“Education for transformation” requires the development of leading research. The Centre aims to develop rigorous and interdisciplinary research covering the complexity of character and virtue from a wide range of disciplines, like ethics, education, and psychology, from empirical (qualitative and quantitative) and theoretical developments. The Centre’s research is continuously conducted on real-based education. The research is promoted in leading academic journals, books, and doctoral theses on education in virtues, character, and values. The Centre’s research is developed closely with other institutions devoted to character and virtue education.
The CEV devotes a research line to the study of critical issues on character foundation and the fundamentals of the moral psychology that grounds virtue ethics and virtue education. More specifically, the main research topics of this research line are focused on a) the different types of virtues and their relation (with special emphasis on specific virtues, like practical wisdom or phronesis, among others) and b) the affective and emotional integration in virtue, moral development and moral life. The research is developed interdisciplinary, above all on the crossroads of ethics or moral psychology, education and psychology, from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. This line of research is also devoted to a further development of the Center’s framework.
This research line is devoted to the study of contemporary models of leadership, with special attention to character-based models. The VEC is developing its proper leadership model, the so-called Leadership of Positive Action (López González, Fernández Espinosa, Ortiz de Montellano 2023), and which considers leadership as a character virtue. This model of leadership informs several courses and programs of our Center. This line of research is further developed by the research group “Leadership Education”, gathering scholars from Francisco de Vitoria University and others higher education institutions.
There is an increasing awareness of the need for character development in job performance and, thus, an emerging demand for virtue and character in professional contexts. Studies of professionalism and professional ethics show that professional performance and career success require technical competencies (some kind of knowing how) but also having and developing specific character traits and ways of being. In this context, this research line focuses on developing virtue and character in professional settings. In particular, it is not (only) generally focused on the relevance of character and virtue in professional contexts, but it is conceived in continuity with the character formation that the Centre promotes in other educational levels, above all to character education in the university. Character and virtue-based professional ethics are developed on every degree’s professional specificity. Consistently, this research line is devoted to research and development on professional character and virtues for students from every degree, and university professors and faculty members who teach in these different degrees.

Our Projects
The research lines of the Virtues and Values Education Centre nurture different Research Projects in due course, covering as well different educational stages. The projects involve researchers and academics from the Francisco de Vitoria University and from other universities
The Leaders of Character Program
The Leaders of Character Program (LCP) is a virtue and character-based leadership program for university students that promotes the acquisition of virtues and character traits for responsible leadership. The program’s virtues are purpose, prudence, humility, temperance, resilience, gratitude, service, and hope. The program is linked to a research project that researches the program’s contents, its educational insights, and the empirical assessment of its impact.
1. Educating Cyber-Wisdom and Cyber-Virtues
This research project is devoted to the study of adolescent’s use of social networks. Specifically, it is focused on how adolescents take moral decisions (and which types) when using the social networks; their reactions when facing a moral dilemma when using social networks; and to explore the development of a behavior model and relationship, through social networks and the Internet, based on moral and phronetic (wise) decision making, informed by different virtues such as honesty, compassion, sincerity, respect, generosity, moderation, truthfulness and empathy.
2. Enhancing Virtue and Flourishing in Different Social Environments
This Project is developing a character education program for school leaders and students for a network of schools (465 schools) in Mexico.
Project ECVA
This project is developed in the European Character and Virtue Association, with different scholars from different universities. It pursues to spread character education in teachers and families. The main objective of this research project is to assess the attitudes and beliefs of parents and teachers in Spain regarding character education in schools, and to compare these findings at the national and international levels.
Project with schools in Spain, Argentina, Chile & Mexico
This research project applies the ACE (Association for Character Education) accreditation to several schools of different countries.
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Arthur, J. & Fernández Espinosa, V. (2023). En vista del fin excelente: La educación del carácter en las universidades. McGraw Hill.
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Fernández Espinosa, V. (2022). Pedagogía y virtudes. La excelencia en el camino del amor. Didaskalos.
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Fernández Espinosa, V. & De Ribera Martín, I. (2023). La odisea de la autoridad. Vocación y tarea del maestro. Didaskalos.
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López González, J., Picazo Villaseñor, N. & Adrián Martínez, E. (2023). Liderazgo de acción positiva. Octaedro.
Fernández Espinosa, V & López González, J. (2023). Virtues and Values Education in Schools: A Study in an International Sample. Journal of Beliefs & Values, DOI: 10.1080/13617672.2022.2158018
López González, J., Fernández Espinosa, V., Ortiz de Montellano, S. (2023). A Virtue-Based Model of Leadership Education. Journal of Moral Education, DOI: 10.1080/03057240.2023.2218058
López González, J., Crespí, P., Obispo-Díaz, B., & Rodríguez Barroso, J. (2023) Theoretical and Methodological Foundation of a Self-Perception Scale on Personal Competencies and the Cardinal Virtues. An Exploratory and Pilot Study. Journal of Beliefs & Values, DOI: 10.1080/13617672.2023.2254630
Fernández Espinosa, V & López González, J. (2023). The Effect of Teacher Leadership on Students’ Purposeful Learning. Cogent Social Sciences 9 (1), 2197282, DOI: 10.1080/23311886.2023.2197282
Fernández Espinosa, V. (2021). Education Through Literature. Awakening the Moral Imagination in Secondary Classrooms. Revista Española de Pedagogía 79, pp. 372-373.
López González, J. Vulnerability and Perfection: The Failures of St. John Henry Newman. Journal of Disability & Religion 25 (1), pp. 15-26.
De Jesús, R & Fernández Espinosa, V. (2023). Un análisis comparativo del estudio psicológico de la virtud entre la psicología positiva y una antropología cristiana. En Martín Echevarría y Fernando de los Bueis (Eds.) Virtud, Psicología y Salud Mental. El aporte de la concepción cristiana de las virtudes a la psicología. Dykinson. https://doi.org/10.2307/jj.1866761
Domingo, V. (2023). Ética de las virtudes y virtudes contemporáneas. In Fuentes, J. L., Fernández Salinero, C. & Ahedo, J. (eds.) Avances sobre la pedagogía actual. Propuestas de educación cívica y educación del carácter. Dykinson. Forthcoming.