Disseminating neurodegenerative diseases in "Los Libros de Bruna"

What is Neurodivulgaciencia?

This project is co-funded by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology – Ministry of Science and Innovation and, in an informative and rigorous way, aims to reach the younger public to explain the most prevalent neurological diseases in our society.

Through “Los Libros de Bruna” [Bruna’s Books] we want young people to understand what happens when our nervous system fails and the role that society plays in the lives of those affected. Thus, in this project we present the book “Los libros de Bruna: El Alzheimer explicado a los niños” [Bruna’s Books: Alzheimer’s explained to children] and the book “Los libros de Bruna: El Parkinson explicado a los niños” [Bruna’s Books: Parkinson’s explained to children].

We intend to reach the most curious members of society, who are flooded with questions about what they observe in their environment. We want to awaken the desire of to learn more about the world of neuroscience in a fun and entertaining way and through active learning.

We seek to make visible the universe of Neuroscience, the possibilities that our children can dream of to get to know it and deepen the progress on what we know today about the different neurodegenerative diseases.

Which Bruna's books are available?

  • Los libros de Bruna: El Alzheimer explicado a los niños.
  • Los libros de Bruna: El Parkinson explicado a los niños.

Where can I buy them?

los libros de bruna alzheimer 1 Neurodivulgaciencia Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid
los libros de bruna parkinson Neurodivulgaciencia Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

But... Who is Bruna?

Bruna is our protagonist. She is 8 years old and through her curious eyes we will discover great things about the brain and diseases as well-known as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease.

Bruna bailando ufv fecyt Neurodivulgaciencia Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

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About us

inmaculada pereda perez ufv Neurodivulgaciencia Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Inmaculada Pereda Pérez

I graduated in 2009 in Biological Sciences from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM). Thus, among bugs, plants and cells, I was fascinated by the world of the brain. Thousands of questions arose in me, which led me to study the Master in Neurosciences at the UAM and then to do my PhD in Psychobiology at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). Many years of specialization allowed me to work in different countries conducting experiments in the best laboratories in Portugal and Germany in order to learn how stress can be one of the triggers to cause premature cognitive impairment or even relate it to Alzheimer’s disease. Science consists of questions to be answered and if you come up with any plausible theory you must make it reach the population. That is why I have published the results obtained in more than a dozen international scientific journals, participated in as many research projects and have devoted my last ten years to university teaching and why not? now to children. I have also written the book “El mapa del cerebro: Un paseo anatómico por la máquina de pensar” [The map of the brain: An anatomical walk through the thinking machine)]. We all have curiosity and the right to know.

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Julián Romero Paredes

Julián Romero Paredes holds a PhD in Pharmacy (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) from the Complutense University of Madrid. He also has a degree in Ecclesiastical Sciences (Bachelor of Theology) from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. He has extensive teaching and research experience, especially focused on diseases of the nervous system. Throughout his professional career, Dr. Romero has undertaken residencies in national and international centers, such as the University of Cantabria, Brown University (Providence, Rhode Island, USA) and the Medical College of Wisconsin (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA) and has been a staff researcher at the Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón. His research work has resulted in the publication of dozens of articles in international journals, as well as several book chapters. He has also coordinated research projects uninterruptedly for the last 20 years and has supervised several doctoral theses. He is currently Academic Director of the Degree in Pharmacy at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, where he has been a professor since 2000. He has been president of the Spanish Society for Research on Cannabinoids and his research group maintains collaborations with groups and companies in Spain, Great Britain, the United States, Israel and Italy, among others.

juan pablo romero ufv Neurodivulgaciencia Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Juan Pablo Romero Muñoz

Juan Pablo Romero Muñoz is a Neurologist and has a PhD in Neurosciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. He has completed subspecialty training stays at the University of Montpellier (France), Columbia University (USA), Southwestern University (USA) and University College London (UK). Dr. Romero is a professor at the Faculties of Pharmacy and Medicine of the University Francisco de Vitoria and is head of the neurorehabilitation research group on movement disorders and brain damage, as a result of which he has published dozens of international articles and has led several projects in the field of neurorehabilitation of neurodegenerative diseases and acquired brain damage. His work is markedly translational as he is a neurologist at the brain injury unit of the Beata María Ana Hospital in Madrid.


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*Proceeds from the sale of the books will be used for research in Biomedical Sciences