research activities are primarily focused on the following areas: prevention and bullying, education in virtues, education in leadership, and attention to diversity. In psychology, our research encompasses physiology and neuropsychology, violence, interpersonal conflicts, clinical psychology, and active aging.

The Faculty of Education and Psychology at La Universidad Francisco de Vitoria offers the following university degrees:
- University Degree in Early Childhood Education
- University Degree in Primary Education
- University Degree in Social Education
- University Degree in Social Work
- University Degree in Psychology
- University Dual Degree in Psychology and Criminology
In addition, the Alumni of the Faculty of Education and Psychology can continue their education through other studies offered in other centers of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.
Graduate School and Continuing Education:
- University Master’s Degree in Teacher of Compulsory Secondary Education and Post-Compulsory Pre-Universitary Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching
- University Master’s Degree in Leadership and Management for the Quality of Educational Centers
- University Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology
- University Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology + Expert in Systemic Intervention. Family and couple therapy
Consult the faculty’s calendar and timetable:
- Jorge López González
- Vice-Deanship of Research: Vanesa Sainz López
- Vice-Deanship of Academic Planning and Quality: Elena Bernabéu
- Vice-Deanship of Comprehensive Training: Juani Savall
- Head of Innovation: Nacho Ros
- Directorate of Internationalization: Gretchen Obernyer
- Academic Directorate of Education Degrees: Laura Martín
- Academic Directorate of Psychology Degrees: Clara Molinero
- Members: Dean, vice-dean for research, directors of education and psychology degrees
- Frequency: at least at the beginning and end of each academic year
- Functions: define and evaluate the fulfillment of research objectives
- Members: Dean, vice-dean of academic planning and quality, directors of education and psychology degrees. Responsible for quality of the degrees and technical vice-dean of quality
- Frequency: at least 2, at the beginning and end of the course
- Functions: establish quality objectives for the course, assess compliance with objectives
- Members: Dean, vice-dean for academic planning and quality, degree directors
- Frequency: at least 1 at the beginning of each academic year
- Functions: to report on regulations or academic issues
- Members: Dean, vice-dean for comprehensive training, directors of Education and Psychology University Degrees
- Frequency: at least at the beginning and end of each academic year
- Functions: define and evaluate the fulfillment of comprehensive training objectives
- Members: Dean, director of internationalization, directors of education and psychology degrees
- Frequency: at least at the beginning and end of each academic year
- Functions: define and evaluate the fulfillment of internationalization objectives
- Members: Dean, head of innovation, directors of education and psychology degrees
- Frequency: at least at the beginning and end of the academic year
- Functions: define and evaluate the fulfillment of innovation objectives
- Merche Faust
- Raquel Márquez
- Sara Villalón
- Patricia González
We are recent university graduates with a background in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, and a Master’s Degree in Teaching. We are committed to education because we believe it is a key driver of societal progress.
UFV Magda Arnold Psychology Student Club
The mission of the Catholic Psychology Club at the UFV is to develop training programs for psychology students that address the unique challenges faced by Catholic psychologists in their professional practice. By integrating psychology, Christian anthropology, and faith, the club aims to provide valuable insights and services to the broader community.
First aid for the classroom
Conference on attention to diversity
Protection of minors
Career guidance conference
Seminar Educating in Virtues Affections, alliances, stories for an excellent life
The Encyclical, Laudato Si, as a basis for the Sustainable Development Goals
Our objective is to enhance our collective understanding of the individual in all its dimensions, from a variety of educational and psychological perspectives.
Our research activities are focused on the following areas: prevention and bullying, virtues education, leadership education, personal competencies, attention to diversity, and teaching-learning processes. Furthermore, our research encompasses physiology and neuropsychology, violence, interpersonal conflicts, clinical psychology, and active aging.

- SIMULATION CENTRE: GESELL CAMERASThe UFV University Centre for Advanced Clinical Simulation provides students with the opportunity to practise in a safe and controlled environment, replicating the scenarios they will encounter in their professional careers. It also welcomes healthcare professionals seeking to incorporate simulation into their continuing education using cutting-edge facilities.COMPUTER ROOMSThe laboratories are equipped with PCs that are connected to a network and have access to a WiFi area. Each PC is also equipped with a projector and screen. The laboratories are equipped with the following software packages: Macromedia, Adobe, Office, QuarkXpress, Project, and FrontPage. These resources are available for the development of a range of subjects related to the programs, as well as other subjects.EDUCATIONAL SOFTWAREAll software and programs included in the aforementioned spaces are intended for educational and practical use by students. The software suite includes Macromedia, Adobe, Office, QuarkXPress, Project, and FrontPage; the Adobe Suite; Pro Tools; H; Autodesk Maya; AVID; and Canopus. It also includes Adobe After Effects, Estructure, MAR FOR WIN.TEACHER TRAINING WORKSHOP
» You will complete an internship at one of the over 100 partner centers. Carreras Profesionales will assist you in identifying suitable work experience opportunities during your degree program.
» These internships provide an invaluable opportunity for students to gain initial experience in their chosen field, while also allowing companies to assess their potential.

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