City- internships:
1. Summer 2023 Programs – Admissions now open
Admissions for all 2023 programs are now publicly open.
Early access applications for our flagship programs – the 8-week, cohort-based, summer-only Global Accelerator Programs held in London and New York – were the highest in our 12-year history.
Given this, and three or so years of pent-up student interest, we expect all Summer 2023 programs to fill shortly.
Interested students should apply at their earliest opportunity via:
As a reminder, all CI programs center around an 8-week placement with a leading employer, in one of 9 career fields and one of 20 cities across the globe, paired with our proprietary Career Navigator and Future Leader training courses.
Beyond offering experiences of a lifetime, our experiential education programs are designed to maximize first job and first decade career outcomes. After college, CI alums secure graduate-level employment 3x faster and earn starting salaries 30% higher than their peers.
2. 2023 CI Student Aid Fund – Secure awards now
Our in-house student aid fund provides financial assistance (of up to $2013 USD) to all participating students.
Students may calculate and secure their student aid award before submitting a CI program application via:
Recruinting Erasmus

You are currently on or have had university studies abroad, either with an Erasmus grant or a similar international program.
All foreign students who have chosen Spain as exchange destination and want to take the leap into the world of work here, or return to your own country with the help of one of the partner companies.
Language courses and preparation for official examinations

Learn English online, in the classroom or combining the two is possible with EF.
Global Village Programa for future leaders of business and industry

Enjoy a leadership program at Lehigh University, United States, with the participation of over 100 young university students from countries all over the world. This is mainly directed at 3rd and 4th year students taking bilingual business studies and the different double degrees including business.
Access the video by the professor Tomás Alfaro recounting his experience at Global Village in 1 minute here.
Erasmus in School

Erasmus In School is a portal where you can find work and volunteer opportunities for language assistants at schools all over the world. A language assistant is a native speaker who supports the teacher in the classroom and acts as an ambassador for their culture through teaching languages.
Working as a language assistant is an excellent chance to acquire teaching experience in another educational system, learn another language and acquire abilities you can apply to any professional field, such as: leadership, public speaking, creativity, organisation and developing social skills.
Erasmus In School also offers grants for €750/month and (return) travel costs for assistants.
Vulcanus in Japan

Vulcanus in Japan is a program offering participants the opportunity to undertake industrial traineeships in Japan. The traineeship period starts in September and end the following August, to match the academic calendars of EU countries. Students will receive:
- A one-week seminar in Japan.
- An intensive course in Japanese lasting 4 months.
- 8 months of training at a Japanese company.
Vulcanus in Japan

The European Union and its institutions are one of the most important sources of international traineeships. Almost all the most important EU bodies (European Commission, European Parliament, European Council, European Central Bank…) have traineeship programs aimed at students/graduates. Many of these schemes are remunerated and they offer a unique opportunity to discover these institutions from the inside.
You can find information about the traineeship opportunities at each institution at the following.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Access information about the latest jobs offered at international organisations.
ICEX International Relations grants

ICEX grants represent a great opportunity for those interested in developing an international career, especially in the world of foreign trade. They offer theoretical and practical training for 3 years:
Year 1: Master’s in International Company Management.
Year 2: One year of remunerated training at an OFECOME (Economic and Trade Office) at a Spanish embassy abroad.
Year 3: One year of remunerated training at companies and institutions with international activity, or at international bodies.
The application period is usually between April and May.
European Voluntary Service

This is an international volunteering program financed by the European Commission, which offers young people aged between 17 to 30 the chance to have a volunteering experience abroad.
The volunteering stays are for a duration of between 2 and 12 months. The volunteer receives lodging, subsistence, language support, medical insurance, return travel, specific training and a modest monthly allowance for personal expenses (“pocket money“).
To be able to participate, the volunteer needs to have the support of a sending organisation in their country of residence and a host organisation in the destination country.
You can view all the organisations registered at the Program (both sending and receiving) at the following.
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs helps Europeans aspiring to start businesses to acquire the skills necessary to successfully create and/or direct a small or medium-sized company in Europe. The new entrepreneurs acquire and exchange knowledge and business ideas with experienced business people, with whom they stay and collaborate for periods between 1 and 6 months. The stay is partially subsidised by the European Commission.
To participate in the Program, the first thing you have to do is look for a “local contact point“ from among the many in Spain.
You can find the list of local contact points here.
Gallen Symposium (Switzerland)

Each year, the St. Gallen Symposium (Switzerland) brings together 600 current leaders and 200 potential leaders to discuss a specific issue. The next edition of the Symposium will take place on 7 and 8 May 2020 with the topic “Freedom revisited”.
Participants must submit an essay (in English) on a specific topic. The students selected can attend the Symposium (expenses-paid). There will also be a prize of 30,000 CHF (about €25,000) for the 3 best essays.
DAAD grants for study/training travel (Germany)

The German Academic Exchange Service (“DAAD“), through its Information Centre in Madrid, offers grants for study/training trips to last between 7 and 12 days directed at groups of 10 to 15 university students matriculated in the 2nd quarter of a bachelor’s degree or higher.
There are 3 schemes each year:
- Until 1 February, for trips to start from 1 June (DAAD decision: mid-April).
- Until 1 May, for trips to start from 1 September (DAAD decision: mid-July).
- Until 1 November each year, for trips to start from 1 March of the following year (DAAD decision: mid-January).
More information about study travel.
More information about traineeship travel.
EIFFEL excellence grants (France)

Eiffel excellence grants are awarded by the French government and aim to attract the best foreign students to undertake master’s or doctoral studies at French universities.
To apply for an Eiffel grant, the student must have the advance support of a French university (a student cannot submit an application unilaterally).
GoEuro: €2000 to study abroad

If you are thinking of studying in some European country over academic year 2019/2020 and need some extra money, GoEuro, the travel platform allowing users to find and book trains, buses and flights all over Europe, offers: 10 grants for students who wish to study in another European country, and 2 prizes to be raffled for the Instagram competition among participants in our photo and video competition.