The call for grants, scholarships and discounts UFV 2024-2025 is now closed.
The 2025-2026 call will have the following application deadlines:
1st call for applications: from May 5 to June 30, 2025 or
2nd call: from July 10 to 25, 2025.
Some grants have special deadlines, you can check them here
Information about the Banco Santander Excellence 360 Scholarship here
Application period for Disability Scholarships of the Community of Madrid: from March 20 to April 9, 2025, both inclusive.
More information here.
Call for applications for general MINISTRY scholarships from March 24 (from 8 AM) to May 14 (until 3 PM). Information here
The Universidad Francisco de Vitoria is a university with a strong focus on its people. For this reason, we consider the diverse circumstances, aptitudes, skills, and values of students who wish to be part of our institution.
The UFV Study Aid Service offers a comprehensive range of scholarships, grants, and discounts, enabling over 30% of its students to benefit from these financial support measures, thereby facilitating their access to one of the most esteemed private universities in Madrid. We endeavor to ensure that no individual with a genuine aspiration to pursue their studies at the UFV is prevented from doing so due to financial constraints. To this end, we provide comprehensive assistance in identifying and securing a range of financial aid options.
Grants, scholarships and discounts can be requested through Portal del Candidato (for newly admitted students) or Portal Universitario (for students already enrolled at UFV).
This task must be completed by the established deadline. To do so, simply enter your user name and password and follow the instructions provided.



Central Building, module 1 (C1), floor 1, room 1.1.
Opening hours: Monday to Thursday from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm and from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Friday from 9:30 to 13:30
1. I'm a new student applying for a grant. What are the requirements?
To apply for a grant, applicants must have previously taken the Admission Test and been admitted. It is advisable to consult the general conditions and requirements for each type of aid, scholarships, and discounts published on the web. Please refer to the conditions here.
2. Do I have to reserve a place to apply for a scholarship?
You must pay the reservation fee. This way, we’ll consider your application.
3. Do I have to enroll to get aid, scholarships, or discounts?
The application for grants, scholarships, and discounts is separate from other university processes. New and renewal students must meet the Study Aid Service deadlines.
4. How do I get grants, scholarships, and discounts?
New students must apply for scholarships through the Portal del Candidato. Enrolled students do this through the Portal Universitario.
Do it by the deadline. Enter your username and password and follow the instructions.
5. When is the grant application deadline?
You can apply for a scholarship, grant or discount in one of the two deadlines established for the 2024-2025 academic year:
1st Call: from May 6 to Sunday, June 30, 2024.
2nd Call for applications: from July 10 to 25, 2024.
Some grants have a special deadline. Read the relevant section carefully to see the dates.
6. If I took the test before the deadline but got in after, what happens?
You can apply outside the deadline if you have a good reason. Submit applications to the University’s Registration Department, Study Assistance Service. Use an official form and include all required documents.
The UFV Scholarship Committee decides which students get scholarships. It will assess the applications after it has reviewed all the ones that were submitted on time.
7. Can I apply for more than one grant or scholarship?
No. Only one type of aid, scholarship or discount is available per academic year.
8. So, can I get more than one grant?
In general, the principle of incompatibility between scholarships, grants, and discounts shall apply.
9. Can I apply for a scholarship without my final high school grades?
For scholarships requiring specific grades, the final grades must be attached. To this end, the application deadlines have been aligned with those for obtaining the most common grades (bachillerato, EBAU, etc.). This will enable you to ascertain with greater certainty whether you are eligible to apply.
10. Do I have to finish Bachillerato and take the EvAU in the same year I apply to university?
In the case of scholarships that require academic performance, this is the standard procedure. Should you commence your university degree in September 2024, you will be required to have completed the second year of Bachillerato and to have taken the EvAU in June 2024.
11. I’m an international student. Can I get a scholarship?
Students from other countries who wish to pursue their studies at UFV may apply for the Brilliant Academic Record Scholarship, provided they meet the established academic requirements. Furthermore, applicants must present the official documentation that accredits access to the Spanish university (Homologación de Bachillerato, Credencial UE or PAU by the UNED for foreign studies). Documentation presented for the scholarship evaluation must be the same as that presented for legal access to the university.
There are also other scholarships and discounts for international students that you can see here
12. These agencies have long deadlines for issuing documents. What can I do?
In this case, we advise you to contact Homologation Student Services, a company with expertise in the technical studies of predictive grade point averages for bachelor’s degrees. This is relevant if your legal access to the university is through the homologation of the undergradauate degree. You can visit their website or via email
This average provides a predictive grade that is similar to the one you will receive upon official homologation from the Ministry of Education. Therefore, the grades will be indicative, but in no case binding. This study must be submitted during the designated application period to allow for a comprehensive evaluation of your candidacy.
If you are seeking admission to the university through the European Union Credential, you are required to present the UNED Credential in a timely manner and in the prescribed format.
13. I am not an international student, but my high school diploma was obtained outside of Spain. What documentation do I need to submit?
In order to apply for the Brilliant Academic Record Scholarship, you must present the official documentation that accredits access to the Spanish university system (Homologación de Bachillerato, Credencial UE).
14. Due to the late delivery of grades by my educational institution, I have been unable to meet the established deadlines for applying for the scholarship. What options do I have?
In this case, we advise you to contact Homologation Student Services, a company with expertise in the technical studies of predictive grade point averages for bachelor’s degrees. This is relevant if your legal access to the university is through the homologation of the undergradauate degree. You can visit their website or via email
This average provides a predictive grade that is similar to the one you will receive upon official homologation from the Ministry of Education. Therefore, the grades will be indicative, but in no case binding. This study must be submitted during the designated application period to allow for a comprehensive evaluation of your candidacy.
If you are seeking admission to the university through the European Union Credential, you are required to present the UNED Credential in a timely manner and in the prescribed format.
15. I would like to apply for UFV Financial Aid despite the fact that I have not yet filed the IRPF 2023 tax return with the Tax Authorities. Would it be possible for my application to be assessed based on the previous year's tax return?
If you intend to apply for financial aid, it is advisable to file the income tax return for the current fiscal year. You can make this declaration beforehand or wait (as long as the application period is still open) to request your aid once you have proceeded with this procedure.
Exceptionally, the aid could be assessed with the IRPF of the previous year (fiscal year 2022), however, the Study Aid Service reserves the right to subsequently request the documentation it deems appropriate for verification of this, and may, if necessary, revoke the aid granted if discrepancies or incompatibility with current regulations are observed.
16. When will I know if I've been awarded a scholarship, aid, or discount?
The final answer to your application depends on several factors. Among them:
- Type of scholarship, grant or discount you are applying for (bear in mind that some grants, such as the UFV Financial Aid, require a more complex and rigorous study and must go through a Scholarship Committee).
- That you have submitted all the necessary documentation (you should bear in mind that for certain documentation we depend on other external bodies: schools, selectivity, Tax Office, etc.). In this sense, if you are going to apply for a type of scholarship that requires you to submit your tax return, we recommend that you submit it as soon as possible. Also, do not forget to submit your grades as soon as possible.
- In the case of renewal students or higher courses, it is necessary to have the final grades (1st or 2nd call).
If these parameters are met, the Study Aid Service is committed to respond as soon as possible.
17. What tuition fees are covered by grants, scholarships, and discounts?
Grants, scholarships, or discounts are typically applied to the cost of tuition, with the exception of the registration fee and the initial payment of tuition. In the event that a grant is applicable in a different manner, the relevant details can be found on the corresponding webpage.
18. Can I get a cash discount (prompt payment) with other grants, scholarships, and discounts?
Yes, the cash discount is compatible with all grants, scholarships and discounts.
19. If I pay in cash before aid is applied, how is the scholarship applied?
The Administration Department will issue a letter to families informing them of the administrative rules. The letter will indicate that, in this case, the family must request a refund of the amount granted by UFV to the financial department.
20. Can I apply for the grant, scholarship or discount every year?
Certain grants and scholarships are available for application each year of the degree program, with the exception of the final year. One such example is the UFV Financial Aid and scholarships for a brilliant academic record. In the final year of the degree, students may apply for an aid called “Honor Credit,” which covers a portion of the enrollment costs and requires repayment by the student. To determine which of our grants and scholarships are subject to this requirement, please refer to our website or contact our department.
Please note that the granting and/or maintenance of grants is contingent upon the fulfillment of the conditions established for each grant.
21. Can I get a scholarship from the public bodies if I study at a private university?
Yes, you can apply for scholarships from public agencies such as the General Scholarship of the Ministry of Education for university studies (offered by the Governments of Navarra and the Basque Country for students from those Communities) or the Excellence Scholarship of the Community of Madrid. The level of compatibility is determined by the public organization and may be total or partial.
22. Are there any limits to grants, scholarships, and discounts?
At Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, we are committed to assisting our students in reducing tuition costs. A significant number of them receive scholarships, which contribute to making our education accessible to a diverse range of students. A fund has been set aside for this purpose, and scholarships, grants, and discounts will be awarded in accordance with the fund’s economic availability.