The Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC) of the Francisco de Vitoria University is an ordered set of activities and its purpose is to respond to various needs

  • Facilitate the monitoring of the deployment of the UFV’s Mission through its Quality Policy in the areas of the scope of the quality system itself.
  • Comply with the requirements established in the national legislation required for official degrees.
  • Comply with the aims and purpose of quality systems in the European Higher Education Area, in accordance with the document Criteria and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), approved by the Conference of Ministers in May 2015.
  • Provide information of interest to all groups related to the degrees, useful for both decision-making and accountability. Specifically, the IQAS generates information about the results that have been obtained in relation to the commitments made.
  • To drive the responsible bodies towards the improvement of the teaching-learning processes, and the resources allocated to them, in order to achieve the graduate profiles foreseen in the training programs

Quality policy

The Quality Policy lists the University’s commitments in relation to quality. It is based on the pillars of our Mission

  • Centrality of the person
  • We are community
  • Community search for truth, goodness and beauty
  • Comprehensive training
  • Synthesis of knowledge
  • Service to the common good
  • Personal and community support

In order to comply with these pillars, the Quality Policy is based on the following fundamental principles

  • Excellence
  • Comprehensive training
  • Services and resources
  • University community
  • Continuous improvement and learning
  • Transparency and accountability

The ultimate goal of the quality policy is to achieve the comprehensive training of the people who make up the university community, providing society with true seekers of truth and goodness

Quality manual

  • The Quality Manual of Universidad Francisco de Vitoria is the framework document to implement, review and improve the Quality Assurance System, in accordance with the requirements of the SISCAL Madri+d model for the certification of the Internal Quality Assurance Systems of the university centers in Madrid.
    Quality Manual
  • The process map of the Internal Quality Assurance System of the Francisco de Vitoria University is a graphic representation of the procedures carried out by the institution to ensure the deployment of the Quality Policy of the University, in accordance with the requirements of the Foundation for Knowledge Madri + d.
    UFV IQAS process map
  • The procedure for the publication of public information establishes the way in which the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria makes public information related to the centers, degrees and programs it offers for the knowledge of its stakeholders.
     Procedure for publication of public information

IQAS is deployed at the University, Faculty and Degree levels.


Vice-Rector's Office for Academic Management, Quality and Entrepreneurship:

Ensures the dissemination of quality culture and good practices, effectiveness, efficiency and functionality of services, projects and processes for the development of the organization. Coordinates and accompanies the entire community in the generation and implementation of systems that facilitate the management, evaluation and analysis of the results of the university’s activities, all based on constant learning and continuous improvement.

Institutional Quality and Evaluation:

It accompanies the centers and degrees in the implementation and maintenance of the Internal Quality Assurance System. It is part of the Vice-rectorate for Quality and Organizational Transformation, which favors the integration of the technological area and quality assessment. Its main functions are:

  • To provide the appropriate means to offer the service that the degrees and departments need.
  • To respond to the suggestions for improvement received.
  • To review and update the system periodically.
  • To disseminate the UFV Quality System so that it is easily understandable and can lead to improvements in the degrees.
  • To facilitate decision-making through different instruments that allow diagnosing and designing actions aimed at continuous improvement

UFV Quality Commission:

The aim of this committee is to share the status of the implementation of the IQAS with those responsible for each center, detect common areas of work, and establish a collaborative network to facilitate the management of processes. The result of this Committee is the detection of the annual quality objectives and assessment of the validity of the Quality Policy. The members of the UFV Quality Committee are:

  • Vice-Rector for Academic Management, Quality and Entrepreneurship or person delegated by him/her, who chairs the committee.
  • Vice-Deans of Academic Management and Quality of the centers.
  • Director of the Department of Institutional Quality and Evaluation.

Those responsible for quality and those responsible for other vice-rectorships, departments or areas may also be summoned to form part of the Committee when the agenda so requires.

Vice-Rector for Faculty and Training Model:

It supervises the processes of faculty selection and teaching planning; it prepares and supervises the accompaniment of faculty and plans for monitoring, development, training, improvement, recognition and promotion; it collaborates in the design of the processes of evaluation of the teaching activity of the faculty managed by the Vice-Rector’s Office for Quality and Organizational Transformation and supports the preparation and implementation of improvement plans and monitors them, in coordination with the Vice-Rector’s Office for Academic Management, Quality and Entrepreneurship

Docentia Program:

This is a teaching performance evaluation program that is promoted and managed by the Vice-Rector’s Office for Faculty and Academic Organization in coordination with the Vice-Rector’s Office for Quality and Organizational Transformation. Its main functions are:

  • Promote the improvement of university quality, convening annually the faculty to an evaluation of the performance of their activities in order to enhance pedagogical reflection in the teaching staff and enhance the integration of their performance in the mission of the university.
  • Coordinate the systematic and permanent process of collection, analysis, interpretation and assessment of relevant information about the teaching work.
  • Implement training and professional development programs that meet the real needs of the teaching staff.
  • Encourage the improvement of the teaching activity of the teaching staff through the recognition of the quality of the work developed.
  • Complete the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) in the aspects related to the quality of teaching with a global perspective of the activity of the professor.
  • Carry out the monitoring and improvements necessary for the proper functioning of the Program


Vice-Dean for Academic Management and Quality

To guarantee, together with the Dean of the center, the organization of the teaching activity, the proper functioning of the administrative services and budgetary control, the availability of the necessary resources and the implementation of the internal quality assurance system and the continuous improvement of quality at the center level.

Monitoring Committee for the degrees of each center:

The aim of this committee is to identify the center’s quality objectives, prioritize and define transversal actions in relation to these objectives. To identify these quality objectives, the committee must analyze its risks and opportunities and the main indicators, and share the status of the center’s degrees, in terms of compliance with the commitments of the quality aims and improvement plans.
Each center establishes the composition of this committee for better alignment with its management and decision-making bodies.


Degree Quality Manager

Collaborates with the degree director and represents him/her in the tasks corresponding to the design, implementation, maintenance and improvement of the processes of the internal quality assurance system that favor the improvement and excellence of the degrees and the human and material resources linked to it.

Quality Assurance Committee of the degree:

The aim of this committee is to assess the correct development of the degrees and their results, through specific proposals for improvement from the point of view of the different stakeholders involved in accordance with the Quality Policy. The members of the Quality Assurance Committee of the degree are: the Quality Manager, the Director of the degree, a representative of the administration and services staff, a student representative of the degree and, optionally, a member of the department of quality and institutional evaluation, according to the needs of the degree.

Vice-Rector's Office for
Academic Management,
Quality and

Contact the Vice President's Office for Academic Management, Quality and Entrepreneurship

    The purpose of the processing is to respond to your request for information about master's degree programs organized by UFV, to invite you to open days, information sessions and workshops that may help you make a decision about the studies you are going to take and to keep you promptly informed about current and future programs that may be of interest to you by electronic means. The legitimacy of the processing is the consent of the person concerned by checking the boxes provided for this purpose. If you provide data of third parties through this form, we inform you that you are obliged to inform the interested party about the content of this clause. The applicant is informed that he/she cannot provide information that identifies third parties without obtaining their prior written consent.
    You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, suppression, opposition, limitation of treatment and portability by writing to the General Secretariat of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Ctra. M-515 Pozuelo-Majadahonda Km. 1,800; 28223, Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid), or to the e-mail
    For further information, please visit the website:
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