The call for grants, scholarships and discounts UFV 2024-2025 is now closed.
The 2025-2026 call will have the following application deadlines:
1st call for applications: from May 5 to June 30, 2025 or
2nd call: from July 10 to 25, 2025.
Some grants have special deadlines, you can check them here
Information about the Banco Santander Excellence 360 Scholarship here
Students enrolled in the Undergraduate Degree in Medicine have access to a range of financial assistance options, including grants, scholarships, and discounts. Please note that while some of the programs have general application deadlines, others have specific application deadlines.
General application deadlines for both newly admitted and already enrolled students
- 1st call from 05/05/2025 to 30/06/2025
- 2nd call from 10/07/2025 to 25/07/2025
These terms apply to:
- Large Family Discount.
- Discounts for Siblings in the University or CETYS.
- Agreement with Collaborating Institutions.
- Discount for collaborating parents in Medicine programs.
- Alumni Discount.
- Financial Aid UFV (this aid can be requested after having completed a full year of the Degree in Medicine at UFV).
- Honor Credit (for final year students)
- Family Hardship Grant (not applicable if not yet a current student).
- Brilliant Academic Record Scholarship (Only for renewal students)
Information regarding the renewal of the bright file for students benefiting from courses prior to 2024 – 2025
Students who were awarded the Brilliant Academic Record Scholarship prior to the 2024-2025 academic year may renew it, provided that they submit a timely and complete renewal request, pass all subjects enrolled in the previous year with a grade of C or higher, and maintain the following averages according to the type of degree (weighted average grade):
- Degree in Medicine: minimum average grade of 8.00. The scholarship percentage will be the one obtained in the first year.
All subjects, including those applicable to the degree, will be included in the calculation of the average grade.
Scholarships for students with an excellent academic record are available for all courses except the final year. For the final year, students may request an “Honor Credit”, which will cover the financial aid requirement while also establishing an obligation for repayment by the student in accordance with mutually agreed-upon terms.
In the event of not being able to renew this scholarship due to failing grades or not achieving the required average grade, there is the possibility of recovering it in the following academic year if the established criteria are met and as long as it is not the last year of the Degree (or dual Degree). This option is available for only once during the duration of the Degree.
Please note that this scholarship is only available to students who have obtained it in their first year of the degree program.
Please be advised that failure to submit a renewal application by the established deadline will result in the scholarship being deemed waived.
Academic Record Brilliant Nemesio Díez Foundation for Medicine
Scholarships with special application deadlines for newly admitted students
- Scholarship for Students with a Brilliant Academic Record UFV for Medicine from 08/07/2025 to 12/07/2025
- Students with a Brilliant Academic Record-Fundación Nemesio Diez for Medicine from 08/07/2025 to 12/07/2025
Six scholarships of up to 100% of the cost of the monthly fees are available for new students admitted to the Degree in Medicine for the 2025-2026 academic year. Please note that this does not apply to the reservation of a place in the Degree in Medicine.
Two of the six scholarships will be granted directly by the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, while the remaining four will be awarded through the Fundación Nemesio Díez.
Characteristics and requirements of the UFV Brilliant Record Scholarship
- Have paid the place reservation fee.
- Overcoming the rest of the merits assessed in the process of Admission to the Degree in Medicine.
- Obtaining at least 13.00 points in the EvAU of ordinary call of the year 2025.
- Single application period (the deadline for the 2025-2026 academic year will be published shortly)
- Application channel through Portal del Candidato, marking the option “Beca de Expediente Académico Brillante”
This document outlines the selection, scholarship award, and renewal process for the two scholarships awarded by UFV.
Based on the above, the selection and scholarship award process will be as follows:
Once the admission process for the 2025-2026 academic year at UFV has been completed, those interested may apply for the scholarship online via the Candidate Portal. Applications must be submitted within the period established by the Study Aid Service on its web page, marked “Beca de Expediente Académico Brillante UFV para Medicina,” and must meet the requirements for this purpose.
The Evaluation Committee, appointed for this purpose, will select the two beneficiary students from among all the candidates. The selected students will be notified via e-mail. The scholarship will be awarded upon confirmation of enrollment. The decision of the jury will be final.
Renewal of the scholarship
Students who are beneficiaries of this scholarship must request its renewal on an annual basis through the University Portal within the period established by the Student Aid Service on its web page by checking the option “Beca de Expediente Académico Brillante” (Brilliant Academic Record Scholarship).
For the purposes of renewal, beneficiaries will be required to meet the following requirements:
- Pass, in the ordinary or extraordinary call, all subjects enrolled in the previous course and obtain a weighted average grade of at least 8.00 points.
It may be renewed during all courses of the degree with the exception of the last for which, in case of economic need, an Honor Credit may be requested to cover part of the cost of enrollment.
Please note that this scholarship is not applicable to higher courses if it was not obtained in the first year of the degree.
In case of not being able to renew this scholarship due to failing grades or not achieving the required average grade, there is the possibility of recovering it in the following year if the established criteria are met and provided that it is not the last year of the degree (or dual degree). This option is feasible by only once during the duration of the Degree.
Characteristics and requirements of Expediente Académico Brillante for Medicine Fundación Nemesio Díez
- To have been admitted to the first year of the UFV Degree in Medicine in the academic year 2024-2025.
- To have paid the reservation fee.
- To have passed the rest of the merits assessed in the process of Admission to the Degree in Medicine.
- Obtaining at least 13.00 points in the EvAU of ordinary call of the year 2025.
- Single application period (the deadline for the 2025-2026 academic year will be published shortly).
- Application channel through Portal del Candidato, marking the option “Beca de Expediente Académico Brillante para Medicina-Fundación Nemesio Díez”.
- Attach IRPF 2024 tax return.
- The total computable income of each member with income will not exceed the limit of the per capita family income of twenty thousand euros (€20,000). The computable income for each member with income will be calculated as follows: general taxable base + savings taxable base – resulting quota.
- For the first time, the discount will be requested for the following courses. Applications will be made through the Portal Universitario.
- Attach a letter of commitment to the activities established by the Fundación Nemesio Díez.
The selection, scholarship award, and renewal process for the four scholarships granted by Fundación Nemesio Díez.
In light of the aforementioned, the selection and scholarship award process will proceed as follows:
Once the admission process to the Degree in Medicine for the academic year 2025-2026 at UFV has been passed, those interested may apply for the scholarship online, through the Candidate Portal within the period established by the Study Aid Service on its web page marking the option “Brilliant Academic Record Scholarship for Medicine-Fundación Nemesio Díez”, provided that they meet the requirements for this purpose.
The UFV will select the six (6) best-positioned finalists from all the applications received and forward them to the FUNDACIÓN NEMESIO DÍEZ, taking into account the requirements.
These candidates must:
- Pass a personal interview with members of the Fundación Nemesio Diez.
- It is expected that you will participate in the activities that the Fundación Nemesio Diez determines. These activities include participation in an annual event and participation in at least two volunteer activities per year.
Those who are awarded the scholarship will receive their resolution via e-mail. The scholarship will be final once the student enrolls. The Jury’s decision is final. For further details on the procedure and formalities related to the application for the scholarship, please contact the corresponding department by e-mail at
Renewal of the scholarship Students who are beneficiaries of this scholarship must request its renewal on an annual basis, included in the last year of the degree program, through the University Portal within the period established by the Student Aid Service on its website ( checking the option “Beca de Expediente Académico Brillante para Medicina-Fundación Nemesio Díez”. For the purposes of renewal, beneficiaries will be required to meet the following requirements:
- Pass, in ordinary or extraordinary call, all subjects enrolled in the previous year and obtain a weighted average grade of at least 7.5 points.
- Obtain positive report monitoring activities by the Foundation.
- Respect the Rules of Coexistence of the University, have no warnings, reprimands or disciplinary sanctions in accordance with the regulations, and be up to date with payments for previous years.
This scholarship is only applicable to the first year of the degree programme and cannot be applied for in subsequent years.
Scholarships with special application deadlines for students already enrolled
- Academic Awards in Medicine from 1/06/2025 to 10/06/2025
These grants are intended for students who have demonstrated academic excellence during the previous academic year. The scholarship is available to students who have completed the first year of the UFV Bachelor of Medicine program. To be considered for this scholarship, applicants must meet the following initial requirements:
- To have enrolled and completed at least 60 ECTS (or academic load equivalent to a full year of Medicine).
- To pass the credits enrolled in ordinary call.
- To have a weighted average grade higher or equal to 7.5 points.
- To be within the top 20% of the best records of the course.
The amount of the scholarship will be recalculated on an annual basis.
The evaluation committee, which has been formed for this purpose, will be responsible for selecting the beneficiaries.
For the Degree in Medicine there are some discounts or grants that are compatible with each other; therefore, those who wish to apply for the Academic Award in Medicine with discount for large family, discount for siblings at the University / CETYS, discount for agreement with collaborating institution or discount for collaborating parents in Medicine programs should proceed as follows:
Through the University Portal, students are required to check the option “MEDICINE ACADEMIC PRIZE” and attach a letter of application for one of the above-mentioned compatible discounts within the established deadlines (01/06/2025 to 10/06/2025). The REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION must be provided in order for us to evaluate the discount.
The Academic Award of Medicine is not compatible with scholarships for a brilliant academic record, scholarships for students of the local area, or financial aid.
Those who have financial need and have doubts about obtaining the Academic Award, should request, by letter and attaching the required documentation, that the Scholarship Committee assess and study their situation in order to be able to grant Financial Aid. The submission of a request for an award does not automatically result in the applicant being selected for an award. The decision of the committee is independent of this process.
- In addition to meeting the eligibility criteria and submitting a timely and complete application, applicants must demonstrate that at least one parent/guardian or the applicant themselves is employed or belongs to one of the specified groups. Supporting documentation must be provided to verify this information. The following institutions are eligible to apply for the Degree in Medicine:
- *Quirón Salud Group (see specific hospitals*).
- *Children of Le Cordon Bleu employees.
From the 22-23 academic year, the Santander Group does not apply for the Degree in Medicine. It does apply to students applying from previous years.
*Hospital Universitario Quirón Salud Madrid, Hospital Quirón Salud Sur, Hospital Ruber Juan Bravo 39, Hospital Ruber Juan Bravo 49, Hospital Quirón Salud San José, Hospital La Luz
Discount for Medical Students whose parents collaborate with the UFV Medical Degree
Students enrolled in the UFV Degree in Medicine whose parent is an Associate Professor, Associate Professor Internship Coordinator, or Clinical Tutor of said Degree at the UFV may apply for the following discount through the Portal and within the established period:
- 10% for the children of Clinical Tutors.
- 20% for the children of Associate Professor Internship Coordinators. This percentage will be set as a limit on the amount to be received as a result of their work relationship..
- 30% for the children of Associate Professors. This percentage shall be established as the maximum amount to be received in consideration of their work relationship.
Main Building, Module 1, First Floor, Room 1.1
Opening hours: Monday to Thursday from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm and from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Friday from 9:30 to 13:30.