Cabecera Escritorio Master Accion Politica University Masters Degree in Political Action and Public Management Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid
Cabecera Escritorio Master Accion Politica University Masters Degree in Political Action and Public Management Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

University Master's Degree in Political Action and Public Management

Edition 2025-26

The University Master’s Degree in Political Action and Public Affairs, which is taught in blended modality of the UFV aims to train the political leaders of the future to transform society. We offer a humanistic proposal oriented towards the common good while providing students with the necessary tools and methodologies for the formulation of strategies and political action.

Our goal is to train leaders for political action, who forge their own path of specialization, through immersive content, with which they interact in a practical and collective way, allowing them to develop a lasting network of people and resources around them. These are students who will work or already work in lobbies, offices of institutions and political parties, think-tanks or research centers or Latin American universities.

The University Master’s Degree offers two specializations connected to two challenges always present in politics: public affairs and electoral campaign management.

More information

    Basic information regarding the protection of your personal data:
    The responsible for the processing of your data is the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV).
    The purpose of the processing is to respond to your request for information about the undergraduate and graduate programs organized by the UFV, to invite you to open days, information sessions and workshops that may help you make a decision about your studies, to keep you electronically informed about current and future programs that may be of interest to you, and to analyze and segment your educational preferences. The legitimacy of the treatment is the consent of the individual by checking the appropriate boxes. If you provide data of third parties through this form, we inform you that you are obliged to inform the interested party of the content of this clause. The applicant is informed that he/she cannot provide information that identifies third parties without their prior consent.
    You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, restriction of treatment and portability by writing to the General Secretariat of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Ctra. M-515 Pozuelo-Majadahonda Km. 1.800; 28223, Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid), or by sending an e-mail to
    For more information, please visit the website:

    I accept and authorize the processing of my data by the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria in order to receive information about current or future courses or programs, open days, orientation workshops and information sessions, as well as reminders of the same.

    I accept and authorize the processing of my data by the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria for analysis and segmentation in relation to educational preferences, as well as the communication to third parties for this purpose.

    Monday to Thursday
    SEPTEMBER 2024
    10 MONTHS

    From November 4, 2024 to June 1, 2025: Online.

    *In-person week in Madrid from June 9 to 13, 2025. Transfers, lodging and meals, insurance not included.

    Political leaders committed to the common good.


    Are oriented towards public service in the political, administrative or third sector, both nationally and internationally

    Wish to develop their political vocation in public administration, consultancy, communication offices, actively participate in politics and develop their political profile within their parties in national and Latin American environments.

    Are interested in professionalizing their career in politics and specializing in public affairs or campaign management.


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    University Master’s Degree in Political Action and Public Management

    Centers where the University Degree is taught
    Faculty of Law, Business and Government

    Branch of knowledge
    Social and Legal Sciences

    Field of knowledge
    Social sciences, social work, labor relations and human resources, sociology, political science and international relations



    Total number of credits:
    60 ECTS credits

    Not applicable


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    Óscar Elía Mañú

    Director of the University Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics.
    Director of the University Master’s Degree in Political Action

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    María Inés Fernández Peychaux


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    Cristina Guerrero


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    Mª de los Ángeles Muñoz


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    Javier Redondo Rodelas


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    José María Rotellar García


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    Adriaan Kühn


    Applicant Profile

    The applicant profile for the University Master’s Degree in Political Action and Public Management is that of a student who has studied Political Science, Sociology, Law or any other university degree related to political science or administration interested in deepening in the field of political activity.

    In case of not accrediting knowledge in social or political sciences, a 6-credit complementary training (Fundamentals of Political Science) must be taken.

    Admission Criteria

    Required documentation:

    • Undergraduate University Degree
    • Academic Transcript
    • Curriculum Vitae

    Additionally, the following will be valued:

    • Other languages from a B2 level

    Admissions Process

    It is not necessary to have completed your unergraduate studies to start the process. Keep this in mind so that you don’t miss out on a place.

    Complete the admission process online through the Applicant Portal.

    • Complete your information in the form and we will send you your passwords by e-mail.
    • Access the Applicant Portal and upload the required documentation.
      • We will review your documentation. Access your Portal to confirm if you have all the documents accepted or if you need to modify any of them.
    • We will contact you to set a date for an interview with the program management.
    • Once you have been admitted, you will have 15 working days to pay the reservation fee. The rest of the amount will be paid at the time of enrollment. The reservation fee will only be refunded in the following cases:
      • If the candidate does not meet the stipulated legal requirements for access.
      • In the event that the student has not completed his or her undergraduate studies by the first day of the month in which the program classes begin (with prior official documentary justification).
      • If the international student does not meet the legal criteria for obtaining a visa.
      • If the program does not open due to reasons beyond the student’s control.
    • The formalization of enrollment is subject to the accreditation by the student in due time and form of the completion of their undergraduate studies with a limit of 10 days prior to the start of the program.
    • It is the student’s responsibility to verify the choice of itineraries and electives.

    International students:

    Students with a foreign university degree must have the university degree approved at the time of admission. For this purpose, the requirements established by the legislation in force at the time of the exam must be followed.

    Universidad Francisco de Vitoria is the University focused on people. For this reason, we value the different circumstances, aptitudes, skills and values of the students who wish to be part of our Institution. 

    Therefore, to pursue your University Master’s Degree studies at the Faculty of Law, Business and Government of the UFV, we offer you a wide range of scholarships and grants that recognize the academic and personal merits of our students, ensuring that financial difficulties are not an obstacle to study with us. 


    We are looking for excellent university graduates with a vocation for service who want to be part of a community of professionals who contribute to and inspire change and the positive transformation of society in the areas of Law, Business and Government.

    If you are Administrative and Service Staff /Teaching Staff or UFV Collaborator. Submit a candidate to the 2024 Call for Applications for the Tomás Moro Scholarships.

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    Career Opportunities

    • Political parties
    • Press offices
    • Think-tanks
    • Research centers
    • Third sector
    • Political campaign management
    • Strategy
    • Organization
    • Team management and development


    Leadership Classrooms

    The IADG-UFV Leadership Classroom, offered as part of the University Master’s Degree in Political Action and Public Management, is an exclusive forum made up of master classes given by top-level political and social leaders who put their experience in government and leadership at the service of the participants.


    The training of leaders for Political Action, is key to contribute and exercise a leadership of service to society. Professionalizing the professional development of people and teams working in lobbies, press offices, communication as well as in political parties, think-tanks or research centers and public administrations.

    The strong theoretical and humanistic base that then evolves into public management and the tools of competition, influence and political participation make it different from other formations.

    The agreement with the Instituto Atlántico de Gobierno (Atlantic Institute of Government) reinforces the presence of active politicians with extensive experience in management and leadership allows through the leadership classrooms in the dialogue and the meeting of MAP students with relevant personalities addressing current issues and challenges.

    Throughout more than twenty editions, it has a consolidated network of alumni in Spain and Latin America who have played and continue to play an important role in local and international politics.


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