ADE Desktop Business Administration And Management Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid
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University Degree in Business Administration And Management



Are you drawn to business? Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit? In a world of technology and constant change, it is essential to know how all areas of a company work (finance, marketing, operations, etc.), taking into account the importance of using data and the possibility of entrepreneurship. With this degree, you will be trained not only to manage companies, but also to manage people.

  • icono flecha Business Administration And Management Estudiar en Universidad Privada MadridDo you want to make decisions with a view across the business?
  • icono flecha Business Administration And Management Estudiar en Universidad Privada MadridAre you looking for a university degree that will train you in the soft skills that today’s businesses demand?
  • icono flecha Business Administration And Management Estudiar en Universidad Privada MadridDoes it say that you are a curious person with a broad view of the world around you?
  • icono flecha Business Administration And Management Estudiar en Universidad Privada MadridDo you dream of being an entrepreneur, leading teams or running a business?

If so... this is the university degree for you!

Want more information?

    Basic information regarding the protection of your personal data: The responsible for the processing of your data is the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV).
    The purpose of the processing is to respond to your request for information about the undergraduate and graduate programs organized by the UFV, to invite you to open days, information sessions and workshops that may help you to make a decision about your studies, to keep you informed electronically about current and future programs that may be of interest to you, and to analyze and segment your educational preferences. The legitimacy of the treatment is the consent of the person concerned by checking the boxes provided for this purpose. If you provide data of third parties through this form, we inform you that you are obliged to inform the interested party of the content of this clause. The applicant is informed that he/she may not provide information that identifies third parties without their prior written consent.
    You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, restriction of treatment and portability by writing to the General Secretariat of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Ctra. M-515 Pozuelo-Majadahonda Km. 1.800; 28223, Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid), or by e-mail to You can consult the extended information on the web:

    I accept and authorize the processing of my data by the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria in order to receive information about current or future courses or programs, open days, orientation workshops and information sessions, as well as reminders of the same.

    I accept and authorize the processing of my data by Universidad Francisco de Vitoria for analysis and segmentation in relation to educational preferences.

    This is the training that will set you apart from the rest

    ONLY at the UFV will you study this degree with a unique and innovative methodology in Spain with which you will learn through challenges and practical cases to acquire a 360º vision. The College UFV bets on the integration of knowledge and trains you, in addition to your degree in Business Administration, in the fundamentals of other sciences such as Law, Economics and Government to be able to solve the challenges of a complex, changing and global society


    To complement your education, you will simultaneously pursue a minor of your choice, which will help you specialize professionally.

    Do you have doubts about studying a university degree in Business Administration and Management?

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    Why is UFV the best option to study Business Administration?

    You will study this degree with a practical and innovative methodology unique to UFV, based on the challenge and integration of sciences (law, business, government and economics). This profile is highly valued by companies and few professionals possess it.

    You will study at one of the best university campuses in Europe and you will have at your disposal the most modern facilities: Business Simulation Center, Innovation Center, Sports Center, Language School, swimming pools, food trucks and much more!

    Your classes will be very hands-on from day one and you will learn using the case method. You will work on transversal projects and business simulators that bring you closer to the real world. You will also attend lectures by experts, visit companies and go on trips* to areas of political, economic and cultural interest.

    You will learn from great teachers and professionals such as Margarita Álvarez, , named by Forbes as one of the 50 most powerful women in Spain and one of the 10 most influential managers; Tomás Alfaro, former board member of BBVA; Carmen López-Suevos, former customer experience manager at Vodafone; and Sonia Demet, innovation consultant at Barrabés.

    You can do professional internships at companies such as Deloitte, BBVA, Vodafone, SAS, IBM, Movistar, Mapfre, Oracle, etc. And if you want to become an entrepreneur, you can start your own business atCentro de Emprendimiento UFV, accompanied by expert mentors in the Lean Startup methodology.

    And the best part! You will live an unforgettable experience eon a campus full of life, with thousands of spaces to share and enjoy. You can become an excellent speaker in the debate society, be part of the Investing UFV society, sign up for theater, go on missions, participate in hundreds of activities, or be part of one of the university’s sports teams.

    *In general, academic trips are not included in the tuition fee. The terms and conditions of each academic trip will be detailed by each Faculty or School of Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. The possibility of making these trips is subject to changes and variations in the destination and duration, as well as in the convenience of their realization. The destinations listed on the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria website are for information purposes only and do not constitute a contract between the student and the University. Universidad Francisco de Vitoria reserves the right to make modifications, updates, cancellations or changes at any time and without prior notice.

    100% of students find jobs after graduation

    With this degree, you will acquire skills that are highly valued in the job market, such as decision-making, versatility, teamwork, critical thinking;; understanding the need for convergence between the technical and the human. With our methodology, you will be able to enhance your individual talents while learning to work in a team and to have a deep and global vision in a university campus located in a unique enclave. This complete training means that 100% of our students find work after graduation in Spanish and foreign companies.

    Professional Internships in Companies

    From the Careers Department at UFV, we offer more than 5,000 agreements with national and international companies and institutions, so that you can take your first steps in the world of work. You will be able to do professional internships in law firms, banks, consulting firms and multinationals.

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    Perez Llorca Business Administration And Management Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid


    8,4 / 10

    in international
    experience of
    our students

    Source: 2024 undergraduate student experience report.

    We have more than 200 exchange agreements so that you can study at a university in America, Europe or Asia, where you will discover other ways to innovate and apply biotechnology for the benefit of society. In addition, at the UFV campus you will live on campus with students of different nationalities.

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    At UFV, you will find the great answers to human existence, you will understand how your profession contributes to the common good, and you will become a leader capable of making the best decisions to “revolutionize” any company. Throughout your studies, you will study liberal arts subjects, understanding that it is essential to integrate the technical with the human and that “managing companies is managing people”.

    college ufv Business Administration And Management Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

    Price of the University Degree in Business Administration and Management Academic Year 25/26

    Any questions?


    Scholarships and Grants

    UFV is one of the universities with the highest percentage of scholarship students. We are committed to supporting our students and value academic excellence, talents, and the particular circumstances of each student. OurStudy Grants Service offers an ambitious scholarship and grant program to ensure that financial considerations do not prevent students from pursuing their studies at our university.

    imagen apartado becas grados Business Administration And Management Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

    Career Opportunities

    The degree in Business Administration and Management is a degre with multiple professional opportunities, among which are:

    • Commercial Management
    • Operations Management
    • Financial Management
    • Strategic Marketing Management
    • Sales Management
    • Purchasing Management
    • Sourcing Manager
    • Product Manager
    • Brand Manager
    • Entrepreneur of your business
    • Account Executive
    • Key Account Manager
    • Financial Controller
    • Digital Marketing
    • Customer Relationship Analyst
    • Strategic Planning
    • Consumer Insight
    • Business Intelligence

    Title of the University Degree:
    University Degree in Business Administration and Management

    Centers where the Univeristy Degree is offered:
    Faculty of Law, Business and Government

    Branch of knowledge:
    Social and Legal Sciences

    Field of knowledge:
    Economic sciences, business administration and management, marketing, commerce, accounting and tourism



    Total number of ECTS credits:

    Not applicable

    Number of new admission places offered:

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