Greetings from the Rector

Daniel Sada Castaño


%name Daniel Sada Castaño: Greetings from the Rector Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Daniel Sada Castaño

Rector of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

Dear friend,

First of all, let me congratulate you. The stage of your life in which you probably were not able to make many of the important decisions yourself has come to an end. However, a new stage, possibly even more important than the last, now opens up before you in which, if you want, you will play the leading role.

The decisions you are going to make from today on are the ones that will shape your future: what to study, where to study, what profession to choose, with whom you are going to share your life…. in short, who you want to be and what will be your role in the world.

Our proposal is clear, dare to change you life, make the world a better place as you pass through it, be the main character of your life.

In a few months you will begin what may be the best stage of your life. I hope you take advantage of it, that you squeeze the most out of it, that you learn from your teachers, from your classmates, from yourself and from those who need you the most. That you consider this project as yours, that you feel part of it, that you feel responsible for what happens here, that you participate in the making of the University.

The University is not a product, it is not a service that we offer you. The University is a life experience and that is why, like so many important things, it is very difficult to explain in words. If you really want to get to know us, come and see us, wander our corridors, hang out in our classrooms, chat with professors and students in the cafeteria and live for one day, the true University experience.

If after doing so, you want to join this community, be welcome, our doors are always open to those who want to grow in every way.

 Daniel Sada Castaño on Linkedin
Daniel Sada Castaño on UFV International
Graduation Video
Video about Halls of Residence