Paula Puceiro 1 FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Paula Puceiro

The Director of the Faculty is responsible for ensuring that the educational ideology of the UFV is effectively implemented in students enrolled at the FCOM. She oversees all university degree programs, university dual degrees, and postgraduate courses offered.

Miguel Ortega FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Miguel Ortega

The objective of this Vice-Deanship is to facilitate the integration of comprehensive training in the Faculty's activities with students and alumni, in alignment with the University's guidelines and the operational plan of the Faculty of Communication.

- Student societies
- Delegates
- Support for ministry activities
- Follow-up of students with more interest in training

Ana del Valle FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Ana del Valle

The Vice-Dean for Teacher Training inspires and ensures the implementation of the Faculty's teaching model by the teaching staff. This model is the image of the pedagogical model of the UFV Train to Transform.

- Teachers in charge of courses
- Training
- Open Reason
- Teaching innovation

Sheila Liberal FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Sheila Liberal Ormaechea

The Faculty's Vice-Deanship for Research is responsible for the promotion of research and the provision of support to lecturers at all stages of their research careers.

- Promotion and development of research centered on the UFV Mission
- Training of FCOM teachers in research
- Scientific journal Comunicación y Hombre
- Management of research resources (congresses, external projects, research stays, etc.)

Javier Davara FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Javier Davara

The Vice-Dean for Academic Management and Quality is responsible for promoting, coordinating and supervising the academic organisation of the Faculty of Communication. This role ensures that teaching excellence and the quality of the academic offer.

- Academic Coordination
- Quality and Evaluation
- Faculty Technical Areas

Sonia Sanchez FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Sonia Sánchez

The Vice-Dean for Internationalization is responsible for the coordination of the internationalization strategy and the promotion of student and faculty mobility through agreements and conventions with universities. The role involves promoting a culture of internationalization across the Faculty's curricular programs and extracurricular activities.

- International mobility
- External projection
- Linguistic internationalization

Javier de la Rosa FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Javier de la Rosa

They are responsible for the Faculty's institutional communication and serves as the director of the UFV's media laboratory, Mirada 21. They oversee the educational ideology of the UFV and the editorial line of the content produced for society.

- FCOM Press Office
- Mirada 21 (UFV Media Lab)
- Peace Correspondents (FCOM Alumni Network)

Humberto Martinez Fresneda FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Humberto Martínez-Fresneda

Director of the University Degree in Journalism.
PhD in Information Sciences and a University Master's Degree in Professional Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid. Professor of Information Technology at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid), where he teaches a range of subjects. Coordinator of the stable research group. “Observatorio de Mensajes Periodísticos.”

Diego Botas FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Diego Botas Leal

Director of the University Degree in Audiovisual Communication.
PhD in Information Sciences from the UCM and a Master's in Humanities from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid). Graduate of the UCM's Image and Sound program. Coordinator of the stable research group. The relationship between image, truth and beauty. Director of AulafotograficaUFV. Director of the magazine Lux&Photo.

Paloma Fernandez FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Paloma Fernández

Director of the University Degree in Advertising, Branding and Communication.
Associate Professor at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid). PhD in Advertising and University Degree in Journalism from the UCM. University Master's degree in Philosophy from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid).
Coordinator of the research group “Observatorio del sector publicitario y nuevas narrativas.”

Pablo Lopez Raso FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Pablo López Raso

Fine Arts and Design Director.
Professor of Contemporary Art at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid). Graduate and Doctor in Fine Arts from the UCM, he received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award 2001 from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UCM. He holds a University Master's degree in Philosophy from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid). His teaching career, both in undergraduate and postgraduate studies, is related to the theory and history of contemporary art. His research interests are "Transcendence and spirituality in art" and "Hermeneutics of the Image".

Clemente Lopez FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Clemente López

Director of the University Degree in Humanities.
PhD in Philosophy and Arts, Modern and Contemporary History section, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Master in Philosophy, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid).
He has been Vice-Rector for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the UFV and is currently Professor of Economic History. His research interests include the military orders from their economic and institutional perspective, the financial history of modern Spain and the cultural origins of nationalism.

Victoria Hernandez FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Victoria Hernández

Deputy Director of the University Degree in Humanities.
Professor of Literature at undergraduate and postgraduate level at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid).
PhD in Humanities from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid). Graduate in German Philology from the Complutense University of Madrid, University Master's Degree in Teaching from the Complutense University of Madrid and University Master's Degree in Humanities from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. Researcher specializing in literary theory and comparative literature in the humanities.

Belen Mainer FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Belén Mainer

Director of the University Degree in Creation and Narration.
Associate Professor. Passionate about research as IP of the Group of Formative Uses and narrative identity of video games at the Francisco de Vitoria University (Madrid) and as a member of the Group of Studies of Popular Culture in the Media Society of the UCM. She specialises in video game theory and communication and digital narrative.

Javier Redondo FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Javier Redondo

Director of the University Degree in Global Communication.
Graduate in Political Science and Sociology (UCM), PhD in Constitutional Law (UCM) and Master in Journalism (El Mundo - Universidad San Pablo-CEU).
Professor at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid), lecturer on the University Master's Degree in Political Action at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid) and columnist for the newspaper El Mundo. His areas of specialization are actors, political processes and communication and the history of representation.

Laura Zazo FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Laura Zazo

Director of the University Degree in Digital Communication.
PhD in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid. University Degree in Journalism from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid), University Master's Degree in Professional Multimedia Journalism from the UCM, University Master's Degree in Educational Accompaniment from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid) and University Master's Degree in Humanities from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid). Researcher specializing in the analysis of new narratives and media in the digital ecosystem, mainly in social networks.

Ana del Valle FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Ana del Valle

Director of the University Degree in Fiction and Narration.
PhD in Humanities, University Master's Degree in Educational Accompaniment and University Master's Degree in Humanities from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid). Graduate in Audiovisual Communication and expert in Multimedia from the Francisco de Vitoria Centre affiliated to the UCM. She has been Vice-Dean of Teacher Training and Student Coordinator of the Faculty of Communication. She teaches on the University Degree in Audiovisual Communication at the UFV and focuses her research on audiovisual hermeneutic practices with an Open Reasoning perspective.

The lecturer responsible for the Faculty of Communication courses acts as a conduit between the University degree management, faculty and student community, represented by its delegates. Their primary objective is to ensure that these communities fulfil the formative purpose of the course, which is aligned with the graduate profile. To fulfil this mission, the department leads cross-departmental projects, maintains feedback loops with students, parents, teachers and management, and seeks to provide guidance and support to the learning community.

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PARA LOS QUE NO ESTAN FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Silvia Ruiz

Finance Controller

Mercedes FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Mercedes Rodríguez

Coordination Secretariats

Alicia FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Alicia Moreno

Coordination Secretariats

Marisa Flores FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Marisa Flores

Pedagogical advisor Humanities Degree: pedagogical advice to online HH degree teachers, coordination, instructional design, digital educational content, administration, creation and technical support of canvas classrooms.

- Undergraduate in Humanities online

Javier de la Rosa FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Javier de la Rosa


Mayra Ambrosio FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Mayra Ambrosio

Community and Press Manager

Isabel Infiesta FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Isabel Infiesta

Head of the Design Department

Patricia Belena FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Patricia Beleña

Directora del Audiovisual Department

Isabel Fdez Pacheco FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Isabel Fdez.-Pacheco

Product Manager

Sergio Aguilera FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Sergio Aguilera

Content Manager

Pilar FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Pilar Peña

Technical Coordinator

Borja FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Borja González

Laboratory Technician

Deiby FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Deyby Fernando

Laboratory Technician

PARA LOS QUE NO ESTAN FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Luz Marcos

Laboratory Technician

Alvaro FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Álvaro Vidales

Laboratory Technician

Claudia Peinado FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Claudia Peinado

Workshop Coordinator

Maria Collado FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

María Gutiérrez

Workshop Coordinator

Patricia Peguero FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Patricia Peguero

Events Coordinator

Cecilia FCom Organizational Chart Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Cecilia Zaratiegui

Events Coordinator

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