Workshop for the design of the action plan. Ambassadors of Character Colegio Everest Chile.

During these days, the management team and the team of character ambassadors of Colegio Everest Chile participated in the workshop for the design of the action plan to ensure that character education permeates the different areas and aspects of the institution. This workshop is part of Stage 2 of our program Teachers in Focus: Integrating character education and virtues in educational practice. It follows after having gone through a diagnostic process in which strengths and areas for improvement were identified in the 4 areas of our 360º approach:

Seeing Character, Thinking and Teaching Character, Acting Character, Well-being and Teacher Leadership.

In this stage of the program we seek to identify the particular needs of the institution in order to build on the areas of improvement based on the strengths. We thank all those who were part of this milestone, especially to: María Soledad Cruz, Ignacia Lobo, Paulina Cooper, Ana María Vicuña, Nicolás Villablanca Riquelme, Valentina Brunner, Marcela Gutiérrez, Marcela Ibarra, Francisca Jara Prieto, and Francisca Jara Prieto.