6th SIMUFV 2024 PHOTOGRAPY COMPETITION: ‘La Ilusión’ (Illusion)

UFV Image Week 2024

CEF Photography Contest Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid


The panel of judges voted to select the following winners by category:

Winner, Black and White Category:
Fran Fernández – Rayando el sol

Winner, Color Category:
Luca Hasselberger Barberá – ¿Origen?

Winner, AI Category:
Javier García de la Torre – La ilusión de cumplir un año más.

Canon/UFV Award for the best photograph:
Luca Hasselberger Barberá – ¿Origen?

The winners will be informed by email and invited to attend the awards ceremony during SIMUFV 24.
Many thanks to all participants and congratulations to the winners.



Participation is open to all amateur and professional photographers regardless of nationality.


‘La Ilusión’ (Illusion)

The Real Académia Española gives two definitions for the word ‘ilusión’ in Spanish:

  • Concept, image or representation without true reality, suggested by the imagination or caused by deception of the senses..
  • Hope whose fulfilment seems particularly attractive

Under these two definitions, the contest aims for the photographer to delve into the deep into meaning of this word in any of its aspects. Seeing illusion as a positive engine that drives, cheers… or as something devoid of reality, a deception, a “trompe l’oeil” for the understanding of those who observe the image.

The contest will consist of three categories:

  • – Black and white
  • – Color
  • – Artificial Intelligence (Images created using Artificial Intelligence)

A maximum of 4 photographs per category may be submitted. The technique will be totally free, except for the restrictions established by the CEF regulations for each of the themes.

The same photograph may not be submitted in different categories. Authors who do not comply with all the conditions of participation and/or have not paid the entry fee will not be evaluated by the Jury.

All images in sections A and B will be of photographic origin. Works made using Artificial Intelligence will only be admitted in category C. The organization may request the raw files of the photographs used.

3.-Presentation of images

Only digital files will be accepted. The images will be in jpg format, with a maximum size of 3000 x 2000, with a resolution of 254 pixels, not exceeding 2 MB. The color space recommended is SRGB.

The winning photographs will remain the property of the Asociación Fotográfica Aula Fotográfica UFV for its photo library. The association reserves the right to reproduce them freely for (catalogs, posters, press, reports, etc. …..), without profit and always citing the name of the author. The contestants certify the authorship of their works and are fully responsible for the absence of third party rights, as well as any claim for image rights, of the works submitted.

4.- Signing up and submitting the photographs

In order to participate in the contest, the image submitted must be related and be a reflection of the named theme. Images that do not meet the technical, thematic and participation requirements will be automatically rejected.

To participate in the contest, sign up by sending an email to simufv@ufv.es with the subject “Photography Contest”. You will then be provided with a link to Dropbox to send your images to. Images must have a title, date and place where it was taken. A maximum of 4 images per category may be submitted. The name and surname of the contestant must be provided in the email. The winner will be notified personally via email.

Failure to respond within a maximum period of 7 days, implies the waiver of the prize.

In any case, the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria reserves the right to disregard any images that, even if they are among the selected ones, are considered not to meet the quality requirements.

The contestants accept that, once the contest is over, the images submitted will be used by the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria for the diffusion of different activities/events, without ceding the authorship but ceding the image rights.

The files of the images will be identified only with the title of the work. A brief biography of the participants must be submitted.

5.- Subject and format of the photographs

The subject matter of the images submitted to the contest must refer to the concept of illusion in all its meanings and encourage the viewer to reflect on this theme, but with an artistic quality.

The organization reserves the right to eliminate all images that do not meet this requirement.

By uploading the image, the participant guarantees that the photograph is his/her intellectual property, taking sole responsibility for it.

The organization will also discard images that constitute or raise suspicion of being a photographic montage. Changes in the adjustments of contrasts, saturation, levels, etc., are allowed.

In the event that people appear in the image, the participant guarantees that he/she has the express consent of the people portrayed in the image submitted to the contest. The responsibilities that may arise from such image will be solely and exclusively for the participant who has uploaded it to the space reserved for the contest, being the organization exempt from any liability.

In the same way, the images that illustrate interior spaces will have the corresponding authorization.

The Francisco de Vitoria University may at any time request the authorization of third parties appearing in their images.

The organization reserves the right to discard any images that are offensive or that show any type of discrimination.

6.- Participation rights

The participation fee will be €20, regardless of the number of photographs submitted. Payment will be made by platform, whose link will be provided once the pre-registration is completed.

7.- Prizes

  • Canon/UFV Prize – Canon photographic printer and CEF Gold Medal and 250 Euros, to the best photograph.
  • B/W Section: CEF Gold Medal and 250 Euros
  • Color Section: CEF Gold Medal and 250 Euros
  • AI Section: UFV Diploma and 250 Euros*

The cash prize will be subject to current tax legislation, applying the legally established withholdings.

*The AI categpry is not recognized in the regulations for prizes/awards and distinctions awarded by the CEF.

8.- Panel of Judges

The panel of judges is made up of prestigious photographers both nationally and internationally, whose decision is final. The jury is composed of: Jesús Manuel García Flores. FIAP liaison officer with distinctions MCEF/b, EFIAP/b – Member of the jury body of the CEF. Montserrat González. President of the Spanish Confederation of Photography with distinctions ECEF, ESFIAP – Member of the jury body of the CEF. Diego Botas Leal. Photographer and Academic Director Degree in Audiovisual Communication. Universidad Francisco de Vitoria Juan Gabriel García Huertas – Photographer and Director of UFV Photography Classroom Daniel Sastre, Photographer and Education Segment Manager of Canon Iberia.

9.- Notifying winners

Once the panel of judges selects the winner, the winner will be informed, indicating the prize won, as well as the day, time and place of the official award ceremony via email. If the organization does not locate the winners within 5 days of the judges’ decision, the organization will have the exclusive power to decide whether to re-allocate the prizes by choosing a new entry or to declare it void.

10.- Intellectual Property

The participants retain the copyright of the images that compete, regardless of whether they are awarded a prize or not. However, they consent to their use by the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.

11.- Cancellation of the contest

The Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, as the organizing company, reserves the right to modify or cancel the contest at any time, if circumstances so require, without being able to hold the organizing company responsible. However, the company undertakes to communicate through the website and social media its cancellation.

12.- Exclusion from the contest

The Universidad Francisco de Vitoria reserves the right to exclude those participants who do not fully or partially comply with the requirements established in these rules. Likewise, the university will disregard participations when there are indications that fraudulent methods have been used.

13.- Catalog

A printed and PDF catalog with the finalists’ photographs will be published.

14.- Schedule

Start date: December 1, 2023
Deadline for admission: February 18, 2024
Jury’s decision: February 25, 2024
Notification of the decision: February 29, 2024
Exhibition: March 4 to 11, 2024 at Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
Catalogs: from May 31, 2024

Opening of the exhibition with the winning works and awards ceremony:
The exhibition with the finalist works will be held from March 4 to 11, 2024 at the Communication building of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid. Participants will be notified via email and on our website https://www.ufv.es/semana-de-la-imagen/#concursos.

15.-Acceptance of the terms and conditions

Participation in this contest implies the acceptance of each and every one of the rules of the contest and the final decision of the panel of judges. Any situation not foreseen in these rules will be resolved by the Organization. NOTES: By the mere fact of submitting his/her images or files to a Salon under FIAP Sponsorship, the participant accepts without exception and without objection, that the images submitted may be investigated by FIAP to establish if they obey FIAP regulations and definitions, even if the participant is not a FIAP member; FIAP will use any means at its disposal for this undertaking; and any refusal to cooperate with FIAP or any refusal to submit to the original files, capture by camera, or lack of sufficient evidence, will be sanctioned by FIAP and that in case of sanctions following non-compliance with FIAP regulations, the entrant’s name will be disclosed in any form useful for reporting breaches of the rules. It is recommended to leave the EXIF data in the submitted files intact in order to facilitate eventual investigations.

16.- Organizers:

Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

Aula Fotográfica UFV

Carretera. Pozuelo Majadahonda, km 1.800