CIDE was created within the Faculty of Experimental Sciences of the UFV, on the initiative of a group of professors and students interested in issues related to social issues, science, and development. A student society that through training and networking in international organizations, related to the scientific field, seeks to establish concrete actions to respond to the major social problems posed by this new century.

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Our objective is to train ourselves to have a better knowledge of the world in which we live and to contribute through research to achieve a more just and egalitarian world. We seek to understand the current socio-political environment, as well as research currents and new advances, through direct contact with international organizations and experts in science or diplomacy.

international CIDE Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid


  • Respond to the interest of our students in sustainable development and international cooperation issues, applied to current scientific challenges.
  • To form a community of university students committed to social welfare, developing key competencies in diplomacy, cooperation, social development and scientific knowledge.
  • Open new professional opportunities for the students of the Faculty of Experimental Sciences, expanding their horizons and connections in the scientific and social fields.
  • Promote specific scientific actions to address the major challenges of the 2030 Agenda, from science and for the sustainable future we all want.


Our goal is to form a group of university students who know the world in which they live, committed to social welfare. We are ALWAYS open to proposals of scientific or social topics in which you are interested. Here you can leave us your proposal

Some of the topics we have dealt with are, career opportunities in science, the relationship between the Epstein-Barr virus and multiple sclerosis, and speakers have also come to tell us about their careers and research.

We want to respond to the interest of students on sustainable development and international cooperation in scientific issues while opening a range of professional opportunities through networking. And thus try to establish concrete actions from science to respond to the major problems posed by the 2030 Agenda.

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In the summer we go to the capital of Ethiopia to three houses of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. There we will help in whatever they need, from teaching classes to children, play with them to accompany mothers with newborn babies or play and entertain the disabled mode. The three houses of Mother Teresa are:

  • Sedist Kilo: it’s a very large hospital with patients of all kinds, there is also an area for families with children and pregnant women. In Sedist one can help in many ways, playing with children, listening and keeping company to pregnant women (most of them raped), giving cures and massages to the sick, playing cards or chess with the sick.
  • Asko: it’s a beautiful house with lots of nature where there are women, men and children with disabilities, where our role is to be with them, play, make them laugh and help feed them and change diapers. There is also a summer camp where we give math and English classes to the children.
  • Brothers: it’s a small house where there are disabled men. There we play with them, draw, play music and help with lunch and dinner.

In addition to the humanitarian part, we have a formative part in the mission, every night we have reflection to talk to each other and gradually process and internalize what we live. We do trainings such as a visit to the embassy, the headquarters of Mama Africa or UNICEF, or we receive natives who talk to us about their life and situation in Ethiopia.

mapa CIDE Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid


%name CIDE Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid
Pilar Giménez
%name CIDE Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid
Maite Iglesias


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